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Raising Healthy Mothers

Raising Healthy Mothers

Author: Tasha D'Cruz

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Raising Healthy Mothers is a podcast for mothers, whether you're pregnant, just given birth, or are two years postpartum. If you’re looking for a natural, calm, healthy start to motherhood and you’re after some inspiration to help you get started, then you’re in the right place.

I believe the first 1000 days of motherhood - from conception to 2 years postpartum - is vitally important to get right from a health point of view. But it's so easy to get overwhelmed! This podcast is about feeling supported and crafting your very own village so you can embrace motherhood with confidence and joy.

Each week I focus on a topic that I think is important for a mothers’ health and wellbeing, and I’ll be bringing guest experts on to talk about how they support new mothers.
130 Episodes
What does a nutritional therapist actually do? If you think we sit around reading food diaries and telling you off for eating cake, think again.   In fact I celebrate cake in the diet!   In today's episode of Raising Healthy Mothers, I'm doing something a bit different and lifting the lid on how I support the mums who come to me for help with their exhaustion and what a typical week looks like for me.   I go in-depth about my collaborative, personalised approach to motherhood wellbeing.   I share: The anatomy of my 4 month package, from discovery call to my flexible way of communicating My approach to making small, manageable changes diet and lifestyle Why celebrating small wins is so important How my tailored plans fits into each mother's unique life. 00:00 Introduction and purpose of discovery calls 01:14 What does a nutritionist actually do? My collaborative approach 02:53 Why and how I completely redesigned my package for different communication channels 04:34 Why I rarely tell clients to cut food out of their diets 07:00 The power of small changes for big results 08:23 What else goes on behind the scenes 10:42 Balancing ways to fit changes into your family life while prioritising your needs 12:35 No one-size fits all: The importance of a personalised solution 14:59 My ideal world for mothers 16:12 What to do if you need help If you listened to this episode and are now thinking ‘I NEED THIS!’ then I would love to talk to you about your current challenges and discuss whether I can help. I am taking on just 3 more clients before summer holiday starts. I work entirely online so it doesn't matter where you are, and I meet you exactly where you're at. There is no such thing as failure in my programme; every win and struggle is information that we can build on. So if you feel like you've tried everything in the past and feel sceptical then I promise that the way I work is different. Take the first step towards putting yourself first and book in for that discovery call now. To read more about my 4 month 1:1 programme RECOVER and book in for your free discovery call, go to   Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. You can now watch this episode on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel @tashadcruz. To download your free guide to more energy in 10 days, head to #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
How adventurous are you with veg? Would you know what to do if you got a kohlrabi in your veg box? And what do you do with the REST of the celery once you're sick of dipping it in hummus? This week's guest on Raising Healthy Mothers is writer, food educator and chef Ceri Jones, whose cookbook It Starts with Veg has just been published. In this episode we discuss... Why she wrote a vegetable-focused book Her journey from Paleo to celebrating plants, via holistic culinary school The importance of seasonal vegetables for flavour, local economy and sustainability How to eat seasonally and what to look out for How to get kids involved in cooking, from a food educator's point of view This was a lovely chat celebrating all things veg. I've always loved Ceri's cooking and recipes and it was an honour to discuss her new book for the first time! Find Ceri: Book | Website | Instagram Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. You can now watch this episode on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel @tashadcruz. To download your free guide to more energy in 10 days, head to #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
How fulfilling are your days? Do you feel like you run around like a headless chicken, rushing from one thing to another, never feeling like you actually finish anything? The further I get into motherhood the more I notice my mind becoming scattered and my life becoming less organised. And the net result is rarely feeling like I've 'finished', that I can really sit down and feel truly relaxed. There's always more things! That's why I invited today's guest onto the podcast. Louisa Daubney is a Time Design Coach for over-giving female founders of purpose-driven businesses who struggle to be productive. Sound familiar? As a mother I totally identify with being an over-giving founder of my highest. purpose in life – my family! So I had a hunch that Louisa would be able to bring what she knows about the business world into motherhood. In this episode we discuss... The difference between a productive day and a fulfilling day The best way to start your day with intention The law of diminishing returns and why working more hours is counter-productive The lack of structure in motherhood, even once you return to work and how that affects your ability to do things in a methodical, organised way How to approach the day with the right mindset What it means to work in alignment with your natural rhythms, and how to find it How to make a start to design your day for fulfillment This was an episode full of practical tips and gems from Louisa. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel so you don't miss an episode! To download Louisa's fabulous workbook to with those 10 reflective questions to get you started on finding more time in your day, head over to her website: Find Louisa: Instagram | Website Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. You can now watch this episode on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel @tashadcruz. To download your free guide to more energy in 10 days, head to #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
This week I am running a workshop on sleep for mums called Get Better Sleep and so I thought I would give you a little sneak peek into what I will talk about at the start of the workshop. I will get a bit technical and science-y here so bear with me – I think it's important to understand how incredible our bodies are when it comes to creating sleep – with the hope that once we understand it, we can appreciate it, and start giving it the attention it needs to actually work properly! In this episode I cover: The consequences of insufficient sleep – and how the modern world isn’t set up for wakeful babies The 2 factors that determine when we need to be awake and when we need to sleep 2 other influences on sleep – and what happens when they aren’t working properly How to work out whether you’d sleep deprived By the end of the episode you’ll know why making your sleep a priority is important, and you. might even have an inkling of the things you CAN control and make changes to. In my workshop I will go into all this much further, and give you the practical how-tos and step-by-steps on how to make it happen. I’ll cover: The different stages of sleep – and why it's particularly important to get to bed early if you have a wakeful little person The factors that are causing you to have rubbish sleep, and how to adapt your environment to prioritise better sleep Food and how to eat for a restful night sleep What it means for you if you are a morning snoozer, an afternoon slumper, an evening wide-awaker or a late night party starter. If you're keen to finally start getting the best night sleep possible, even if you have little ones still waking you through the night, then I'd love to see you at my workshop. It's Thursday 23 May at 8pm, online via Zoom. If you can't make it live or miss some of it you can watch the replay which I will send out within 48 hours. And if you are listening this after 23 May 2024, then you can buy the recording of the workshop. Head over to to learn all about the workshop and to sign up. Watch this episode on YouTube. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. To download your free guide to more energy in 10 days, head to #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
One of the things I've always struggled with is getting to grips with mindfulness. The concept makes sense to me - when you practice being in the moment you are able to be more present in your everyday life.   But the reality is I struggle to make time for those 10 minutes of practice!   So it was a huge lightbulb moment when today's guest on Raising Healthy Mothers helped me to understand that mindfulness happens whenever you spend some time - any amount of time! - being completely focused and in the flow on one task that is done for pure joy.   There were plenty of similar lightbulb moments in this episode. We talked about how being creative has a lot of teachings for us in motherhood such as it's OK to fail; you never truly fail, it's something to grow and learn from; and take it slow; when you slow down you are much more in control   This was a wide ranging conversation where - among others - we talked about... The contradiction of motherhood - wanting to be acknowledged as a mother and all the work that entails, and also seen and appreciated as a human being outside of mum How we are born creative, but it's bred out of us as we become adults to focus on the serious and logistical The fact that we create for our children all day every day - in what we do for them and how we teach them about the world Finding mindfulness in everyday activity by re-defining what it means Slowing down and failing as a means to improve – in creative pursuits and motherhood I loved Laura's practical approach to creativity, feeling truly believed in as a creative individual.   You can now watch this episode on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel.   To download her fabulous workbook to get started with calligraphy, head over to her website   Find Laura: Instagram | YouTube | Website Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.  You can now watch this episode on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel @tashadcruz. To download your free guide to more energy in 10 days, head to #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
Welcome to season 11 of Raising Healthy Mothers!   This episode was recorded on Monday 6 May, which was International No Diet Day, and I wanted to mark the day by telling you exactly why I NEVER tell my clients to count their calories.   In this episode I lay out 5 reasons I stopped counting calories, and what I tell my clients to focus on instead, even if weight loss is their goal.   I reveal the 2 biggest factors in your difficulty to lose weight, neither of which have anything to do with what you put in your mouth.   If you love this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating and review on Apple Podcast. The more people we can reach the better!   You can now watch this episode on my YouTube channel. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. To download your free guide to more energy in 10 days, head to #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.        
A short and sweet episode from me today asking: Where are you leaking your energy in motherhood?   In my workshop on cycle tracking and energy in motherhood, I go into the concept of Energy Leaks and how you can find more energy if you plug where it's leaking away from you and instead invest it more wisely.   It's a brilliant concept I've borrowed from Alisa Vitti's book In the FLO and put my own spin on it in motherhood.   In the episode I share the 8 energy leaks that are wasting your energy, and why you need to plug them for the benefit of your family.   If you missed my workshop Sync Your Cycle: Harness Your Natural Ebb and Flow for  Effortless Energy you can purchase the replay here.   This is the final episode in this season of Raising Healthy Mothers. It's been a brilliant season, and I'll be back in May for Season 11!   Thanks for being with me here, I truly appreciate everyone who listens and shares my podcast.    Whether you've been here for a while or are brand new, if you've loved it, would you please rate and review the podcast wherever you listen to it? The more ratings I get, the more mothers will find it - and the more people we can collectively help to have a more effortlessly energised, joyful motherhood. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
Cycle tracking can offer incredible insight into your body's response to changing moods and energy, allowing you to harness it in a way that means you can be productive at the right time – and cut yourself some slack when you simply can't be gung ho.   However, what do you do if your cycles are irregular, you don't have a cycle at all or are on contraception that means you have a withdrawal bleed rather than a true period?   In this episode I am extending the discussion I started last week about cycle tracking to address exactly this issue. I cover... What an irregular cycle actually looks like and what it could mean hormonally The no. 1 cause of irregular cycle – even if you have a medical diagnosis Why tracking is still important What to track if you don't have a period at all (this section gets a bit woowoo!) Some strategies you can take if you do have an irregular cycle to bring it back to a regular rhythm You'll learn that not only do I think you can and should track your cycles, I actually think it's even more important than those with a regular cycle. Because you might even find that once you start paying attention to your cycles, your once irregular period starts becoming regular again.   I am running my workshop Sync Your Cycle next Wednesday 27 March 2024 on tracking your cycle and harnessing your natural energy. In this brand new workshop I share the secret power you can unleash when you start paying attention to your cycle. You'll learn: How your menstrual cycle affects your sleep, energy and immune system The role your menstrual cycle plays in your productivity and creativity What to eat to feed your hormones and nourish your soul to stave off the cravings and keep your energy steady throughout your month, no matter what your hormones are doing I am offering an Early Bird signup discount of £10 off the workshop price until 24 March 2024, using code EARLYBIRD at checkout. And if you can stay until the end of the live workshop you will get an extra special bonus 2-week meal plan covering recipes suitable for the follicular phase and the luteal phase of your cycle to get you started on nourishing yourself right for your cycle.   To learn more and signup, head over to Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
I am currently in the ovulation phase of my menstrual cycle, also known as the summer phase. This when oestrogen is at its highest.   I am correspondingly full of energy, I am feeling sociable and confident I am feeling strong and choose heavier weights when doing a workout.   And... obviously... my libido is high.   But just three weeks ago though, I was in tears, freaking out about where my business was going (or rather where I felt it wasn't going!). I was impatient and grumpy with my family. I probably shouted quite a lot.   Safe to say – since I started tracking my cycle and understanding how it affect my energy, mood, confidence, productivity, social life, even my immune system - I have learnt A LOT about myself.   So in this episode I am sharing everything I have learned since Is tarted tracking my cycle. I will cover... The 3 phases of the menstrual cycle How these phases affects how you feel across the 4 seasons of the month The 3 key areas I think you could most benefit from paying attention to how your cycle affect you It will become astoundingly clear why I think every mother should track her menstrual cycle, and why it has become an important part of my whole philosophy, including a key part of my RESER method.   Because once you start mapping your mood and energy to your cycle, it will help you understand why things feel so up and down in motherhood – and maybe even start being kinder to yourself!   I will be running a workshop on this later this month called Sort Your Cycle. If this episode intrigues and resonates with you then you'll want to join the workshop to get deeper into it. Keep an eye out on Instagram for my announcement - I'm @tashadcruz; send me a DM to let me know you're interested and I'll make sure you're first to know. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
How many toys do children really need? Is independent play a good thing? What effect does screentime have on our children? This and many more questions came up during this week's episode on Raising Healthy Mothers when I chatted to Alexis Ralphs of 100 Toys, ex-primary school teacher, turned stay-at-home-dad, turned toy seller, turned course creator. I was curious to know how imporant play is as a means to learn and develop in preparation for school, which prompted me to invite Alexis onto the podcast. In the we covered so much more. We discussed... How screentime affects children's play – and why they get so argumentative after watching TV Whether children actually need toys at all, and what we can do to foster creativity The importance of independence play Challenging toys vs entertaining toys, and why noisy, light up toys should be thrown in the bin How play prepares our children for school One thing that shone through is Alexis's deep-seated belief in the importance of simple play, making me feel that we have over-complicated play, most likely contributing to parental burnout as they try and keep up with the latest crazes. Reining back and just using what we have around the house helps our children play for longer... and stay younger for longer too. I loved that Alexis was honest and open about his challenges in play and parenting, despite his background as a teacher and a parent of 4 pre-tweens. It reminded me that no matter how experienced or knowledgeable you are, life is never straightforward as a parent! Connect with Alexis: Website | Instagram Learn more about his courses: The Good Old Days You can use the code TASHA on checkout to get 10% off any courses, including the bundle offer of 3, and there's a special offer for all 3 courses for £49 here, which you can still get 10% off using my code. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
What does it mean to be an empowered mother? Why do women often feel helpless and disempowered in their motherhood?   This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm talking to Kristy Mia – doula, yoga teacher, nutritionist and motherhood coach – all about her definition of empowerment in motherhood. We discuss: Walking the fine line between setting boundaries in our relationships and accepting wisdom and knowledge from those who have mothered before us Martyrdom in motherhood and patriarchy, causing guilt and shame around our basic need for time alone How mothers take on the experience of generations of mothers to keep them imprisoned in martyrdom – and the strength it takes to break free Finding your own community of support in motherhood and the vulnerability of seeking help How supporting your children to take responsibility as a member of the family and learning to set boundaries contributes to easing the pressure of motherhood As always, I learn so much from a mother of older children, and take so much comfort in knowing I am on the right path with my parenting values – even if it feels so hard in the moment!   Resources mentioned in the episode: Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne The Mindful Mama Regulation Workbook Rejuvenation Morning Rituals for Mamas Find Kristy: Website | Instagram | Confidence Boost Workbook (free) Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
How much do you talk to your children about where food comes from? This was a question I hadn't thought about much until someone posed a question about separating the imagery of an idyllic farm in the books we read to our children from the realities of animal husbandry. It got me thinking hard - because as a passionate sustainable meat advocate, I care deeply about my meat. Where does meat comes from? How is it reared? How has it been treated? Is it healthy to eat? How much should we eat? How is it produced? Is it bad for the environment? These are all questions I have thought about, changed my mind about and grappled with over the years. It is a question that has been close to my heart ever since my Paleo days, when I started becoming interested in food. So in this episode on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm tackling the issue of how to talk to our children about meat – and realise in the process that it's very little to do with the meat itself and much more to do with our values and what we want our family to value. I discuss... The environmental impact of vegan food in agriculture and why it's important to have that conversation too. What's really important when it comes to choosing meat, and how to balance different priorities of cost and values How I talk to my children about eating meat – and why it's become difficult since moving out of London What sustainable animal farming means to me, and the hierarchy of importance according to my personal values The wider question of whether sustainable farming can feed the world The question of privilege in having a choice about the meat we choose to eat – and whether the choices you might feel forced to make is a short-term one. This is one of those episodes that might ruffle some feathers as I'm sure many people out there have a different opinion to me. If you do have an opposing view point then I'd love to hear from you – and if you agree with me then let me know too! Other podcast episodes I refer to: {10.4} What the heck is ultra-processed food and what should I do about it? {8.4} Eating well on a budget: 6 steps to feed your family without. breaking the bank {7.5} Should I continue being vegan? {3.3} How to optimise a plant-based diet in motherhood Recommended Instagram account on sustainable farming: @sustainabledish I expect this podcast will spark debate so if you have something to add, I'd love to hear from you! DM me on Instagram @tashadcruz or send me an email on with your thoughts and insights into talking about meat with our children. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
