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Real Estate the Ramsey Way

Author: Ramsey Network

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We believe home ownership should be a blessing, not a burden. Dave Ramsey and his team of experts will help you learn how to build wealth from buying, selling and investing in real estate the Ramsey way. Learn more at

11 Episodes
Believe it or not, your mortgage doesn’t have to be a debt you carry for the rest of your life. Your income is your biggest wealth-building tool, and if you’re no longer using it to pay off your mortgage, you can win with money in a big way. In this episode, learn the pros of paying off your house early. Helpful Resources: Use our free Mortgage Payoff Calculator.   Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
Real estate investment may sound like a great idea, but it could ruin your life if you don’t do it the right way. In this episode, learn when house flipping can work for you, when to run the other direction, and how Dave Ramsey lost it all in real estate. Helpful Resources: Learn more about the types of investment properties, how to get started, and how to make money in real estate:   Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
When you sell your house, you want to get as much money as you can for it so you can use that money for a down payment on your next house. So, how do you know you’re getting the best possible deal (and not being screwed over)? In this episode, learn about when and how to sell your home—the right way. Helpful Resources:    Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
When you’re ready to buy a house, making sure you get the right mortgage is one of the most important home-buying decisions you can make. But the truth is, most mortgages out there suck. In this episode, you’ll learn the best way to finance a home, sneaky mortgage traps to avoid, and how you can feel confident in your lender.  Helpful Resources: Finance your home the smart way with my friends at Churchill Mortgage. Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
This trend going around social media is one of the stupidest mistakes you can make when buying a house! People are taking out HELOCs to solve their cash-flow problem at a huge risk to themselves. Learn why not to do this—and what you can do instead. Helpful Resources:   Learn more about what exactly a HELOC does and what you should do instead:  Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
Buying a house could be the biggest purchase of your life. We teach that you should put at least 20% down on a 15-year loan. And the more money you put toward your down payment, the less money you have to spend on interest every month. In this episode, you’ll learn the best way to save for a house to set yourself up to win with money now and in the future. Helpful Resources:   Learn about the best way to save for a house with our Step-by-Step Guide to Saving for a Down Payment. Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
How do you know you’re ready to buy a house when the market is crazier than your Uncle Joe at Thanksgiving dinner? In this episode, learn whether you can afford a home, plus learn the number one thing that controls your housing decisions. Helpful Resources: Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
Your dream home can quickly become a nightmare if buying it makes you house poor. In this episode, you’ll learn how to know what you can actually afford, plus how to budget for the additional costs of buying a home. Helpful Resources: Find out what your monthly payment should be with our free Mortgage Calculator. Find the only real estate agents in your area endorsed by Dave Ramsey.
Buying a home is a huge decision with a lot of big emotions! It can be hard to know if you’re making the right decisions the right way. In this episode, learn Dave Ramsey’s tips for buying a house and find out when it’s the right time for you to buy. You won’t hear this home-buying advice anywhere else. Helpful Resources: Ready to buy a house? Check out our free Home Buyers Guide for everything you need to know from home search to signing. Find the best real estate agent in your area, endorsed by Dave Ramsey to treat you the right way.
Your home should be a blessing, not a burden—but unfortunately, some people learn that the hard way. In the first episode of this limited series, listen as Dave Ramsey answers some unforgettable real estate questions and learn what to avoid and how to do real estate the right way. Helpful Resources: Are you financially ready to buy a home? Find out with this seven-question assessment: Find the best real estate agent in your area, endorsed by Dave Ramsey to treat you the right way.
Premiering on September 25th. We believe home ownership should be a blessing, not a burden. Dave Ramsey and his team of experts will help you learn how to build wealth from buying, selling and investing in real estate the Ramsey way. Learn more at