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Radio Cachimbona

Author: Radio Cachimbona

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Radio Cachimbona is an abolitionist podcast that audio-archives state repression and fierce migrant resistance in the Southern Arizona borderlands and breaks down case law and politics from a leftist perspective. As a first-generation professional whose parents are Salvadoran immigrants, Yvette prioritizes uplifting the voices and histories of Central Americans.
200 Episodes
Yvette Borja interviews Silky Shah, Executive Director of Detention Watch Network. They discuss why the immigrant justice movement needs abolition, the importance of transforming the economic infrastructures of local governments dependent on carceral systems, and how the growth of immigration detention and deportation was and is a critical part of the mass incarceration crisis.Learn more about Detention Watch Network: Support the podcast by becoming a monthly Patreon subscriber. You'll get access to the #litreview, a book club for Cachimbonas: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook Leave an Apple Podcast Review here: a Spotify Rating here:
Yvette Borja and Ronnie Wollenzier discuss Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez's second book "Tias and Primas: On Knowing and Loving the Women Who Raise Us." They praise how the book feels like a hug for their inner child, celebrate how Prisca's works widen the reach of academic literature, and share which tia and prima archetypes they identify with.The #LitReview is a bookclub for Cachimbonas. Thank you to the patrons for making this episode possible. Become a patron now and listen to more #litreviews like this one: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja interviews Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez's second book “Tias and Primas: On Knowing and Loving the Women Who Raise Us.” They discuss why Prisca prioritizes democratizing critical theory in her writings, she breaks down why she chose to focus on Tias and Primas but not mothers, and which archetypes she decided to leave out of the book and why. Buy Prisca's book now at your local independent bookstore or here: to the #litreview, a bookclub for Cachimbonas here: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and FacebookLearn more about Prisca at
On this #litreview, Yvette interviews reproductive justice and immigrants' rights organizer Ale Pablos about the first few chapters of Beth Caldwell's book Deported Americans. They discuss the differences between legal definitions of citizenship and undocumented people's lived experiences in the US, critique the ways that the US legal system robs migrants of the due process that citizens expect, and express gratitude for a text that uncovers the aspect of migrant life that is often under-discussed--- life after deportation. Victor is free! But he still needs financial support moving on with his life after criminalization and ICE's violence. Donate here: more about Carlos’s case here: you had first access to this episode? Join the Patreon community for as little as $3 a month and you'll get access to ALL past #litreviews just like this one. The #litreview is a bookclub for Cachimbonas. To support the podcast, become a monthly patreon subscriber at: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja interviews Maria Hinojosa, award-winning journalist, about her keynote address at the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, a rarity for her as a journalist, and her trajectory in media. Maria shared that philanthropic funds need to support independent BIPOC-led media, broke down why Futuro Media covered the death of Jose De Jesus in the Eloy Detention Center, and emphasized the need for increased nuanced reporting on deaths in ICE custody.Learn more about the Futuro Media Group here: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and FacebookSupport the podcast by becoming a monthly subscriber for as little as $3 a month and get exclusive access to the #litreview episodes, a book club for Cachimbonas:
On this #litreview, Yvette Borja and Denise Rebeil discuss "My Grandmother's Hands" by Resmaa Menakem. They breakdown Menakem's contention that white supremacy lives mostly in our nervous systems, what role our lizard brain plays in how we interact with the world, and why collective healing from trauma is necessary to avoid generational "traumatic retention." The #litreview is a book club for Cachimbonas. To hear more, become a patron for $3, $5, or $10 a month at: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja entrevista a Pacheco, un organizador y educador popular Salvadoreño que ha dedicado su vida al trabajo de justicia social en El Salvador y los Estados Unidos. Hablaron sobre la importancia de la formación de comités de base/barrio/colonia y su historia en El Salvador durante la guerra civil, como el y la organización NDLON transmitieron el modelo organizativo de comité en Arizona durante la epoca de Joe Arpaio, y la necesidad de sostener grupos organizativos a largo plazo.Para apoyar el podcast, sigan en las redes sociales X, Instagram y Facebook: @radiocachimbona También pueden suscribirse al pateon para recibir primer acceso a todos los episodios y acceso exclusivo al segmento #litreview, un club de libros para Cachimbonas aquí:
Yvette Borja interviews Mala and Diosa of Locatora Radio about their experiences at NDLON's 9th asamblea popular: Sómos Más in Union, New Jersey. They discuss the importance of Latinx and migrant-led independent media, the necessity of including sex workers in day laborers' rights conversations, and the beauty of putting art at the forefront of social change.Learn more about NDLON here: to Locatora Radio here: to Radio Jornalera here: 
Yvette Borja entrevista a Nicole Ramos, directora del proyecto de derechos fronterizos para la organización sin fines de lucro Al Otro Lado, sobre la situación actual en la frontera entre EEUU y Mexico en San Diego/Tijuana, como los migrantes extranjeros buscando asilo y esperando en México sufren por falta de cuidado de salud, y como el crimen organizado toma ventaja de las políticas anti-migrantes de EEUU.Para apoyar al podcast, subscribate al Patreon: @radiocachimbona en Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja interviews reproductive justice and abolitionist organizer Ale Pablos about the ongoing genocide in Palestine, the call from Democratic Senators for Biden to phase out private detention centers and close four of the most problematic ones, and Biden's recent proposed rules that would make it harder for asylum seekers to gain protection.Support the podcast by joining the patreon and get first access to all episodes: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook Follow Ale Pablos on Instagram @emotionalgangzter and listen to her Support Don't Deport podcast here: clarify, Alma Hernandez is a Dem AZ State House Rep repping the 20th district part of which includes Pima County. She is a self-proclaimed Zionist. Anna Hernandez is a Dem AZ State Senator repping the 24th district which includes Maricopa County.
