Ranting Rina Podcast

A weekly podcast where we talk about casual concerns in a casual way. If you're in need of a companion to make your daily chores less boring, this podcast might help you overcome the boredom :) Ran by an open-minded Asian exposed to multiple cultures that desperately needed to rant somewhere. No politics though. Airing every Thursday at 9AM EST. // intro music by Moscillate from Fugue Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support</a>

Ep. 11 - #BlackLivesMatter and recognizing privileges

Today, I won't be ranting for long. Instead, I'll only take 6, almost 7 minutes of your time to voice out my thoughts, and then I'll leave you with a handful of links you can find below to educate yourself on racism including against black people. Remember that it's not about only black people vs. white supremacists. It's about everybody vs. racists. #BlackLivesMatter Sources to learn: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ Compilation of books on black history: https://twitter.com/oliveyoongs/status/1265879384868532225 Anti-racist books thread: https://twitter.com/victoriaalxndr/status/1266829408268095493 Documentaries on racism: https://twitter.com/FILMSHAWTY/status/1266029625626497031 Books, movies, shows, podcasts on anti-racism: https://twitter.com/petalboymin/status/1267287604854231049 If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Follow on Twitter @RantingRina --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.10 - Updates from the quarantine

The Ranting Rina Podcast is back on its regular schedule! Tune in to find out what I've been doing during my hiatus, how I dealt with the quarantine and semi-lockdown, and what are the useful tips that I've got from spending more time at home doing daily things. If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Follow on Twitter @RantingRina --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.09 - Having too many hobbies is actually BAD

I'm back from my January hiatus! Today I'm talking about how having too many hobbies actually did more harm than good to me, and about my current situation with deciding my future. If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.08 - "Dad, please buy me a vacuum cleaner!" | on financial independence and family connections

This episode is all about being financially independent and it's pros and cons. Should you be still asking parents for extra money? Or should you just suck it up and buy everything yourself since you're capable of affording almost anything? Stick around to hear my personal experience and lessons learned in regards to living separately, being financially independent and maintaining the connections with parents. If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.07 - It's OKAY to do things alone

In today's installation, I'm gonna be talking about something that is more frequent in Asian countries, where the "collective" mindset is still a common trait among people, and that is the stigma towards people preferring to do most of the things on their own. From simply living in a single studio without roommates even when you're short on finances, to traveling and even getting a cup of coffee - there are a lot of us who don't feel the need of having someone else accompanying us, and it doesn't always mean that we're feeling lonely or that we need sympathy. Sometimes, it's just our conscious choice, and people surrounding us need to get this in their heads. If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.06 - Wrapping up 2019 and Resolutions for 2020

This is probably the most boring episode so far. Nonetheless, here we are, summing up everything that happened in 2019 and talking about plans for 2020. I'm also gonna be mentioning what changed in my personal values and other random ramblings. Obviously, featuring the noise from my cats as they always decide to mess up with me during the recording. Happy New Year, folks! If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.05 - My financial mistakes and regrets

In today's episode of #RantingRinaPodcast, I'm going full-mode blaming myself for terrible financial choices and the stupidest of mistakes I've ever made with my money. After you listen to this episode, please make sure to NOT follow my example and DO use your money in a smart way, unlike what I've been doing for the past 5 years. If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.04 - Can I ever be in love again?

Oh wow, things are going deep in this episode! Today I'll be sharing with you one of my biggest life concerns regarding myself, which is being in love and the ability to be happy again after experiencing heartbreak followed by deep depression. Get ready, things will go very personal, and even though I don't mind sharing my story, it's not always easy to talk while knowing you still haven't found a perfect solution for a better self. If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. #RantingRinapodcast #Rina_N --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.03 - Do I love myself? | self-love and self-acceptance

Oh wow, we've made it to the third episode! Phew! Now buckle up again, because today we're digging into some deep shit called self-love and self-acceptance. I'm going to share the experiences that made me learn the way to accept myself, as well as how long should it take for you to succeed in your attempt. Warning: a lot of excessive cat meowing because someone was craving for the attention, and the butler was too busy working on this long ass episode. Duh!' If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. #RantingRinapodcast #Rina_N --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.02 - Fears don't care about your age!

Here comes the 2nd episode, where Rina is going to talk about her fears and what she learned from it, and also to encourage you to accept yours rather than be ashamed of having them, because, let's be real - fears never cared how old we are, so why should we be bothered? If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts! Also, check out the Anchor link for more platforms where you can find the podcast on https://anchor.fm/rantingrinapodcast. Submit your story or concern to be read it out on every 10th episode: https://forms.gle/WjBWvnnB87n8PGo18 Follow on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as Rina's personal account @neo_ttaemune. #RantingRinapodcast #Rina_N --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.01 - Don't overwhelm yourself | dealing with procrastination

Finally, the official 1st episode of the podcast! Today we talk about what causes us to procrastinate, and what little steps you can take in order to get more productive. All advice has been tested by me, so no sugar coating for you there! If you liked this episode, please consider subscribing and rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube. Currently, I'm still fighting Google & Apple to have my podcast approved, so once they're up, I'll notify through social media! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @RantingRina, as well as my personal account @neo_ttaemune.  If you wish to support me on this path, check out my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/rantingrina. Numerous bonuses for all patrons guaranteed. #RantingRinapodcast #Rina_N --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


Ep.00 - Pilot. What am I even doing?

Here's the long-awaited pilot episode of the Ranting Rina Podcast! Welcome! As the title suggests, this pilot will only talk about who I am, why I wanted this podcast to exist, and what do I hope to achieve while rolling these. I do want to apology upfront for my awkward way of talking, as well as for a heavy accent mix, and I hope this will get fixed as the podcast goes on. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rantingrinapodcast/support


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