Radiant Whispers

All we have to comfort, guide us and sustain us in this straggling path called life are the radiant whispers that we grasp as a distant “sunrise of wonder” in our spiritual practice, in great works of literature, music, art, and in nature and blue skies. These are the Radiant Whispers. That's what this podcast is about. We will talk about culture and society, about ancient and modern history, literature and art with dramatized readings of poetry, fables, theatre, novels and stories. Subscribe -let's find radiant whispers everywhere.

Canticle Of Brother Sun, by St Francis of Assisi

This is a modern, versified version of the original text by St Francis of Assisi, written in medieval Italian 800 years ago, in 1225. As a great mystic, St Francis calls all of nature to praise God: the sun, the moon, the wind, the fire, the water, the stars and the earth are our brothers and sisters, praising God with their natural virtues. I closely followed the English translation published by the Franciscan Fathers on their website (https://franciscanfriarscresson.org/the-canticle-of-the-sun/ ). Still, I have made it more musical and more accessible to memorise, with rhymes and cadences. The Canticle of Brother Sun is a simple and precious prayer that deserves to be memorised and kept in mind because praising God with all his creatures is always timely and appropriate. This modernised version is a passionate rendition that I hope will inspire you. Listen to it with me in prayer, and leave a comment to let me know what you think. This adaptation and rendition of the text Gabriel Porras Programme voiced, recorded and produced by Gabriel Porras at www.gabrielvoice.com and www.radiantwhispers.com Music: Pneuma, by Adrian Disch, at musicbed.com. Used with license. Cover created by Ricardo Gil, ricardo@scrav.com Listen to more prayers like this and other important stories and topics at www.radiantwhispers.com Please support me by subscribing, commenting and sharing this content with others.


No one can do you better than you, by Lisa Nichols

This is a beautiful and inspiring text by Lisa Nichols, a hymn to human resilience. It is part of her excellent “Speak and Inspire” course at www.mindvalley.com (https://home.mindvalley.com/quests/en/speak/intros/4). If you want to give yourself a precious gift, it is well worth buying an annual subscription to take this game-changing course from Lisa and many more equally valuable ones. In Mindvalley, you will find a thousand paths through which your mind and spirit can travel to grow and shine like the sunrise. It's so worth it! This program was recorded and produced by Gabriel Porras, who lives at gabrielvoice.com and radiantwhispers.com. Cover by Ricardo Gil, ricardo@scrav.com Music: "Midnight Forest" by Syouki Takahashi on Pixabay.com Cover image: North Shore, Waialua, Hawaii Photo by Brannon Naito on Unsplash Used under licence. If you find this recording inspiring, comment and help me create more content like this. Subscribe now because more inspirational writing like this will continue to come. (Visit the channel here or my site at radiantwhispers.com, and you'll find dozens more to blow your mind. Don't miss them!)


I Bind Unto Myself Today (St Patrick's Breastplate)

Join me to pray together every morning this powerful prayer known as "The Breastplate of St. Patrick," which was written in the 9th century in Ireland. I invite you to pray this prayer every morning with passion, surrender, and eagerness, believing that God will transform your day. This prayer is not for the timid or half-hearted, as it requires genuine conviction and a belief that our prayers can reach beyond the walls of our room. How big is your faith? How big are your goals and aspirations? Pray this prayer with all your heart for seven days and be amazed. Listen to more prayers and important topics and stories at www.radiantwhispers.com. Also, please support me by subscribing, commenting, and sharing this content with others. Thank you! Programme voiced, recorded and produced by Gabriel Porras at www.gabrielvoice.com and www.radiantwhispers.com Music: The circle of life, by The Circle of Life @artlist.io. Used with license. Photo: Morning Sunrise at Lake Kawaguchi and Mount Fuji. Yamanashi, Japan Copyright © 2022 Wallpapers13.com Cover design by Ricardo Gil, ricardo@scrav.com Again: Listen to more prayers like this and other important stories and topics at www.radiantwhispers.com Please support me by subscribing, commenting and sharing this content with others.


