Radio Ranch

Roger Sayles is your host on the Radio Ranch every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 11am to 1pm est. Listen Live at: <a href=""></a>

Radio Ranch 5.06.24

iTera Wand Testimony w/John K., Barnes Sunday Show w/BitCoin & Other Info, General Discussion1st& 2nd Hours John Kacarab had a good interview testimonials as well as a number of other written ones. Started the 2nd hour with points from last night's Viva Barnes Law show. Roger Verers BCoin prosecution by the feds on bogus charges. Other points included. Closed with general discussion.


Radio Ranch 5.04.24

"Voltaire Statute", General Discussion & Possible Debt Relief1st & 2nd Hours Kicked off talking about what I call the "Voltaire Statute" racing through Congress. The conversation involved Mark, Tom D, Paul & myself. Some general discussion commenced. A student with a recent debt judgement called in for some possible relief. A number of folks discussed his situation and several possible actions for relief were discussed.


Radop Ranch 5.03.24

Friday with Brent Winters1st & 2nd Hours Brent came in a bit late while we were talking about what I call "Voltaire's Statute". This of course is the new 'Anti Semitic' legislation racing through Congress. That led to the book of Ester and Purim and the primary battle we face. Questions from the audience and discussion.


Radio Ranch 5.02.24

Latest O'Keefe Revelation, "Voltaire" Legislation, General Discussion1st & 2nd Hours Kicked off talking about the new CIA revelations published by James O'Keefe's organization. A high level CIA 'contractor' has spilled the beans on withholding info from a sitting President. We touched on the new 'Voltaire - To know who rules over you look to who you can not criticize" proposed law going through Congress now. Paul English joined for a few minutes before the end of the program. Always a delight.


Radio Ranch 4.01.24

Background on May Day, General Discussion1st & 2nd Hours At the end of the show we gave the historical background on the events behind May 1st, or "May Day" and why. General discussion with some questions.


Radio Ranch 4.30.24

New Format Short Discussion, New Students & Quesions, General Discussion1st & 2nd Hours Finally got two live shows back to back during our electrical problems. Went over the new format again. I think it's working and as we use it more people get used to it. Several new students did pop up and we addressed their questions. Good show.


Radio Ranch 4.29.24

John K & Wand Testimonials, General Discussion, New Format Discussion1st & 2nd Hours I had no juice till almost 11. John handled the 1st half with iTera testimonials. Sunday night Barnes was discussed. The new format came up and we did some 'pro & con'. I think the 'pros' have it here.


Radio Ranch 4.26.24

Friday w/Paul English Today1st & 2nd Hours Brent was unable to be us but dear friend Paul English was. Had a great 1st hour w/Paul. 2nd Hour started with questions. Good show today.


Radio Ranch 4.23.24

Live Show Explanation of Absence, Problems in Ecuador1st & 2nd Hours Finally got a chance to be live and give an explanation of what is happening here with our electrical problems.


Radio Ranch 4.15.24

John K & A Great Testimonial, Oratory on Last Week, Tess, New Student & Questions1st & 2nd Hours John had a wonderful testimonial for us today from a health professional. Other testimonials also. Caught the audience up on last week's absence. Tess, a new student, with some questions.


Radio Ranch 4.08.24

John Kacarab & Wand Testimonials, General Discussion Mainly on IRS Booklet1st & 2nd Hour John K started our week off with iTera Wand testimonials from Prife & the FB page. We talked a bit about a new IRS booklet talking about taxes owed by 'non resident aliens'. They have to be freaking out a bit as people pull themselves out of their FRAUDULENTT SLAVE SYSTEM of taxation.


Radio Ranch 4.06.24

New Format Pays Off Today, Dave & Kay in Texas w/Tax Questions, Maria & Passport Questions, Brian in Ohio IRS Responses1st & 2nd Hours The new format pays off today in uninterrupted Q&A on complex issues. Dave & wife checked in as it's their 1st year no filing slave forms. That answer took about 45 minutes and it was uninterrupted. Lots of background info on the 'law' and also Revocation of Election. Maria asked some passport questions. Brian from Ohio gave us his experience with IRS replies to submitting the Affidavit. General discussion followed.


Radio Ranch 4.05.24

Friday with Brent Winters, Q&A1st & 2nd Hours Another great show with Brent Winters incredible depth of knowledge & understanding. Questions & answers


Radio Ranch 4.04.24

New Format Works Smoother, Questions and General Discussion1st & 2nd Hours We had to discuss the new format, designed for order in our discussion. It worked very well today and will become more familiar as we go forward. Took some good questions and had very positive discussion for the entire show. We ended with a new student, Bill in Florida, who is thrilled to find our info.


Radio Ranch 4.02.24

My Personal situation, Callers w/Questions Remainder of Program1st & 2nd Hours Went over some of my personal situation at the first of the show. We had someone not muting and changed the protocol of the show but got a number of good questions and some solid general discussion.


Radio Ranch 4.01.24

John Kacarab & iTera Wand Testimonials, Eclipse Discussion, General Discussion1st & 2nd Hours John brought us two separate wand testimonials today. Amazing results from 4 different users. As it bares on my upcoming trip to the US I wanted to ask the audience's opinion on this upcoming eclipse situation with all the build up leading up to it. Questions about the ship/bridge and other topics were discussed. Several new students.


Radio Tanch 3.30.31

Michelle New Student, Her's & Other Quesdiongs1st & 2nd Hours A show full of question and important Question.. Should be great for new students.


Radio Ranch 3.28.24

Men v. Women Discussion, New Student Mary's Questions I.e. Court Situation, Gavin's Questions @ End1st & 2nd Hours Referring to the recent men v woman discussions I felt a necessity to mention that the "Pilot or Harbormaster' of the vessel that brought down the Key Bridge in Baltimore was the first female "Pilot" in the industry. This brought forth a spirited discussion. New student Mary checked in for the first time with a story about her persecution from another party. Gavin asked some questions about the passport application.


Radio Ranch 3.27.24

Key Bridge Disaster in Baltimore, Jack's 'Residency' Questions, ROE Questions & Comments, General Discussion.1st & 2nd Hours Had to delve into the Key Bridge disaster in Baltimore was discussed. Jack continuing confusion on the word 'resident'. Some ROE questions and discussion.


Radio Ranch 3.26.24

Brushaber v Union Pacific RR, Discussion as Nancy Digs Deep, Jack Questions on Resident & Tax Code, General Discussion1st & 2nd Hours Nancy has been doing some deep drilling on the Brushaber case. We discussed. Jack from Colorado asked questions about the tax code as well as the term 'resident' Some general discussion followed to end.



Show just stops in may?

08-06 Reply

charlie miller

My Castbox episodes also stop at May 6, 2024. Is there a fix for this?

07-23 Reply

Gloria J Krause

There's still a glitch for my phone. The last episode is still at 5. 06.24.

06-02 Reply

Mark Allcaps

Check this US Supreme Court decision out showing the difference between a "national" and a "national of the United States" aka U.S. national: Rabang v. Boyd, 353 US 427 - Supreme Court 1957 Footnote [7] Compare § 101 of the Nationality Act of 1940, which defines the term "national" as follows: "(a) The term `national' means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. "(b) The term `national of the United States' means . . . (2) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States. It does not include an alien." 54 Stat. 1137, 8 U. S. C. (1946 ed.) § 501.

03-08 Reply

Gloria J Krause

Thousand Oaks (California) Library is free for nonprofit. I was there at the Pizza Cookery meeting with John Kacarab. I know Deb Baber and Judy Mikovich.

03-08 Reply
















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