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Radio Vedeng a Rojava

Author: Radio Vedeng a Rojava

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An internationalists radio project bringing an inside look into Afrin resistance. Revolutionaries from different parts of the world organized in different collectives and organizations in Rojava found an importance to come together and launch an audio project focused on the peoples resistance against an invasion of Afrin canton carried by the fascist state of Turkey and its jihadist proxies. Our aim is to spread an awareness of this historical event and inspire English speaking folks all over the globe by ongoing struggle and revolutionary organizing in Afrin, Rojava and beyond. Listen and share our reports, updates, analysis, interviews, stories of life of fallen comrades, music and more. This show is a limited project and will have only three issues. For more tune us up on May 16th on
1 Episodes
In the last 4th episode of Vedenga Rojava we had a close look on internationalism and its history. We shared some of the actions which were carried after the appeal coming from Rojava. Small interview with Barbara a long term international revolutionary about actions, strategy and future and with queeranarchists Rêvan and Anna who participated in Women for Afrîn in Stockholm, Sweden with prior experiences from YPJ about inter-sectionalism, real practical solidarity and revolutionary long term perspective. In Dîroka Şehîd - Memories of Fallen comrades, Serhildan presented a story of YPJ kurdish fighter Ş. Barîn Kobane and talked about systematical implication of patriarchy in the most disgrace way by Turkish state and its jihadist alies and the courage of women facing these brutal attacks. We summarized some of the criticisms we received and included even more music than usually (sometimes sang along) and in the end we prepared a little surprise for you. As always we welcome your feedback on vedengarojava (A) riseup (dot) net