Revelation is the last book in the Bible. However, the entire Bible is a revelation from God - and so is every molecule in the created realm. Every ounce of creation tells us something about the Creator. In today's study, we'll talk about the benefits of God's revelation, and the consequences for ignoring what He has said. Questions That We'll Answer: A) Why do people plug their ears to God's Word? B) If a society ignores God, who will they turn to instead? C) What about our universities - if they reject divine revelation, what's left? Show Notes / Timestamps 00:02 Welcome (This Is Radio 3:16) 00:50 Chapter 1: Where Does Knowledge Come From 05:43 Chapter 2: Our Need For Something Better 13:54 Chapter 3: Garbage In, Garbage Out 20:59 Chapter 4: Divine Revelation 25:00 Broadcast End Keywords: Epistemology, Special Revelation, Divine RevelationSee for privacy information.
Are there levels of reward (or punishment) in eternity? In Dante’s Inferno, the poet described Hell as having 'nine circles.' Each circle corresponded with a different sin and degree of punishment. But is this a Biblical understanding? Does the Bible teach that different sins merit different punishments in Hell? And what does it say about 'rewards' in Heaven? Questions That We'll Address: 1) If our works don't save us, then what eternal affect can they have (if any)? 2) When Jesus referred to 'treasures in Heaven,' what was He talking about? 3) Why did Jesus say that the people of Capernaum would face a more tolerable judgment than the people of Sodom (who were poster-children for God's wrath)? 00:02 Welcome (This Is Radio 3:16) 01:03 Chapter 1: Introduction 06:00 Chapter 2: Different Sins, Different Punishment 13:07 Chapter 3: Earthly Deeds, Eternal Rewards 19:53 Chapter 4: Closing Thoughts 24:22 Closing / Outro 25:00 Broadcast End Speaker: Rev. Dr. Toby B. Holt Web: R316.orgSee for privacy information.
Does God ‘change’ His mind? It seems unlikely. Why would a perfect, all knowing God change His mind? On the other hand, there are several verses that suggest He does. In Jonah 3, the Bible said God ‘relented’ from destroying Nineveh. In 1 Samuel, God himself said He ‘regretted’ making Saul king. If God doesn’t change His mind, then why do these verses make it sound like He does? Is there an answer? Questions That We'll Address: 1) Is God’s nature subject to change, growth, or development? 2) Can God ever ‘regret’ His own choices, or ‘repent’ from His prior actions? 3) What is ‘anthropomorphic’ language? How does that term apply to this topic? Site: www.r316.orgSee for privacy information.
How big do you think the church really is? It depends on how you define it. In Matthew 7, Jesus warned that there were many professing believers who did not know Him. In Christ’s own day, there were hundreds of thousands of Israelites who claimed to know God, but who were in danger of severe judgment. The same may be true in our day (2023). The 'true' church may be a small fraction of what it appears. And historically, the Bible has two words to describe this group of believers: THE REMNANT. Questions That We'll Address: 1) How big is the church? What do the statistics and numbers tell us? 2) What is the difference between the ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ churches? 3) Are we living in the days of a ‘remnant?’ How can we know? Radio 3:16 Website: See for privacy information.
Is cremation biblical? In 1960, only 4% of Americans were cremated. As of 2023, that number is over 52%. Given the popularity of cremation, many Christians want to know if the Bible ever refers to it, and if there is any Biblical precedent for pursuing it. That will be the focus of today’s study. Questions That We'll Address: 1) What does the Bible say about cremation? Does it accept the practice? 2) How were bodies dealt with in Biblical days, and is there a precedent for us? 3) Does any of this matter? Does the disposition of one's physical body really matter in eternity? Today’s episode ends with a listener question on the topic of ‘tattoos.’ Radio 3:16 Website: See for privacy information.
Depression is more than just ‘feeling sad.’ Yes, depression involves sadness. But clinical (or major) depression is not limited to a particular ‘mood’ or emotional state. Clinical depression is a persistent, recurring condition that may stem from our nature or physiology – and not just our circumstances. It can strike when things are going poorly, but it can also strike when they’re going well. In today’s study, we’ll see what the Bible has to say about depression. Is there hope for the hurting? Questions That We'll Address: 1) How does a feeling of ‘sadness’ differ from ‘clinical depression?’ 2) Did any of the men and women of the Bible suffer from depression? Who? 3) What encouragement does Christ offer for the depressed? What does He say? Radio 3:16 Website: See for privacy information.