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Rambam Bekius

Author: Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss

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My name is Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss, and this is the podcast for my Rambam Bekius Chavurah at Yeshiva Bnei Torah (YBT). We typically meet four days a week for an hour and learn the writings of the Rambam on a bekius level (i.e. with the aim of covering ground rather than doing an in-depth analysis). Our focus is on the Mishneh Torah, but we will frequently delve into the Sefer ha'Mitzvos, the Peirush ha'Mishnayos, the Moreh ha'Nevuchim, and other writings from the Rambam when our learning takes us there. If you're interested in attaining fluency in the Rambam's Torah, then this is the podcast for you!
358 Episodes
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length of audio: 47 minutesSynopsis: Have you been what I'll be up to this coming year? Have you heard me allude to a MAJOR update that I said I'd announce about my professional life in the near future? Are you aware of one of these updates, but not the other? Well, if none of this interests you, then by all means, feel free to skip this. But if you are at all curious about my exciting plans for 2023-2024, then here is the FULL ...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 24 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (6/8/23), in our last Rambam Bekius mini-shiur (ever?), we read Rambam's answer to the question: "If the purpose of human beings is to perfect ourselves, in knowledge and in action, what is the purpose of all those people who are not involved in perfecting themselves?" After offering our own answers, we read the two-part answer given by the Rambam. Although there are still questions on this e...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 42 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (6/7/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we FINALLY got to the part where the Rambam talks about the purpose of the human species. We read through his main answer, encountering a few questions and problems along the way. Tomorrow (בג"ה), in our last Rambam Bekius shiur of the season, we'll attempt to finish the section, beginning with the Rambam's answer to the question: "What is the purpos...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 25 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (6/5/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we INTENDED to learn the Rambam's interpretation of the midrashic statement, "The only thing Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu has in this world is the four cubits of halacha alone" (Berachos 8a). But we decided to start earlier to get some context and spent the whole time on the Rambam's explanation of why midrashim are written cryptically. Interesting discussion...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 19 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (6/1/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we finished the shiur on Chukos ha'Goyim, answering all the questions that were raised, and walking away with a newfound appreciation for the Torah's war against avodah zarah!-----מקורות:למקדח ולמחרוז במשנה תורה להרמב"ם - חוקות הגויםרמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר המדע, הלכות דעות ה:א -----This week's Torah content has been sponsored by Isaiah Blanks and...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 30 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/31/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we continued in the Kuntress shiur we started yesterday, and took the first step in answering our questions. This involved a BIG idea, and there's a lot more to flesh out, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow (בג"ה).-----מקורות:למקדח ולמחרוז במשנה תורה להרמב"ם - חוקות הגויםויקרא יח:ג; כ:כגדברים יב:לרמב"ם - ספר המצוות, לא תעשה מ"זתוספות ד"ה דאי - עב...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 21 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/30/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we continued in the Kuntress shiur we started yesterday, getting through all the questions - some major and some minor. Tomorrow, after a brief review, we'll begin the answers/ideas! -----מקורות:למקדח ולמחרוז במשנה תורה להרמב"ם - חוקות הגויםרמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר המדע, הלכות עובדה זרה וחוקות הגוים פרק יא; יב:אשולחן ערוך יורה דעה קעח:א-ג; קעט:יז הג"ה...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 28 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/29/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we began learning through another shiur in The Kuntress. We chose to do the shiur on Chukos ha'Goyim because Rambam Yomi began Hilchos Avodah Zarah today. We got through the first two questions in the shiur because we ended up doing all the sources inside. We plan on continuing tomorrow and finishing either at the end of this week or the beginning o...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 45 minutesSynopsis: This morning (5/25/23), in lieu of a Mishlei shiur, we learned through the first shiur in The Kuntress, which is about the order of mitzvos in the Sefer ha'Mitzvos vs. their order in the Mishneh Torah. We figured this would be a good topic to take up on Erev Shavuos - and it was!-----מקורות:למקדח ולמחרוז במשנה תורה להרמב"ם - פתיחה-----This week's Torah content has been sponsored by the following individuals...