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Ravi Zacharias via myPod

Author: Joshua Hoover

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1985 Episodes
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 62 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode is the first part of a multi part look at Islam and what they believe. In this first part, we will look at the history of Islam.Here are the text I used to bring you this episode:"God Among Sages" by Ken Samples"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
In this episode we continue going through the book of James and discuss:What does it mean when it says cover a multitude of sins?Did Ravi Zacharias undo all the good he did?Is cancel culture anti-Christian?Will David ever listen to our own podcast? Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 56 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode part of a multi part look at the cults that sprang up in the Modern Age. This is the second episode focusing on the beliefs of Christian Science.Here is the text I used to bring you this episode:"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
Send us a textIn this episode, we tackle a pressing issue that has left many believers disillusioned: scandal fatigue. From the moral failures of once-trusted Christian leaders like Mike Bickle, Robert Morris, Ravi Zacharias, Jerry Falwell Jr., and Mark Driscoll, to the widespread misconduct uncovered within organizations such as Hillsong Church and the Southern Baptist Convention, the Christian community has faced a barrage of betrayals. These scandals cut deep, leaving behind a trail of hur... Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 55 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode is part of a multi part look at the cults that sprang up in the Modern Age. This is the first episode focused on the history of Christian Science and its founder Mary Baker Eddy.Here is the text I used to bring you this episode:"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
On today’s program, three years after sexual abuse allegations surfaced against the late apologist Ravi Zacharias, imploding his organization and his legacy, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries appears to remain in operation…with little to no transparency. We dug around for some answers. Plus, a Knoxville-area ministry is restoring dignity and hope to its homeless population. We’ll take a look. And, the latest from a recent survey on the state of church compensation. We’ll have details. But first, the founder of Barnabas Aid has been forced to resign over allegations of financial mismanagement and a toxic work culture. The producer for today’s program is Jeff McIntosh.  We get database and other technical support from Stephen DuBarry, Rod Pitzer, and Casey Sudduth. Writers who contributed to today’s program include Kim Roberts, Tony Mator, Marci Seither, Adelle Banks, Catherine Pepinster, and Christina Darnell. Until next time, may God bless you. MANUSCRIPT FIRST SEGMENT Warren: Hello everybody. I’m Warren Smith, coming to you from Charlotte, North Carolina. Natasha: And I’m Natasha Cowden, coming to you from Denver, Colorado. And we’d like to welcome you to the MinistryWatch podcast. Warren: On today’s program, three years after sexual abuse allegations surfaced against the late apologist Ravi Zacharias, imploding his organization and his legacy, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries appears to remain in operation…with little to no transparency. We dug around for some answers. Plus, a Knoxville-area ministry is restoring dignity and hope to its homeless population. We’ll take a look. And, the latest from a recent survey on the state of church compensation. We’ll have details. Natasha: But first, the founder of Barnabas Aid has been forced to resign over allegations of financial mismanagement and a toxic work culture. Warren: Patrick Sookhdeo, his wife Rosemarie, and two members of the United Kingdom board of trustees—Caroline Kerslake and Prasad Phillips—were suspended from leadership until an independent investigation can be completed. While the U.S. affiliate and fundraising arm of Barnabas Aid, also known as Barnabas Fund, has a different CEO than the U.K. affiliate, the Sookhdeos, Kerslake, and Phillips are all listed as board members of Barnabas Aid in the U.S.A. Natasha: What happened?? Warren: Following whistleblower complaints earlier this year, some members of the board began raising questions about the management of the charity and charity funds. The statement Barnabas Aid said it appears the Sookhdeos were among those who failed to comply with the internal policies and created a “toxic work environment” that undermined the staff’s feeling that they could voice their concerns. “In addition, we have also identified significant payments made to the founders (and to others close to them—including some Board Members/Trustees) which cannot be readily explained. Ample opportunity has been provided to the founders to explain those transactions but sadly they have refused to cooperate,” the Barnabas Aid statement added. Natasha: This wasn’t the first time that the founders have been in the news Warren: Barnabas Founder Patrick Sookhdeo was found guilty in 2015 for one count of sexual assault and two counts of witness intimidation, charges Sookhdeo vehemently denies. A few years later, in 2020, a UK employment tribunal found Sookhdeo guilty of condemning and shunning the ministry’s head of ... Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 54 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode is the second part of a multi part look at the cults that sprang up in the Modern Age. This is the second episode exploring the beliefs of the Latter Day Saints, the Mormons.Here is the text I used to bring you this episode:"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 53 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode is the second part of a multi part look at the cults that sprang up in the Modern Age. This is the first episode exploring the beliefs of the Latter Day Saints, the Mormons.Here is the text I used to bring you this episode:"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast:
Day 165 Today’s Reading: Galatians 3 The letter to the Galatians is a call back to reintroducing the simplicity of the gospel message. It’s so simple that the formula has not been changed for five thousand years. And Galatians 3 tells us something epic and answers a question I have been asked many times: how did the Old Testament people become believers or Christians? How did those in Genesis through Malachi have a relationship with God? This may surprise you, but there’s no better New Testament letter to answer this than the book of Galatians. Paul says this: Even so Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham. The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “All the nations will be blessed in you.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer. (Galatians 3:6-9) These words are incredible. Paul associates so many New Testament salvation words with Abraham: Abraham believed; reckoned to him as righteous; God preached the gospel to Abraham; and finally called the believer. Wow! This sounds like a Christian from the book of Acts not someone from 2000 BC, from the book of Genesis. Abraham the believer is a great name for the Old Testament patriarch.  How did an Old Testament person become a Christian? Simple. The same way we do. They were called upon to believe God—just as the book of Romans tells us that belief in God makes us righteous, or reckoned. I love that word. Reckoned is a word Paul uses for the result of belief. The word means to impute. To make it even simpler, it is to put into an account. It’s like watching a spy movie and the characters are electronically sending huge sums of money to a Cayman Island account. This is what happens to those who believe in God: God sends righteousness to your account. Righteousness is not from stringing together a bunch of obedient successes and good days in being a Christian. Righteousness is imputed, reckoned, sent to our account, like to a Cayman Island offshore account. It’s something huge . . . righteousness. All because we do one thing: believe in God. That’s the gospel of the New Testament and that was the gospel of the Old Testament, which Abraham had preached to him. Jonathan Whitefield was preaching to coal miners in England, and he asked a man, “What do you believe?” “Well, I believe the same as the church,” the man said. “And what does the church believe?” “Well, they believe the same as me.” Seeing he was getting nowhere, Whitefield said, “And what is it that you both believe?” “Well, I suppose the same thing.” That’s elusive belief. The question we should ask is, what did Abraham believe? I think Hebrews 11:6 tells us: “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” The writer of Hebrews says that we must believe that He is. That means Abraham believed all that God disclosed about Himself. That God is exactly who He said He is. Why is that important?  First, it’s not making up things about God’s character but believing what He reveals. And for Abraham, it started with “God is one, not many,” like the polytheistic cultures he was surrounded by. Abraham did what Martin Luther King Jr. expressed: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Apologist Ravi Zacharias said: “We have a right to believe whatever we want, but not everything we believe is right.” As time progressed all the way to the book of Galatians, it still holds true that we must believe that He is. God has shown us a lot more. He has shown more of Himself through His Son Jesus. Belief is based on God disclosing Himself, revealing Himself, and the pinnacle of God’s self-revelation is in the Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
