Real Bible Stories - A Bible Study Podcast

Real Bible Stories - A Bible Study Podcast

Sometimes we forget that the Bible is filled with real people that lived real lives as part of humanities real history. Join us as we deep dive into the history surrounding the lives of the people in the Bible and stories we’ve read about them. This bible study podcast is produced in collaboration with Palms Church of Twentynine Palms, California. New Episodes every Monday!

Ep 85 A Royal Honor: The Real Call to Witness

Dive into the rich tapestry of the Bible as we navigate the concept of ascension and specifically the ascension of Jesus to power. We will use Solomon's ascent to power as a parallel, exploring how these ancient narratives cast a light on our modern spiritual journey. With Pastor Ryan Brown's keen insights, we draw out details that bind the Old Testament to the New Testament, revealing Christ's enduring sovereignty. Our conversation extends to the roles of proclamation and allegiance in the C...


Ep 84 Our Consistently Inconsistent Faithfulness - The Real Story of Peter at Jesus’ Arrest

Discover the intricate tapestry woven by scripture in our latest podcast episode, where Selena, Pastor Ryan Brown, and I unravel the profound symbolism rooted in the Garden of Gethsemane. Experience the Easter story as we draw parallels between the arrest of Christ and humanity's first steps in the Garden of Eden, revealing a redemptive narrative that flips the script on original sin. The imagery of trees, fruit, and thorns takes on new life, highlighting the promise of salvation and the ulti...


Ep 83 The Real Power of Sanctification Through Life and Testimony - A Continued Discussion With Set Free Church

Embark on a journey of reflection and renewal as Selena and I, Imran Ward, gather with Pastor Nick and Nathan from Set Free Church. We promise an exploration of sanctification that goes beyond the surface, delving into the intricate dance of truly hearing God's word and living a life that mirrors the selfless love of Jesus. Discover how the act of service becomes a profound form of worship and how, through intentional listening and humble acts, our identities are reshaped in Christ's image. ...


Ep 82 A Life Set Apart - The Lifelong Journey of Real Sanctification (with Set Free Church)

Join us in a deep study with Pastor Nick and Nathan from Set Free Church, as they return to our podcast with a treasure trove of stories that are sure to touch your heart. In their warm company, we traverse the desert of Wonder Valley where Set Free Church has taken root, and we discuss the adventure of their new ranch ministry. Through their eyes, the contrasting landscapes of Needles and 29 Palms come alive, revealing the diverse challenges and blessings they encounter as they spread faith ...


Ep 81 Born of Water and the Spirit: The Reality of Transformation with Set Free Church

"How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!” Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ John 3:4-5 Have you ever witnessed a profound change in someone's life, a transformation that ...


Ep 80 But What Was Left in the Tomb? The Real Reason the Disciples Saw and Believed

Discover the profound connections between ancient biblical garments and our modern faith as we celebrate two transformative years of "Real Bible Stories." With Pastor Ryan Brown as our teacher, we'll unravel the rich meaning behind the clothing of Jesus and his disciples, revealing how these threads lead us to a deeper understanding of redemption and our identity in Christ. As we reflect on the past, we'll also look at how these stories can impact our spiritual lives today. Join Selena and I...


Ep 79 What the Fishers of Men Heard: The Real Calling of Jesus’ Disciples

Join us as we journey through time to the shores of ancient Israel, where we will really dice into the concept of discipleship. Joined by Pastor Ryan Brown, Selena and I uncover the profound meaning behind Jesus' invitation to Peter, Andrew, James, and John, delving into the aspirations of Jewish youth and the transformative decision to become "fishers of men." We unravel the intricate relationships between education, rabbinical authority, and societal ideals, painting a vivid picture of the ...


Ep 78 Dying With Your gods - The Real Story of Goliath's Death

Embark on a journey through the ages as Pastor Ryan Brown, Selena, and I untangle the complex story of David and Goliath. Prepare to see this biblical clash from a technically accurate perspective, as we scrutinize Goliath's armor for vulnerabilities and lay bare the sophisticated combat principles that David masterfully applied with his sling. Our discussion illuminates the extraordinary hypothetical: what if Goliath had fought alongside Yahweh instead of against Him? Our conversation probe...


Ep 77 Fear, Failure, Faith, and Four Giants - The Real Story of David and Goliath

In the latest episode of our podcast, my wife and I had the pleasure of talking with Pastor Ryan Brown. This podcast episode serves as an invitation to delve deeper into the narratives that have shaped centuries of moral and spiritual guidance, encouraging a re-examination of the lessons at the heart of the Bible. We invite you to join us in this enlightening journey through ancient wisdom, as we connect its relevance to the complexities of modern life. The tale of David and Goliath wa...


Ep 76 But What is Heaven? - Exploring the Real Vivid Depictions of Heaven Throughout the Bible

Discover how heaven is woven into the very fabric of our faith and what awaits us beyond this earthly life. My wife Selena and I, along with Pastor David Squyres, invite you to a heartfelt discussion that traverses the landscapes of time and eternity. We journey through the cultural and historical contexts of biblical figures and stories, offering a perspective that could reshape your understanding of the scriptures. This episode is a profound contemplation of eschatology, where we dis...


Ep 75 The Real Story Beneath The Red Sea - Exploring Theophanies and God's Power on Display

"Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Join us on a voyage back to the ancient sands of Egypt with Pastor David Squyres and my wife, Selena Cruz, as we uncover the echoes of Exodus 14 that still ripple through time. As thunder rumbles in the background, reminiscent of the biblical plagues, join ...


Ep 74 The Real Story Behind Jesus' Family Dynamics - Navigating Family Ties, Trials, and Faith

Picture the scene: Jesus, God on Earth, yet living with the pressures of earthly family dynamics, just like you and me. This week, my wife Selena and I, along with our teacher Pastor David Squyres, take you on an enlightening journey through the lives of Jesus' family members. We unravel the complexities of familial relationships, the struggle of sharing faith with unbelieving family members, and the significant role Jesus' family played in his ministry and the expansion of the Christian fait...


Ep 73 The Real Story Behind The Marriage of Priscilla and Aquila - Faith, Mission, and Mutual Growth

How much do you know about Priscilla and Aquila, the biblical power couple whose love for each other was only surpassed by their devotion to God? This week with Pastor David Squyres, we're taking an exciting journey through their lives, highlighting how they served God's mission and used their marriage to mentor others. Their story offers a roadmap for maintaining a strong marriage focused on Christ. Priscilla and Aquila's faith remained steadfast, even in the face of adversity. Forced from ...


Ep 72 The Real Story Behind the Life of John Mark: Scribe of the Gospel

Unearth the untold stories behind the lives of the most influential figures in the Bible. This episode escorts you on an immersive journey with Pastor David Squyres as we take a captivating look at the life of John Mark, the young scribe behind the Gospel of Mark. We shed light on his early years, his commitment to his faith, and his pivotal role in the genesis of Christianity. We unpack John Mark's profound influence within the early Church, exploring his vital role in the missionary expedi...


Ep 69 Decoding Galatians 5:19-21: A Comprehensive Deep Dive into Works of the Flesh

Today, my wife, Selena Cruz (freshly returned from Spain) and I join forces with Pastor Ryan Brown, to offer an understanding on what sin is if we are no longer under the law. We will continue our journey through Galatians, drawing wisdom from as we define the specific Greek terms Paul uses to describe Works of the Flesh. We delve into the practical ramifications of our actions, emphasizing the importance of seeking God’s kingdom and walking in the Spirit. From the concept of living under gr...


Ep 68 Decoding Galatians 5:13-18: The Real Dangers of Freedom

Join us in our latest deep-dive into the book of Galatians with Pastor Ryan Brown. This week we will reveal how Paul's teachings illuminate our Christian freedom, and discuss just what it means to live by the spirit rather than under the law. But freedom, as liberating as it sounds, also comes with its own set of inherent dangers when the guardrails are removed. As we walk through the scripture this week, we'll dive into the implications of living free and how to navigate the treachero...


Ep 67 Decoding Galatians 5:1-12: The Complexities of Freedom in Christ

Ever wonder what it truly means to be free in Christ? We ponder on this and much more as Pastor Ryan Brown and I embark on a deep study through the theological intricacies of the Bible. Get ready for an enlightening discourse where we analyze Paul's argument and the purpose of his letter in Galatians, dissecting how proper thinking leads to proper living. Strap in as we explore the complex narrative of the law, slavery, the story of Hagar and Sarah, and ponder the thought-provoking idea that ...


Ep 66 Decoding Galatians 4:8-5:1: Children of Flesh and Promise

Join us and our teacher Pastor Ryan Brown as we continue our journey through Galatians. This week we are finishing off chapter 4 and heading in to chapter 5. Rejecting legalism and promoting unity within the church are key messages in Galatians. Tradition and additional laws should never become a “requirement” for Salvation. Jesus and Paul taught that anyone leading us back into the slavery of sin or the law should be cut off from the church. The importance of unity in the body of Christ ca...


Ep 65 Decoding Galatians 3:15 - 4:7: Unraveling the Significance of Law, Promise, and Freedom

Join us and our teacher, Pastor Ryan Brown, as we journey down the path of understanding these complex themes in our enlightening Decoding Galatians series. Expect to grapple with intriguing questions, discover Paul's insightful arguments, and unravel the cultural and historical importance of the Galatians. In this riveting episode, Pastor Ryan Brown takes us on an intellectual exploration of the purpose and function of the law in the Biblical context. Understanding the promise and law relat...


Ep 64 Decoding Galatians 3:1-14: Questions for a Divided Family

"I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?" Galatians 3:2 Join us with our teacher Pastor Ryan Brown, as we continue to unravel the foundations of our faith with the third chapter of Galatians. As we explore the question Paul posits in chapter 3 verse 2, we'll look at the implications of Paul's teachings on grace, faith, and obedience, and how these can help us understand that God's promise does no...


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