On this #litreview, Yvette Borja and Ronnie, a Tucson mutual aid organizer, discuss "La Calle: Spatial Conflicts and Urban Renewal in a Southwest City" by Lydia Otero. They discuss how urban renewal is a euphemism for gentrification, break down how Tucson elites attempted to whiten the city's history, and emphasize the deep history of racial segregation of the city. To support the podcast and get access to all of the #litreviews, become a patron at: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook.
Yvette Borja and guest Meghna Sridhar discuss Theft is Property! by Robert Nichols. They discuss how and why land can't be neatly divided as US property law suggests, the usefulness of understanding racism as long-standing patterns of group-differentiated vulnerability, and the links between the Black radical tradition and indigenous relationships with/stewardship of their lands.   Read Robert Nichols' article prelude to Theft is Property! here:,-nichols.pdf Support the podcast by becoming a patron here: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja discusses "Black and Blur" by Fred Moten with art history PhD student Jasmine Magaña. They break down Fred Moten's focus on Blackness as "fugitivity," track the humanities' shift from a postcolonial to a decolonial framework, and share the importance of sitting with the "not in between."Read "The Undercommons" by Fred Moten here: Read "Stolen Life" by Fred Moten here: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook Support the podcast and hear more #litreviews like this one by becoming a monthly patreon subscriber here:
Yvette Borja interviews Tucson mutual aid organizer Ronnie about Laura Gomez's book Inventing Latinos: A New Story of American Racism. They discuss the malleability of Latinx identity and the privileges that has afforded them in the U.S., share what the Latinx community can learn about the limitations of citizenship from the Black community, and break down the myth of mestizaje. Support the podcast by becoming a monthly subscriber for as little as $3 a month and get access to more #litreviews like these: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja discusses "Family Abolition: Capitalism and the Communizing of Care" by M.E. O'Brien author, scholar, and preacher Dr. Courtney Bryant. They work through the connections between prison and police abolition and the capitalist nuclear family unit, note how communities of color have always operated outside of this nuclear family unit ideal, and imagine how familial and loving relationships would look different without coercion embedded within them. Order Courtney Bryant's book "Erotic Defiance, Womanism, and Resistance" here: the podcast by becoming a Patreon monthly subscriber and get access to dozens more #litreview bookclub chats for as little as $3 a month: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja and Adriana Obols, PhD student of modern art in Latin America, discuss the book "Paper Cadavers: The Archives of Dictatorship" by Kirsten Weld. They discuss how archival practices were central to post-war Guatemalan civil society's attempts to hold war criminals to account while also being indispensable to the nation-state's targeting and surveillance of leftists in the capital. To hear more #LitReview episodes, become a monthly patreon subscriber for $3 a month: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, X, and Facebook
Yvette Borja entrevista al profesor Miguel Angel Diaz Perera sobre la historia de Máximo y Bartola, dos niños Centroamericanos quienes fueron traficados para participar en las exhibiciones de "freak show de Barnum and Bailey" en el siglo 19. Discutan cómo el racismo científico contribuyó a la opresión de Máximo y Bartola, como las percepciones de las nacientes naciones de Mexico y Centroamerica en ese tiempo siguien relevante hoy,  y  el fenomeno del "espectaculo" y el show de circo también creo estructura para la victimización de Máximo y Bartola. Si quiere apoyar el podcast, puede subscribirse al Patreon por solo $3 al mes. Recibirá acceso a extra contenido como los episodios del #litreview. Siga @radiocachimbona en Instagram, X, y Facebook.
Yvette Borja interviews professor and author Laurence Ralph about his upcoming book "Sito: An American Teenager and the City That Failed Him."  They discuss how the juvenile justice system traumatizes youth, lament the criminal legal system's failure to provide healing for victim's family members, and envision accountability without punishment.To support the podcast, become a monthly subscriber on Patreon for as little as $3 a month: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
Yvette Borja interviews Belén Sisa, creator and host of the Pretty Serious Podcast and former National Latino Press Secretary for Senator Sanders' presidential campaign. They discuss the history of the DACA movement and Belén's participation in it, the importance of voting in local elections, and why it's important to vote Kyrsten Sinema out of office in 2024. To support the podcast, become a monthly patreon subscriber at: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Yvette Borja interviews professor and author Cesar Cuauhtémoc García Hernández about his upcoming book Welcome The Wretched: In Defense of the Criminal Alien. They discuss how migration is an example of decolonial resistance, the importance of celebrating the "ordinariness" of migrants, and why Hernandéz wants the privileges that a US passport brings for a much wider group of people. To support the podcast, become a monthly patreon subscriber for as little as $3 a month: @radiocachimbona on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook