ReWired Podcast

Rewire your mind to help yourself chase your dreams and goals! The right mindset can help pass that extra mile and achieve a goal. Mental fitness. Daily Motivation. Mindset. Self motivated. Succeed in life. Self happiness. Inspiration. Life Advice.

EP 16 That's Your Opinion

EP 16 That Your Opinion. Yes your opinion should matter to you. It's yours. It's a reflection of what we think, feel, and believe at the moment. But realize and understand that you are also entitled to change your opinions. Not because you were bought or force but because you felt it was the right thing to do for you.


EP15 Control Your Emotions

Learning to control your emotions is a great skill set to have. Understanding that any emotion can alter your thinking and even make decisions for you is a big part in evolving. Learning to harness that emotion and use it as energy can be an asset to you and your journey. Allowing yourself to be overcome by emotions can is unstoppable but learning to realize when you're in that state of emotion is a powerful tool!


EP14 All About Us

All About Us is just that. Make life about your happiness. I wanna see people and my friends through the tough times in life. I lost relationships with plenty of friends an family members that I felt were not there when I felt I needed support. Turns out things happen for us and not to us because I was able to find my true inner strength and peace. I am happier now and I want to share that with everyone I come in contact with. Lets make it about us. About you. About life!


EP13 Failure Can't Stop You

Don't allow failure to mess with your mind. When we fail that's all that means, a missed opportunity. Failure doesn't call for an end to your goals.


EP12 Fear

Understanding fear is a massive step towards combating fear itself. You can't defeat what you don't understand. Use fear as an agent to help you become aggressive in the battle towards your goals, dreams and happiness! The only thing to fear is fear it's and it's imaginary fables. You dictate your outcome not fear!


EP11 Know Your Limits

Understanding your limits and what your limits are is a vital step in obtaining your goal and or dreams. What lines are you willing to cross and what are you willing to compromise to reach your goals. These are limits that we should bare in mind and also bare in mind that there might be other limits not taken into account. Preparation is key for your limits.


EP10 Look For Opportunities

I definitely want to help in bringing valuable advice as well. It's not always about chasing dreams and goals. So you might be happy in your current job but how do you move up? Here's a few techniques I used in a previous job and all other jobs as well. This helped me stand out and move up through the ranks. Enjoy.


EP9 What Do You Believe

Changing what you believe in could be one of the hardest things a person can do. I believe it can have strong beneficial value in your life. If change is what you desire then understand that changing what you believe will be a part of the process. Don't feel or bad or take things personal if family or friends don't believe in the same things that you do. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs as well.


EP8 Luck

We make luck out to be this magical thing that happens to us when good things come our way. But if you took the time to dissect and analyze that moment of you'll find yourself creating that Luck. Did you take the initiative to make it happen. Were you prepared. And did you see the big picture. All ingredients of luck making magic!


Time. How much do we Waste

We often take the most valuable thing in our lives for granted. Which is time. It is the one thing we all receive and have no idea how of it we have left. Some of us receive a short amount while others get more of with no concept of how valuable it is. Don't just keep an eye on your money but also do so with your time.


Are You Happy

Do you feel as if you have more to give. Do you lay down at night and wonder what would have been? Then why become content with where your at? Time wasted is time we will never get back. Time is more valuable than gold and money. Spend it carefully and wisely.


EP5 It's All About You

EP5 I hope to have made a point. It's all about you and your happiness. Being content with who you are can fill gaps in yourself that need fixing. The end game here is your success and happiness not your bank account. Rewired Podcast


Momentum Keep Going

How to keep the momentum going. I give some examples of how or what you can do to stay motivated.


EP3 Following Up & Goals

Don't just listen to the advice follow up on it. Nobody will push you as hard as yourself because remember it's your dream! Have a young mindset. Write your goals down and start taking small steps towards achieving them.


EP2 It's Never To Late!

Take one year or two or three, if needed be. Give it all you got and start your dreams. Make a plan, put it into action and get going. The first step in chasing your dreams and goals is taking the first step!


Sam W

Great podcasts. I have a fear of going after my dreams afraid of what others will think. I’m a musician and I want to help people with my songs but I’m afraid to put myself out there. Stumbled upon this channel searching motivation and now I’m hooked on all this great advice. It helps clear up my head and puts things in perspective. Thank you.

02-26 Reply

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