Psalm 27, Prayer Of The Aborted Baby

Psalm 27 from the Bible was written over three thousand years ago by King David, "the sweet singer of Israel". It is a profound prayer of praise to God and a plea for protection and comfort in the most troubled and challenging of times. David contemplates the most outrageous and cruel destiny he can imagine: that of a child deliberately abandoned by his parents. "Even if my father and mother abandoned me, you will take care of me"... even if something as unimaginable and unnatural as being deliberately abandoned by his parents were to happen to him, even if the natural and biological order were to be so twisted, God would take care of him. Even if his father and mother conspired to abandon him. That is why I put his prayer on the lips of every aborted baby boy and girl. Text: The Voice (VOICE)The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. Adapted and read by Gabriel Porras for radiantwhispers.com and gabrielvoice.com. Production: Gabriel Porras and Andre Sosa @drorangeacademy Cover by Ricardo Gil ricardo@scrav.com Music: "Purify" by Embrace at artlist.com. Used with license.


Luvina, by Juan Rulfo

A jewel of Spanish-language literature, quintessentially Mexican and universal at the same time. The story of a town that is all dust, loneliness and silence “where sorrow makes her nest”. Original story by Juan Rulfo read by Gabriel Porras Translation by Stephen Beechinor Production: Gabriel Porras and Andre Sosa @drorangeacademy Cover design by Ricardo Gil ricardo@scrav.com Music: La Guanábana, by Los Parientes de Playa Vicente, from the album América Afroíndigena at freemusicarchive.com


Why celebrate Christmas?, by Nicky Gumbel

Every year, Christmas is the greatest celebration around the globe. No other event makes us get together as families and friends like Christmas. And yet, Christmas is also the worst time of the year for millions of lonely, hurting people. Commandeered by businesses and restaurants, Christmas celebrations often obscure Christ, whose birth is the original and best reason to celebrate Christmas. Find out why the birth of Christ deserves to be celebrated with all your heart. Programme presented and produced by Gabriel Porras at gabrielvoice.com and musmullosradiantes.com Text: Nicky Gumbel Nicky Gumbel is the creator of the Alpha Course, which is a beautiful and warm introduction to Christianity. Over 26 million people have taken the Alpha Course in over 100 countries. Nicky graduated in Law at Cambridge and in Theology at Oxford. He worked as a barrister before becoming a writer and preacher. Join an Alpha Course near you here: https://alpha.org.uk/try You can also do it online. Cover created by Ricardo Gil, ricardo@scrav.com with AI at www.bing.com by Microsoft Music: "Handpanophone" by David Charrier is from his album Ephemeral on artlist.io. Sound effect: Clean high bell ring, license Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) https://orangefreesounds.com/


If Hamas Wins, We All Lose

Reducing the conflict in Gaza to a question of Palestinian-Israeli differences is an unforgivable mistake. The conflict that has been raging in Gaza for decades is the conflict between Islam and world civilisation, that is, between Islam and you and me, and each and every one of us who are not yet under Islam: not only Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Newagers and Hindus. Also homosexuals, transsexuals, feminists, atheists, agnostics, science, education, technology and progress and welfare for all. All this is lost if Hamas wins, and Islam advances. Programme written, presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, at murmullosradiantes.com. Cover created by Ricardo Gil, ricardo@scrav.com Image by Vectonauta at www.freepik.es Music: "Gone with the winds", by Veaceslav Draganov (Picture) on artlist.com. "Jericho at Dusk", by Alon Peretz (Three Middle Eastern Cities), on artlist.com "Ruhi", by Meriem Ben Amor, on artlist.com Links and references: On how Hamas rewards its soldiers with girls as young as nine years old, see these photographs: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hamas-wedding-girls/ On Islam's hatred of women, and how it promises a paradise of luxury and sex to Hamas soldiers and Islamism, listen to these past episodes: "Islam hates women": https://soundcloud.com/murmullosradiantes/el-islam-odia-a-las-mujeres "Is paradise a luxury brothel?": https://soundcloud.com/murmullosradiantes/el-paraiso-es-un-burdel-de-lujo On the dangerous stupidity of the masses: https://soundcloud.com/murmullosradiantes/el-peligro-de-la-estupidez-mr-sc-esp A long and detailed collection of Hamas abuses on this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Hamas#Press_restrictions On the despicable sexual violence of Hamas’ attack on 07 October: https://youtu.be/2l3EbRiDATE?feature=shared Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of one of the founders of Hamas, appears in multiple YouTube videos, such as this one: https://youtu.be/H9WEcvrWvyo?feature=shared His experiences and perspectives on the workings of Hamas appear in a book entitled "Son of Hamas": https://amzn.eu/d/ff29BB7 and a film entitled "The Green Prince": https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/video/detail/B00YRUA3QU/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r On Hamas soldiers shouting "Allah is victorious" as they behead and rape innocent Israelis on October 7, 2023: https://youtu.be/SmivUM0tlwc?feature=shared A passionate article by Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, which inspired me to write this episode: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20126/hamas-nazis Photos of Mufti Husseini reviewing troops and having tea with Hitler can be seen here: https://youtu.be/ou0EgaK49Ak?feature=shared