I recently ran a survey on my mailing list to find out what the main struggles are with low energy in motherhood. The results didn't surprise me - the no.1 issue that comes up is TIME. Getting to bed early enough, fitting in the activities, procrastination. And many who did the survey reported these all had a knock on effect on how much they were able to look after themselves. Eating enough, sleeping enough, exercising and seeing friends. Anxiety came up a lot too - which of course is hugely driven by lack of sleep, lack of nutritious food, lack of good quality relationships. It's a huge vicious cycle. So this week on Raising Healthy Mothers I am looking at lack of time in motherhood, reflecting on how we think about our time and how we sub-consciously choose our priorities within the language we use when talking about what we feel we can or can't do. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
Why do we feel so on the go constantly as mothers? How is it that we just feel so busy all the time... yet still find the time to spend 20 minutes scrolling on Instagram?   And what do we do when we're scrolling on Instagram? We're enviously watching other mums on Insta who somehow manage to fit in a full 1 hour morning routine before their kids wake up, or have done a complete do-over of a vintage dollhouse in their evenings, or have the bandwith to set up messy play AND clean it up after, or batch cook a month's worth of meals for their chest freezer. And we think to ourselves 'well I'll get round to that when...'   The problem is, we might find ourselves saying that very sentence throughout motherhood - right up until the moment they leave home for good. Because waiting for the right time to start putting yourself first is madness - it will never come!   So in this episode of Raising Healthy Mothers I discuss... The three toxic lies keeping you stuck in a cycle of stress, overwhelm and burnout Why these lies are so unhelpful How to break free of them   And if you feel it's time to finally put yourself first then you can make a start right now by downloading my free Self-Care workbook. In the workbook you start by assessing where you are right now to give you some focus on what you need to pay attention to. I then offer 7 days of unique 10-minute self-care activities you can do to give yourself a micro moment to yourself. Click here to sign up to my mailing list and download the workbook. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
How much choice do you really have over what you eat and what you buy for food? Although I've always had an awareness of the importance of eating food tha thas been minimally processed, ideally cooked from scratch, I hadn't considered the role that marketing, advertising and packaging plays in making a food impossible to resist and stop consuming.  In this episode of Raising Healthy Mothers I take a fresh look at ultra processed food thorugh the lens of the intention of the food as well as the ingredients in it that make it ultra processed.  In the episode I talk about... What is a UPF? How to recognise and spot a UPF The top 3 UPF shockers you're probably buying on a regular basis How to reduce UPF without losing your mind Why you shouldn't become obsessive about it I think that final point is key - there is so much more to food than the individual ingredients in it, and we are at risk of becoming obsessive over something that should bring us joy. This is one of those episodes straight from my heart because it's an issue I've grappled with over the years to various degrees.   Resources mentioned: Ultra Processed People: Why do we all eat stuff that isn't food... and why can't we stop? by Chris van Tulleken (affiliate link) Episode 8.1: 5 Steps to Read Food Labels for Healthy Eating Reducing Ultra Processed Food UK Facebook group The Nova Scale and the Open Food Facts app  Yuka app  Ultra processed food in baby and toddler food: Report by First Step Nutrition Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
Almost 10 years ago I bought my first Fitbit. I bought it because I wanted to track whether I was doing 10k steps a day. It worked really well - I would often find myself heading out for an extra walk at lunchtime. But I found all the options for tracking overwhelming, and I especially found the sleep information disturbing. I would sometimes wake up feeling like I'd had an amazing night's sleep, check my Fitbit, only to be told  I'd had only actually had 30 minutes of restful sleep. 10 years on and the options for tracking is phenomenal. Even without buying any fancy equipment - your phone alone can tell you a lot about how you are supposed to be doing with your health. And there's more and more gamification in completing your health data, making it even more compulsive. But is all this information a good thing? Does it actually help? Is all this tracking making us healthier? Is it empowering to know so much about yourself...or do you end up feeling enslaved? In this episode I discuss this very question - and realise that it’s really not black and white at all! I talk about… The Zoe programme and what I think about it How tracking can lead to obsession and more anxiety around our health The problem with tracking only one aspect of your health What I tell my clients not to track How our children can inspire us to be instinctive in how we treat our bodies What you could track to gain clues into your wellbeing I am opening up space for two 1:1 clients on a 3 month programme from February. Over the 3 months we’ll take a deep dive into your health challenges and make a plan together to get you out the other side with oodles of energy. To talk through whether it’s right for you, book in for a chat here. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