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 37 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/24/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, on the day before Erev Shavuos, we decided to learn through the Rambam's tshuvah on the question of whether one should stand when the Aseres ha'Dibros are being read during Krias ha'Torah. After reading his answer (spoiler alert: it's a "NO!"), we read Rav Moshe Feinstein's tshuvah on the matter, in which he takes the opposite position.-----מקורות:ת...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 19 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/23/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we completed this year's learn-through of the halachos of tzedakah. The final halachos discussed the various sides of dependency on tzedakah: when it's bad, when it's necessary, and how to tell the difference. בריך רחמנא דסיען-----מקורות:רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר זרעים, הלכות מתנות עניים ד:יד,טז; י:יח-יטרד"ק - ירמיהו יז:ה-ח-----This week's Torah conten...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 19 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/22/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we returned to Hilchos Matnos Aniyim Chapter 10 after a three month (!) hiatus. Today learned the halachos about supporting your children, your parents, and your other relatives - and, most importantly, the poor, whom you should treat as members of your household. -----מקורות:רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר זרעים, הלכות מתנות עניים י:ז,טז-יזישעיהו פרק נ...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 17 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/18/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we finished learning about the king's prohibitions and privileges in chapter 3. Although there's another chapter which is part of this topic, we're going to go back to Hilchos Matnos Aniyim and complete it - hopefully before Shavuos! (בג"ה)-----מקורות:רמב"ם - פירוש המשניות: סנהדרין ב:דרמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר שופטים, הלכות מלכים ומלחמות ג:ו-ייהושע א:ט...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 15 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/16/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we continued with the halachos of kings, learning about the three lo taasehs stated in the Torah, and the positive injunction about what a king SHOULD occupy himself with. Tomorrow we'll aim to finish the chapter (בג"ה).-----מקורות:תשובות רדב"ז על משנה תורה מלכים ומלחמות גרמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר שופטים, הלכות מלכים ומלחמות ג:א-דכסף משנה שםרמב"ם - פיר...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 22 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/15/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we wrapped up (I think?) the sugya of the king's mitzvah to write a second sefer Torah for himself, in addition to the one he had as a civilian. There were a few questions we weren't able to answer, but such is the nature of Rambam Bekius! We concluded with an unrelated (somewhat recent) discovery of Cairo Genizah fragments featuring the writing of ...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 30 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/11/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we reviewed and wrapped up the Aruch ha'Shulchan from yesterday, then read the first couple halachos in the Rambam about the mitzvos of writing a Sefer Torah, then we finished reading the Torah Temimah we started, who raised OUR question but then gave an answer which we appreciated but didn't feel fully satisfied by, then we read the Ralbag's approa...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 26 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/10/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we went on a fun detour (from our already fun detour). We planned to learn about the mitzvos unique to a king, the first of which is to write a second Sefer Torah for himself. First, we had to learn about the mitzvah for EVERY Jewish male to write a Sefer Torah. We started with the Rambam's Sefer ha'Mitzvos, which led us to the Torah Temimah's expla...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 22 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/9/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we learned the chapter in the Mishneh Torah about the halachos of celebrating Lag ba'Omer. The Rambam's shitah about the size of the bonfire ... HA! GOTCHU! We continued on in the halachos about honoring a king - but first, we read the psak of the Aruch ha'Shulchan ha'Asid on the halacha we learned last week about hereditary leadership. After that, w...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 18 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/4/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we began with a discourse from the honorable Dutchman Monarchist, Yoel Schaper, who helped us to understand the rationale behind hereditary positions of leadership. We then read the first few halachos about honoring a king, which (בג"ה) we will continue next week.-----מקורות:רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר שופטים, הלכות מלכים ומלחמות ב:א-ה -----This week...
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!Length: 21 minutesSynopsis: This afternoon (5/3/23), in our Rambam Bekius mini-shiur, we continued learning the halachos in the first perek of Hilchos Melachim u'Milchamos. First we learned through the remaining halachos about who may be apointed, and then we learned the halachos about anointing a king, and how the malchus is passed down. Tomorrow the plan is to find something else on this topic which is interesting to learn (בג"ה).--...
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