Not to get too personal, but how scary are your feet?Taming appetites gone wildBe a 5 on a scale of 1-10Where's the butter?Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :)Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me:👍Website:👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0👍Facebook:👍carrier pigeon
I'm cranky becasue....My plate or yours?Have we created gaslighters?Covert vs. overt power dynamicsThank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :)Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me:👍Website:👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0👍Facebook:👍carrier pigeon
Why Seniors 2.0 hate being called "Seniors"How youthful are you?Revel in the music of your youth, but discover "new" music that doesn't suckFather Time is a tyrant and Mother Nature is a Bitch!Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook: https://www.fa...
Female intuition, is it real, or do we write scripts in our heads?Sweaty Betty, are you up to date with PC or amusing terms for your bits?What the Swedes call "down there" Are you a Seinfeld fan?Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook: https://www....
How to look your best at your "final party" or what pessimists call a funeral. Fun facts about the female body that we already know :)Planning the perfect playlist: why it matters Remembering to hit "play"Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook: ht...
Picture this.....a roundtable discussion during a fancy luncheon featuring women from different generations talking with their mouths full. It doesn't get better than that...right? Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook:
Many of us wear different hats....figuratively and literally. For those of us who "don't leave home without it" Amex is more than ready to help us purchase the "just right" know....the one that will keep our renegade evil thoughts tucked safely in our heads. Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍email:raging.gracef...
This historical overview of the evoltuion of fitness will answer all the questions that have kept you up at night regarding fitness. Yes, you can smoke while working out, but only until the surgeon general wakes up from his nap. Part 2 coming next week! Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagra...
Our bodies are like cars...accruing mileage, hitting bumps in the road, running out of gas, and backfiring when we least expect it. Replacing parts is inevitable, and there are dangerous curves ahead. Proceed with caution! Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 ...
In the 1400s, Florentine "powers that be" lit fires to obliterate objects of vanity. Objects such as cosmetics, mirrors, art, and books were thought to distract Florentines from their religious duties. Historians have named it the Bonfire of the Vanities. Burnt offerings never disappoint. Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: ...
Hysteria! Nymphomania! Taboos about menstruation! Women won't be surprised, and it would serve men well to listen and learn about the challenges the females in their lives face by having vaginas that occasionally leak. Meanwhile, shout out to Gen Z "Free Bleeders"..good for you.... but please get off my couch. :) Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website:https://raginggra...
This episode highlights the horrifying, but hilarious medical climate of the late 1800s. In particular, how well it served women. Misdiagnose much?Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :)Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me:👍Website:👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0👍Facebook:👍carrier pigeon
Life is good, except when it isn't. Eveyone suffers annoying moments, and if we can put a funny spin on them, they won't ruin our day....we hope. Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook: 👍carrier pi...
What song would best describe your love life, your job, your relationhips with significant others including your kids, your fitness profile, food philosophy etc? If you're stumped, I got you covered! Rock on! Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook: htt...
This episode will shed light on the strong possibility that the integrity of our underwear is directly connected to our self-esteem. Ready to go underover? Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook: 👍carrie...
We've all suffered acute humiliation when we find out we had food in our teeth, a hanger that set up camp in our nostrils, or we've sprayed someone, (or have gotten sprayed on) when we're chatting up stangers. You know, the stuff that cocktail party dreams are made of. Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍email:raging.gracefully2....
Oscar Wilde once said, "Women are meant to be loved, not understood. Boo hiss! Understanding women is easier than men think, especially with this user-friendly guide to body language. You're welcome guys..... Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website: 👍 👍Instagram: @raging.gracefully2.0 👍Facebook: htt...
Sometimes love gets it wrong. This episode is a sweet, but not saccharine story, of a young couple who made the unltimate (not really) scarifice for each other. We all know first hand, how even the best of intentions can go sideways. Meanwhile, be sure to stock up on bread and wine (or O'Doul's) regardless of the weather :) Thank you in advance for your generous ratings and on point reviews :) Feel free to suggest future topics! Here's a couple of ways to reach me: 👍Website:https:...
This episode will highlight the connection between self-esteem and the integrity of our underwear. Remember where you heard it first!Thanks for showing up and tuning in!You know what to do if you enjoyed the episode...don't make me beg :)I have nothing to sell but my soulYou can reach me on FB and Instagram @OCEANBEACHFITNESSemail:
What's the connection between self-esteem and the integrity of your underwear? Find out in this short, humorous episode that uncovers what's hidden below.Thanks for showing up and tuning in!You know what to do if you enjoyed the episode...don't make me beg :)I have nothing to sell but my soulYou can reach me on FB and Instagram @OCEANBEACHFITNESSemail: