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Read Me Somewhere

Author: Todd Lyons

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Leave the present behind and escape to another place, another time, a different frame of mind. #ReadMeSomewhere
18 Episodes
The Little Match Girl

The Little Match Girl


It's been a difficult year but never a better time to reflect on the privileges you take for granted. Farewell until the new year. If you enjoy RMS, share it with someone. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
What? Humblebragging isn't a new thing? Nope. People have been people since forever. And First World Problems? Since always. If you enjoy RMS, share it with someone. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
Going Nowhere

Going Nowhere


A man wonders if his existence has any meaning in the world. Please—if you enjoy RMS, share it with someone. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
The Fifty-First Dragon

The Fifty-First Dragon


Where does courage come from? Does it matter? Please—if you enjoy RMS, share it with someone. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
Sredni Vashtar

Sredni Vashtar


Repressed by his unloving caretaker, an ill child creates a mythological temple in his back yard. Persistence and quiet resolve in the face of oppression. Resistance done right. If you enjoy RMS, please share it with a friend. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
A Word for Autumn

A Word for Autumn


There are many ways to mark the passing time. Why not vegetables?  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere?
Two Friars

Two Friars


The Devil takes on the guise of a Holy Man in a ruse to possess the soul of a Good Friar. Memento mori. If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
The Mowing of a Field

The Mowing of a Field


Some experiences are even more beautiful than your memory could hold as a youth. If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
Beyond Life

Beyond Life


What are we? Perhaps components of an unfinished world, being made into something quite unpredictable—though sustained by an instinctive knowledge that we are being made into something better. If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
There's something ethereal and intimate about reading by candlelight.   If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
Stop for a Moment

Stop for a Moment


...and reflect on who you are, where you're going, and who's at the  controls.  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
My Summer in a Garden

My Summer in a Garden


Gardening: the relaxing pastime that also puts food on the table—at least in theory.  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
Living in the Country

Living in the Country


Re-inventing yourself with a hobby farm can be transcendent. Or, source material for a situation comedy.  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
Loving a pet is both a gift and a sacrifice: priceless fulfillment for the eventual cost of letting go. Joyous years in return for terrible weeks. But I would do it all again—and have.  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
The Tyranny of Things

The Tyranny of Things


The thirst to acquire new necessities that promise to improve our lives is nothing new, but do material comforts create simplicity?  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
Immerse your senses in the soothing calm of the forest at night.  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
To escape the noise and bustle of the school, a man seeks refuge in the library—where he experiences an unexpected encounter.  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere
The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch


Helen Keller reflects on the richness of her world and the comparative disability of five senses.  If you enjoy RMS, please share it widely. Ratings and feedback are also loved. #ReadMeSomewhere