Children have the incredible power to help us step into the here and now. They very much live in the moment, often have an instinctive need to be in nature and are excellent at knowing how much food and sleep they personally need - with little consideration for what you, the parent, need. In this week's episode of Raising Healthy Mothers I have a fascinating conversation on why we often start instinctively tuning in to nature and the seasons of the year when we become mothers, and why it can help us parent more effectively. This ended up being a wide-ranging conversation where we discussed... Why the start of the year isn't great for resolutions but is a wonderful time for intentions Winter as a time for introspection, meditation and contemplation The periods of our lives where we need more rest – and when to let go of a morning routine How to embrace the dark of winter by allowing ourselves to take it slow Why embracing the seasonality of food helps to remain in alignment with our natural rhythms Sometimes the interviews I do on this podcast feel like I'm having a cosy cup of tea with a kindred spirit while you get to listen in. This was one of those conversation, and I hope you found as much wisdom and comfort from it as I did! Resources mentioned: Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May Find Aja: Website | Instagram Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
Welcome back to Raising Healthy Mothers for Season 10! Have you made new year resolutions or have plans to 'be healthier' in 2024? If that's the case then this is a juicy episode for you, because I'm going to tell you the 6 things I want you to STOP doing this year if this is the year you finally want to get your health on track.   These are the mistakes that come up time and time again when it comes to health and wellbeing, especially around weight loss and nutrition, and even more so in motherhood.   If you're keen to learn more about working with me in 2024, head over to to book in for a chat to discuss your current challenges and find out which service will suit you best. Connect with me:  Instagram: Facebook: Website: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day. Yet it's also usually the meal we put the least amount of thought into. It's obvious why – there's usually not much time and there are places to get to, so convenience wins every time. And for fussy eaters, it's often thier moment to shine. Becuase they get the same, predictable meal most days. It's usually always the same colour, the same texture and the same taste. It's reliably...bland. Like all other meals of the day, breakfast should be a source of quality nutrients and energy to fuel your child's day – especially if they're off to school where they need to use their brain. So in this episode I offer ideas on gently un-beiging your fussy eater's breakfast. I discuss... Why it's probably not your fault if your child is a fussy eater 4 top tips to introduce more nutrients and variety into the food they already eat How to talk about food positively in a way that gets them trying new food Why I discuss poo with my fussy eater If you'd like to get more help with fussy eating, take the pressure off yourself and bring some peace back to dinner time, my workshop How to Feed Your Fussy Eater is half price this week using code BLACKFRIDAY. Learn more and purchase here: Hurry – sale ends on Monday 27 November 2023! Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  
This week's guest on Raising Healthy Mothers is someone who exudes enthusiasm and excitement for her passion - gardening. And not just for the aesthetic beauty that having a joyful garden brings but for the mindful, thoughtful activity of being out in nature, being in the moment with the job that you're doing, and tending to the garden in the way that we have been connecting with nature throughout our history as a species. Kendall Platt is the Mindful Gardening Coach and she helps women take time out of their busy lives to quieten their minds whilst creating a garden that sets their heart on fire and creating joy with the flowers that they grow. And as a mum of two girls she recognises how much mums have to do and how busy their minds are – and she uses nature as a means to calm the mind and reduce the anxiety – rather than add to the overwhelm Over the course of this episode we discussed… How to fit gardening into a busy mums life – whether you work or are a stay at home mum Why being connected to nature is good for you – especially for women to get into a flow with our natural cycles How to make gardening manageable, 5 minutes at a time Dealing with grief and coming to terms with trauma through gardening Why gardening is good for our kids, and how to accept them into our space without wrecking it One thing that really struck a chord with me was how manageable Kendall made gardening seem. With almost everything in life we can choose to allow it to overwhelm us, or we can choose to do small bits of it at a time, noticing the difference we are making and finding joy and satisfaction in that. Connect with Kendall: Website | Subscribe to Kendall's Substack: The Seed | Instagram | Join her online Mindful Christmas Wreath Making masterclass here Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy. #raisinghealthymothers DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.  