The Daydreams of Atheism

My atheist friends love to cite Immanuel Kant, David Hume and Voltaire as leading thinkers who opened new horizons for humanity, freeing it from the religious prejudices that had enslaved it for centuries. But things were very different, and the writings of these three influential thinkers provided a framework that supported the slavery and exploitation of non-European races more than anyone else. We examine the great ambiguities of the Enlightenment and the main myths of atheism, such as The Myth of Progress, The Myth of Human Rationality and The Myth of Human Goodness, with a discussion of Steven Pinker's "Enlightenment Now". Programme written, presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, professional voice actor (gabrielvoice.com). Cover design: Ricardo Gil (ricardo@scrav.com). Music: "Joking Together", by Michele Nobler/Memory Tapes @artlist.io "Alive and Well", by Campagna/Hello Love @artlist.io The inspiration for this programme comes from a debate between Steven Pinker and Nick Spencer, titled "Have science, reason and humanism replaced faith?", available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ssf5XN5o9q4?feature=shared Nick Spencer published a well-argued article entitled "Atheist Fairy Tales: exposing secularism's major myths" on Premier Unbelievable: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/topics/atheist-fairytales-exposing-secularisms-major-myths/12200.article Francis Collins, the director of the Human Genome Project, published a book entitled "The Language of God", in which he makes a strong case for the existence of God.


Jack and the Beanstalk, by Roald Dahl

Jack and the Beanstalk, by Roald Dahl This version of the classic children's story is way funnier... and it rhymes! Roald Dahl is a genius: his plot twists are mind-blowing, and that ending too! Brace yourself for a laugh-out-loud journey. Presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, professional voice actor (gabrielvoice.com). Cover design: Ricardo Gil (ricardo@scrav.com). Copyright Roald Dahl Story Company Ltd Roald Dahl Nominee Ltd, 1982 Puffin Books, Penguin Random House 1984 Illustration: Quentin Blake, 1982 ISBN: 978-0-141-37885-5 (Treat yourself to a copy. It's a beautiful book!) Visit the great Roald Dahl's website here: www.roalddahl.com Music: "Jay C”, by Synthet from the album Free Synthet! at freemusicarchive.org Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Sound effect: bbc.co.uk – © copyright BBC


Snow White and the seven dwarves, by Roald Dahl

A much funnier version of the children's story we all know...and written in rhyme! Only the fantastic Roald Dahl could twist the end like this. Get ready for a hilarious adventure! Presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, professional voice actor. Copyright Roald Dahl Story Company Ltd Roald Dahl Nominee Ltd, 1982 Puffin Books, Penguin Random House 1984 Illustration: Quentin Blake, 1982 ISBN: 978-0-141-37885-5 (Treat yourself to a copy. It's a beautiful book!) Visit the great Roald Dahl's website here: www.roalddahl.com Music: "Gypsy Bill”, by Ofer Koren and The Hill Bullies, at artlist.io


What Jesus taught and why, by Paul Johnson

A lucid and easy-to-understand view of how ground-breaking Jesus' message was in his world (and ours). Jesus once said that the greatest display of love is sacrificing oneself for your friends, but by "friends," he meant every single person, regardless of our differences in nationality, race, religion, opinion, age, gender, blindness, or wisdom. Understand how and why we all fit in his comforting embrace. Credits: Programme produced and recorded by Gabriel Porras at gabrielvoice.com and radiantwhispers.com Cover: Jesus walks on the waters, image generated by artificial intelligence ai-generated-7922881_1280 at pixabay.com Music: "Devotion", from The Pilgrimage Series, Part 1 on artlist.io Text: "What Jesus taught and why" is a chapter from the beautiful book Jesus: a biography from a believer, by Paul Johnson. Copyright © Paul Johnson, 2010 ISBN 978-0-670-02159-8 Biblical passages taken from The Message, Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson


Is paradise a luxury brothel?

According to Islam, Paradise is a luxury brothel. As many as six Suras (chapters) of the Quran are devoted to this notion, with sensuous descriptions of steamy pleasures for those who gain entrance. And these descriptions are further enhanced by numerous hadiths. Sadly for all of us, only terrorists who die in jihad qualify for immediate access, which explains why they are so eager to blow themselves (and others) up. And Muslim women are not invited to Paradise because they would only spoil the party for the men. Credits and references: Programme written, produced and hosted by Gabriel Porras at gabrielvoice.com and murmullosradiantes.com Cover: "The Believer's Dream", by Achille Zo (1870). Musée Bonnat, Bayonne Music: "Qanun al-Tarab" and "El Arte de Escuchar" by Gnawledge, from their great album Granada Doaba on freemusicarchive.org. Buy it on Bandcamp! "Undeniable", by Ketsa, on freemusicarchive.org. "Devotion", from The Pilgrimage Series, Part 1 on artlist.io. "Reflections Eastern", from Master 1, on freemusicarchive.org. Texts quoted from the Qur'an: "those who deserve paradise occupy themselves with delightful things": 36:55. Description of paradise and the Huris: 55:66-76 "The pious will be in a place of safety": 44:51-57 Description of paradise and the Huris: 56: 15-37 Eternal mancebos "like hidden pearls": 52:24 For the original sources of the Qur'an: W. Tisdall, The Original Sources of the Quran Hadiths of al-Bukhari and others: Paradise is in the shadow of the sword: Sahih al-Bukhari 4:52:73 Muhammad is not guaranteed salvation: Sahih al-Bukhari 5:58:266 Women with "desirable frontal passages" and men with penises that do not become flaccid: Sunah Ibn Majah, 5:37:4337 Believers will receive the sexual potency of a hundred men: Jami at-Tirmidhi 4:12:2536 What will the Day of Judgment be like? Sahih al-Bukhari 8, Book 76, hadith 577; Bayhaqi Every pacifist Muslim is a hypocrite: Sahih Muslim; Sunah Abu Dawud 2502. Book 15, hadith 26 Official Islamic biography of Muhammad: The Life of Muhammad, a translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, with introduction and notes by A. Guillaume. Karachi, Ameena Saiyid, Oxford University Press, 23rd impression 2010. History of the invasion of Kaybar in which Muhammad has a Jewish leader tortured and burned: Sirat p. 510-19; History of al-Tabari VIII, p. 122, 123. Tafsir of Ibn Kathir: To occupy oneself with "delightful things" means "deflowering virgins": Ibn Kathir IX, 383 Tafsir al-Khalalalayn, Surah Jaseen verse 55 https://i.redd.it/ga0ox7sd2a851.jpg https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/12frh1x/deflowering_virgins_quran/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CritiqueIslam/comments/hjec12/proof_that_men_are_rewarded_virgins_that_they/ The story about Ayatollah Khomeini’s thesis on copulation with chickens I read in the wonderful and very moving book Reading Lolita in Teheran, by Azar Nafisi. Read it! A very interesting article on the religion of the Vikings: https://scandinaviafacts.com/did-vikings-have-to-die-with-sword-in-hand-to-reach-valhalla/


Islam Hates Women

A billion women live under the shadow of Islam today (that's almost one in eight human beings walking the planet today). And all the evidence from fourteen centuries of Islamic history and theology points to the uncomfortable fact that Islam hates women. We examine numerous texts from the Qur'an and hadiths of Sahih al-Bukhari to illustrate the thesis. Credits and references: Programme written, produced and hosted by Gabriel Porras at gabrielvoice.com and radiantwhispers.com Cover: Carte Portale 532 - Jeunes Filles Arabes, by Lehnert & Landrock at zeno.org/bildpostkarten/m/ Music: "Broken", by Michael Vignola at artlist.io "The Art of Listening", by Gnawledge, from their album Granada Doaba at freemusicarchive.org Texts quoted from the Koran: Distribution of inheritances: 4:11 and 12. Islam is the "perfect" religion for all mankind: 5:3 What to do with women "who commit unlawful sexual acts" (and those who are raped): 4:15 and 24:2 Men are superior to women: 4:34 Commentaries (tafsir) of Al Qurtubi, Al Tabari, Ibn Hajar: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Wife_Beating_in_the_Qur%27an https://www.al-islam.org/tags/tafsir Hadiths of al-Bukhari: Most of the inhabitants of Hell are women, and they are deficient in intelligence and devotion: Sahih Bukhari 1:6:301 It is not permissible to mourn a woman for more than three days: Sahih Bukhari 1:6:310 Not to whip the wife as a slave: Sahih Bukhari 7:62:132 The beaten woman who sought help from Aisha: Sahih Bukhari 7:72:715 Hadith on the benefit of drinking camel urine: Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 233, and Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1671. Hadith on the wings of flies: Sahih Bukhari 4:54:537 and also Sahih Bukhari 7:71:673. You can learn more about Bukhari here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahih_al-Bukhari Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Ayaan has written several books, among them "Infidel", about her own story and her flight from Islam, and "Heretic", about the reformation that Islam needs today. Visit his website here: https://ayaanhirsiali.com The quote read comes from: "Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now", http://www.openthemagazine.com/article/nation/why-islam-needs-a-reformation-now


The Cross And The Machine, by Paul Kingsnorth

Paul Kingsnorth is an English intellectual and environmentalist who has written novels, essays and poetry, contributing to publications such as The Guardian, The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, Le Monde, New Statesman, Granta and BBC Radio and Television. His spiritual quest was passionate and diverse. As he says, The Cross and the Machine is "an essay-length account of my journey from atheism to Orthodox Christianity, via Buddhism, witchcraft and other strange twists." It is a beautiful, lyrical and revealing text. The Cross and the Machine originally appeared in First Things magazine: https://www.firstthings.com/article/2021/06/the-cross-and-the-machine To read more from Paul Kingsnorth, visit his website paulkingsnorth.net and his YouTube channel. Programme recorded, presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, professional broadcaster at gabrielvoice.com and radiantwhispers.com. Music: The Last Train, by David Roy, on artlist.io Morning Mist, by We Dream of Eden, on artlist.io Subscribe, comment and share this programme with others.


How The LGBTQ Agenda Is Forced On Us

We are all surprised by the rapid advance of transgender ideas and LGBTQ ideology. Although their proposals are controversial and have no historical or scientific basis, they penetrate all layers of society. Learn how they infiltrate businesses, universities, schools and governments worldwide. Programme written, recorded and presented by Gabriel Porras, a professional communicator at gabrielvoice.com and radiantwhispers.com Music: "Balance" by Invisible Choirs at artlist.io If you are interested in this topic, listen to "If gender is fluid, why not also age?" and "The Disappearance of Women", both available on radiantwhispers.com, YouTube, SoundCloud and all podcast platforms. Comment, share and subscribe. Cover: “The judgment of Paris”, by Enrique Simonet (1904) Links: Stonewall's "Champions of Diversity" programme: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/join-diversity-champions-programme The UK's "Top 100 Employers of 2023" list: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/top-100-employers/full-list There is an extraordinary BBC Radio Ulster podcast entitled "Nolan Investigates", which published in October 2021 a revealing 10-episode series detailing Stonewall's influence on public institutions across the UK. It is a masterclass in in-depth journalism and took them eighteen months of research to achieve, but what a triumph of professionalism, intelligence and dedication! All BBC material has territorial restrictions, so you may be unable to access it outside the UK. Try here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09yjmph/episodes/downloads Happily, a feminist group called "Fair Play for Women" has taken on the great task of preparing detailed transcripts of the key points of each episode for all to read and quote from. You can find the transcripts here: https://fairplayforwomen.com/stonewall-transcripts/