In this two-part interview on the Alabaster Jar podcast, Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing discusses her book Lead Like the Real You: Wisdom for Women on Finding Your Voice, Pursuing God's Calling, and Leading with Courage with Dr. Lynn Cohick. This book explores women's challenges and opportunities in male-dominated spaces and offers practical advice on finding and using their voices. It also delves into the topics of work, intellectual integrity, and love in leadership. In this episode, Dr. Orr-Ewing and Dr. Cohick delve deeply into biblical interpretation, particularly around the creation narrative in Genesis and how it has been misused to justify patriarchal structures and gender-based hierarchies in the church. Dr. Orr-Ewing provides a nuanced and empowering perspective, highlighting how the Bible affirms the equal dignity and agency of men and women as image-bearers of God. They also have a poignant discussion about Dr. Orr-Ewing's personal experiences navigating a toxic situation within the Ravi Zacharias International Ministry (RZIM). They explore concepts like "DARVO" (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) and gaslighting and how these manipulative tactics can be weaponized against women seeking accountability and justice in religious contexts.Key Takeaways: The Bible affirms the equal dignity and value of men and women as image-bearers of God, challenging patriarchal interpretations.The concepts of “headship" and "authority" in the Bible need nuanced explanations since they do not inherently imply male dominance or female subordination.The "DARVO" (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) pattern helps those in religious settings understand when they are being manipulated.There is a big danger of misapplying the redemption narrative to excuse abusers. We should be cautious against rushing to reconcile abusers without true repentance, as this can further harm victims. Resources Mentioned:   Lead Like the Real You: Wisdom for Women on Finding Your Voice, Pursuing God's Calling, and Leading with Courage by Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing  Report of Independent Investigation into Sexual Misconduct of Ravi Zacharias  The Center for Institutional Courage  Episode Sponsor:  The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram @leadershipwithoutapology. Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 52 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode is the second part of a multi part look at the cults that sprang up in the Modern Age. This episode will explain the history and government of the Latter Day Saints, the Mormons.Here is the text I used to bring you this episode:"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast:
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 56 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode is the first part of a multi part look at the cults that sprang up in the Modern Age. This episode will explain the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Here is the text I used to bring you this episode:"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast:
This is a special encore episode of my popular Christian History series while I take a Sabbatical.This is Part 50 of the Christian History Series. We are now in the Modern Age. This episode is the first part of a multi part look at the cults that sprang up in the Modern Age. This episode will explain the history of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Here is the text I used to bring you this episode:"Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin, edited by Ravi Zacharias Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
n the sixth episode of the Design Talk Series, Jabeen Zacharias, Principal Architect, Jabeen Zacharia and Past President, Institute of Indian Interior Designers (IIID) highlights the importance of integrating interior design practices and design thinking processes for greater impact in the society. She is in conversation with Prof Preetha Ravi Sree, Associate Dean, Pearl Academy.What can be done to nurture and encourage young talent aspiring to pursue interior architecture & design as a profession? Considering India's diverse climatic zones, how can sustainable interior design practices, tailored to local conditions, pave the way for global leadership in eco-conscious architecture? Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Episode: Podcast:
After discussing various interpretations of the End Times, this series will continue in a basic premillennial understanding of eschatology. The central event - or series of events - to this interpretation of the End Times is the Tribulation, a 7 year period of hardship and judgement on the Earth that precedes the physical return of Christ. Just a reminder to hold your End Times theology loosely. We are living before these events and so there is an incredibly wide range of acceptable, orthodox positions one can hold. This episode opens with a tribute to Ravi Zacharias, who had recently died in late Spring 2020. This means that I had to add an addendum to my tribute, as much of the legacy of Ravi has been tarnished by revelations of his sexual predatory behavior. Episode: Podcast:
Robert Morris, Trumps Spiritual advisor has been in the news lately for an inappropriate relationship he had with a child 20 years ago. Unfortunately this tragic story is not unique in recent years among celebrity pastors. Robert Morris, Carl Lentz, Ravi Zacharias, and others have caused Christians and the name of Jesus shame through their actions of infidelity and power abuse. It's incredibly sad and something countless other pastors have tried to help others through. Today we're discussing a bit about this and also focusing on when should a pastor step down from the pulpit. We look at relationship to alcohol, adult content, anger problems, gossip, and others. While we want to extend the grace of God to everyone, there's a reason James says that not many of us should want to be leaders because they're held to a higher standard. Enjoy! Got any questions or topics you’d like to hear about? You can email us at ⁠⁠ Like our content? Consider helping us grow through Patreon, a follow, or subscribe! Leave a rating on whatever platform you listen on and write some nice comments YOUTUBE ⁠here⁠ PATREON  ⁠here⁠ INSTAGRAM: ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast: Episode: Podcast:
Do you really want to know what's in the Ark of God? Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller. This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 6. I've titled this chapter "From Confusion to Clarity." In chapter 6, the Ark of God returns. The priests offer a sacrifice upon the return, but they make a fatal mistake: And he struck some of the men of Beth-shemesh, because they looked upon the ark of the Lord. He struck seventy men of them, and the people mourned because the Lord had struck the people with a great blow. — 1 Samuel 6:19 One Quick Peek We're curious beings, aren't we? I've been curious since my teens. I remember taking things apart to understand how they worked. But as I've grown older and wiser, I've learned there are lines and limits to curiosity. Sometimes curiosity pays off positively; other times, it brings severe consequences. In our relationship with God, it's good to be curious about Him and His will in our lives. Yet, we must tread carefully when our curiosity leads to selfish thoughts, attitudes, or actions. God sets boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. When we defy these boundaries, we distance ourselves from Him and face the consequences. Why Do The Priests Peek? Here's the big question: Why did these 70 priests of God dare to peek into the Ark? They knew better—they were explicitly instructed never to touch, open, or even look inside it. That's basic priestly training. Their curiosity may have stemmed from eagerness to see if the Philistines took anything from the Ark, or perhaps it was their first chance to see it outside the Tabernacle. Whatever the reason, their disobedience cost them their lives. What Was In The Box? So, are you curious? Do you want to know what was in the Ark of God?  I know you do. According to Hebrews 9:4, the Ark contained three objects: The Tablets of Stone: The tablets on which God wrote the Ten Commandments. Aaron's Rod: This was a stick that belonged to Aaron, who was a high priest of Israel. A Jar of Manna: This was the bread that God provided for the Israelites when they were wandering in the desert. They represented the rule, protection, and provision of God. Hard Lessons for Men of The Cloth God's boundaries apply to all. His justice doesn't spare insiders who defy His will. Recent events involving prominent spiritual leaders prove this point. For example, consider James McDonald, Ravi Zacharias, Bill Hybels, and the latest, Tony Evans. For some, this is heartbreaking, but it is simply a strong reminder. Curiosity within God's will is safe and beneficial, but beyond it lies danger. So be curious, but don't be tempted to step outside the will of God. #CuriosityAndConsequences, #GodsBoundaries, #WisdomInObedience Ask This: How can we maintain a healthy balance between curiosity and obedience in our daily walk with God? Reflecting on times when curiosity led to positive outcomes versus negative consequences, how can we apply lessons from the priests' mistakes to our own lives today? Do This: Be appropriately curious. Pray This: Father, help me discern between healthy curiosity that seeks Your will and selfish curiosity that leads astray. Guide me to honor Your boundaries, knowing Your wisdom protects and guides me always. Amen. Play This: Every Direction. Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
We're back with Part Two of David Chotka's amazing stories! We talk about why Ravi Zacharias' lifelong scandal was so wrong. He tells the amazing story about how his wife was healed from MS. David also shares his fruitful prayer ministry, and how we can experience the same power of God in our own lives. David is a great storyteller and you don't want to miss this episode! David Chotka's website: BIO: Rev. Dr. David Chotka is the Founder and Director of Spirit-Equip Ministries, a trans-denominational equipping ministry focused on developing spiritual disciplines. He is also the Chair of the Alliance Pray! Team (APT)--a ministry developed by the General Assembly of the C&MA Canada, to serve as a catalyst to develop prayer equipping resources and leading events across the movement and beyond. In addition, David has served as the Canadian director of the College of Prayer, Canada, a trans-denominational ministry dedicated to working with every stream of the Lord’s church to deepen ministries of intercession. Dr. David has led many prayer/deeper life events in differing contexts, including sacramental, evangelical and charismatic churches and trans-denominational gatherings of leaders (in Canada, the US, 6 nations in Europe, Australia, Japan, as well as in various nations in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America). He has studied in Sacramental, Reform, Brethren, Wesleyan Methodist, and trans-denominational contexts, and was mentored by Dr. Gordon Fee (Pentecostal), Dr. John White (Brethren/Anglican), Dr. Maxie Dunnam (Evangelical Methodist) and Rev. Danny Morris (Discernment Author and speaker). David has four earned degrees with