The Disappearance Of Women

A programme written, presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, professional philosopher, journalist and voice actor. Music: "Gone with the winds", by Veaceslav Draganov on artlist.io ******* Learn more about this URGENT topic by following these links: The Story of Helena Kerschner, who regrets having “transitioned” as a teenager: https://youtu.be/Ibq3ld087Y4 The Irish Bill to remove the words "woman", "mother", and more from legal language: https://4w.pub/ireland-to-strip-maternity-law/ New Supreme Court Judge Ketanji Brown cannot bring herself to say what a woman is: https://youtu.be/BWtGzJxiONU …and she then refuses to answer clear questions about self-definition as a woman: https://youtu.be/BWwx-UrL0e4 Documentary “What is a woman?” by Matt Walsh: https://youtu.be/8wlZWZoqRlo Disability statistics in the UK: https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-9602/CBP-9602.pdf Scotland’s Gender Recognition Reform Act (Transgender Trend): https://www.transgendertrend.com/scotland-gender-recognition-act-reform-bill/ The SNP’s Gender Recognition Bill is a threat to women (Spiked Online): https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/03/05/the-snps-gender-recognition-bill-is-threat-to-women/ Ministers face public backlash over gender recognition reforms (The Times): https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ministers-face-public-backlash-over-gender-recognition-reform-plans-dvgljmqrf Brit Awards 2023: Why no women were nominated for Best Artist (BBC) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-64264069 The nonsense of nonbinary (Spiked online): https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/01/16/its-time-to-call-out-the-nonsense-of-nonbinary/ "Toxic feminism is the ONLY kind of feminism": https://youtu.be/mOSS8yBp3go "Biology trumps gender," says the president of the World Athletics Association: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-10934773/World-Athletics-president-Sebastian-Coe-backs-FINAs-ruling-transgender-athletes-banned.html The "triumph" of transgender athlete Lia Thomas: https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/ncaa-title-for-lia-thomas-is-joke-with-biological-women-as-punchline-hardly-a-laughing-matter/ Transgender martial arts "champion" Fallon Fox punches her female opponent so violently that he (she) breaks her skull: https://www.bjjee.com/articles/transgender-mma-fighter-who-broke-female-opponents-skull-are-we-getting-too-politically-correct-with-reality/ Why female athletes should raise their voices every time a transgender athlete tries to compete against them: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/sharron-davies-the-trans-debate-is-toxic-its-made-my-life-hell-but-female-athletes-must-speak-up-xllplkmp3 Toilets in new public buildings should be separate for men and women: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/02/single-sex-lavatories-mandatory-new-public-buildings/ But transgender activists consider this "transphobic": https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a40497357/new-buildings-must-have-single-sex-toilets/ It is "unfair" to force someone "who is already facing exclusion" to use toilets that are not "neutral" or "gender neutral": https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2021/05/17/gender-neutral-toilets-public-buildings-single-sex-uk-robert-jenrick/ The alarming "gender dysphoria" among minors, which jumped from 138 cases in 2010 to 2,383 in 2020: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/mar/10/nhs-gender-identity-service-for-children-cant-cope-with-demand-review-finds Bullying and violence against girls who dare to question the transgender agenda in their schools: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/girl-driven-out-of-school-for-questioning-trans-ideology-ls790krdh


The Switchman by Juan José Arreola

A masterpiece of the Latin-American imagination. Juan José Arreola is one of the greatest writers of the XX Century in Spanish, one of the first to dare to abandon realism. He is the greatest precursor of Magical Realism. As Professor George D Schade says: Whatever the subject of his satire, Arreola most often achieves his effects by a deliberate jumbling of phantasy and reality, a mingling of the logical and the absurd, a blend of imaginative frivolity and Orwellian grimness. CREDITS Produced and recorded by Gabriel Porras, professional voice artist at gabrielvoice.com and radiantwhispers.com Translation by George D Schade for the University of Texas Press Sound effect by Pixabay For more of Arreola, listen to his “Bestiary”, also recorded by Gabriel Porras as "A book of fabled creatures" for radiantwhispers.com and available on all podcast platforms and at Soundcloud and YouTube.


The hearts true home by Simon Edwards

Extract from the final chapter of the book "The Sanity of Belief - Why faith makes sense" by Simon Edwards. A great, very readable and valuable book which you can buy in paperback or ebook version here: https://amzn.eu/1CkIRAt Simon Edwards is a member of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA) team, who do excellent work communicating the teachings of Jesus Christ through the big cultural questions of our day (such as science, suffering, the meaning of life, homosexuality and many more). As they say on their website https://www.theocca.org: "We seek to extol the credibility of the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ through the questions of culture, speaking in secular settings and contributing to the public discourse on religious belief." A podcast produced and presented by Gabriel Porras, professional voice artist. You can find out much more about Gabriel here: gabrielvoice.com radiantwhispers.com Music: "Circle of life", by Letra, on artlist.io


The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs

Presented y produced by Gabriel Porras, professional voice actor. Original text by WW Jacobs published in 1902 in his collection “The Lady of the Barge”. Music: “Reflections”, by Ian Post, at artlist.io Listen to more great stories like this one on radiantwhispers.com also available on your favourite podcast platform


The Danger of the Stupidity by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Podcast presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, professional voice artist. Text taken from 'After Ten Years' in Letters and Papers from Prison (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works/English, vol. 8) Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010, edited by Gabriel Porras. Music: "The Surprise", by Kristian Sensini, on artlist.io. If you want to know more about the admirable pastor and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, look for his books "Life in Community" and "The Cost of Discipleship". There is also a beautiful biography titled: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas, Timothy Keller, et al.


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