three in Theology/Spirituality (M.Div. TST, Th.M. Regent College, Vancouver, D.Min. Gordon Conwell), and serves as an adjunct instructor in the Pathways School for ministry. Link Tree Website: Email: Social media links: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Instagram: Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Stitcher, Listen Notes Keep in touch with me! Email subscribe to get my handpicked list of the best resources for abuse survivors! #abuse #trauma Mentoring An easy way to help my ministry: A donation link: Affiliate links: Can’t travel to The Holy Land right now? The next best thing is Walking The Bible Lands! Get a free video sample of the Bible lands here! Get one free month of Blubrry podcast hosting with the promotional code: FAITHFUL Get quality podcast guests and interviews from PodMatch! Get paid to be a host! Sign up below: Visit my friends at the Heal Thrive Dream Boutique for some cool T-shirts, jewelry and other merch! Simply share the discount code we created just for you and receive a 10% discount on your order!  DIANA98825 Bible Study Notebook From Karen Robinson! Check it out! Karen Robinson’s Trauma Coaching Free Healing Coaching Intensive Episode: Podcast: https://dswministries.orgpodcasts Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
Day 123 Today’s Reading: Romans 6 There is probably not a better chapter in the New Testament that deals with the relationship between Christians and sin than Romans 6. That relationship is—there is no relationship. You have victory because sin is no longer in charge. There’s a new King on the throne of your heart. C. H. Spurgeon was right when he said, “Sin murdered Christ; will you be a friend to it? Sin pierced the heart of the Incarnate God; can you love it?” We can’t be a friend to sin. We have a new friend and our new friend is now our King: Do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace. (Romans 6:12-14) “Do not let sin reign in your mortal body” (verse 12). The word "reign" is a word for a king or royal who is in charge of a nation and has the throne. Paul is saying that when you get saved, sin is dethroned from the throne of your heart. Now King Jesus sits as the sole authority and He has no rivals. There may be fighters, but no rivals. There may be a coup here and there, but no one ultimately defeats this new King. Sin may be present and sin may fight, but sin will never again be king of your heart. Just because sin fights doesn’t mean it is in charge. Always remember that! Our sin leaves us in a knot, and we need God’s help to unties it. That’s what happens at salvation. He unravels sin and gives us new life. He undoes the knot of sin. Yet humanity tries to redefine the very thing for which Christ died and set us free. • Man calls it an accident; God calls it an abomination. • Man calls it a blunder; God calls it blindness. • Man calls it a defect; God calls it a disease. • Man calls it a chance; God calls it a choice. • Man calls it an error; God calls it an enmity. • Man calls it a fascination; God calls it a fatality. • Man calls it an infirmity; God calls it iniquity. • Man calls it a luxury; God calls it leprosy. • Man calls it liberty; God calls it lawlessness. • Man calls it a trifle; God calls it a tragedy. • Man calls it a mistake; God calls it madness. • Man calls it a weakness; God calls it willfulness. Paul goes on to say in verse 13: “Do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.” This verse is important for our understanding of the new King in our hearts. Paul tells us three important things: 1. We surrender to a person. We do not surrender to an idea, a denomination, a church, Protestantism, or Catholicism. The Bible says, “present yourselves to God.” No church can fight off sin like King Jesus. 2. We surrender for a purpose. Paul said, “as instruments” not as ornaments. The purpose in our surrender, it leads to something—righteousness. What are the instruments? The members of our bodies. We surrender our minds, our hands, our creativity, our eyes—all to the King. 3. We surrender at a price. Don’t miss the part that says “as those alive from the dead.” There is something costly here. Jesus paid the price for our resurrection. As Ravi Zacharias said: “Jesus Christ did not come to make bad people good, but to make dead people alive.” We were dead and King Jesus gave us new life. Something sin never did. Listen to what R. C. Sproul reminds us about sin: “I have committed many sins in my life. Not one of my sins has ever made me happy.” Our new King brings joy to us and tells us sin is not in charge anymore. The Message translation captures the concept of sin being rendered powerless when Jesus comes into our lives particularly well: You must not give sin a vote in the way you conduct your liv Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast:
AYUB 3:1-19 PENDAHULUAN-Mungkin banyak dari kita sudah mengenal dan masih ingat nama Ravi Zacharias? AYUB YANG MENGUTUKI HARI KELAHIRANNYA. Ayub fasal 3 kita bertemu Ayub yang lain dari Ayub di fasal 1 dan fasal 2 PERTANYAAN PERTANYAAN-DalamAyub 3:11-19 kita disajikan dengan berbagai pertanyaan dan Ayub yang berandai-andai . PENUTUP–Dalam bahasa Jawa, ada istilah “Ojo kesusu” berarti “jangan terburu-buru” atau “jangan ... Read more Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: Episode: Podcast: