DiscoverReal Life with Jack Hibbs - Podcasts
Real Life with Jack Hibbs - Podcasts
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Real Life with Jack Hibbs - Podcasts

Author: Jack Hibbs

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Dynamic, solid, Biblical teaching that will inspire and encourage you.
324 Episodes
When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are born again by His Spirit. God gives us a new life. We no longer live for ourselves, or worry about ourselves. Instead, we live for God, and through His love, have a sincere love for others.
Christian love can permeate a dark world. The Gospel message of salvation lights up the darkness, and will never be defeated. It’s only through Jesus Christ, the world can experience true love, and be saved.
Obedience to Christ is to be under His influence, and to obey Him is to be empowered by His love. Human love is flawed, but Christ’s love doesn’t leave you where you’re at. Instead, He picks you up and puts you in a place of renewed fellowship with Him.
If we seek after material things to gain status or identity, we have an idol in our life. The Christian life is not only identified by our love for Christ, but that we live according to God’s Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit. To advance at the expense of others, or allow sin to run our lives is something we no longer consider.
The Christian life is not only a life of love, but a life that wants to obey the Lord. The Holy Spirit’s power is inside of us, and we have the awesome assurance that we’re going to Heaven. Our unbelieving world would call this insane. But, we know the truth, and the truth has set us free from our disobedient culture.
No one can take us out of the Lord’s hand. We are one with the Father, and He is one with us. We can now experience His love on a personal level. And, it’s through God’s love that we can love others with service and devotion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
There is only one God and one Mediator between God and man, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was God in the flesh, who offered Himself freely to die on the cross in our place. Jesus counted the cost, and lovingly decided that we were worth saving.
The past is all about faith. The kind of faith where we don’t walk around aimlessly, like we did before, but have direction, and purpose. A faith not based on ignorance, but understanding the high cost Jesus paid to save us from our sins.
Our future is bound in hope, but the past is all about our faith. It takes faith to believe that our past that had once ensnared us, has been washed away through Jesus Christ. Only He can forgive and forget, but we’re to take the memories of our mistakes, lay them at the cross, and by faith leave them there.
God doesn’t have favorites. God judges not by status or merit, but with perfect knowledge, and according to one’s faithfulness. We have a specific purpose and calling, and we’re to seek the Lord about what we’re supposed to do during our time here on earth.
Christians today are also the target of intimidation and fear. But, just like the Christians in Peter’s day, we have immediate access to the Father in prayer, and a hope for an awesome future knowing that this world is not our home.
All in the Family - C

All in the Family - C


Life without Jesus is a life without meaning or purpose. We are fatherless and orphaned, controlled by society and our own passions. But, a life with Jesus means we are His children, and part of His loving family.
All in the Family - B

All in the Family - B


As Christians, we’re not to go back to the former things of the past. God, in His mercy will always make a way of escape for us. Our world calls good evil and evil good. But, Jesus is the open door to salvation, and invites you into a new life with Him.
All in the Family - A

All in the Family - A


As children of God, we are all in the family, and as God’s children, we’re no longer under the world’s influence. God sent His Son Jesus to set us free from the sin and shame of the past, and we can follow Him knowing that as a loving Father, He always wants what’s best for us.
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We can take comfort in Christ returning to the earth. It means that God’s grace will be completed in full in our lives. But, if we’ve not given our life to Jesus Christ, the Bible says we will not enter into eternal life in Heaven. The choice is ours. Just know that God loves you, and it’s His desire to save you.
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The Bible says not to conform to the demands of this world, but instead, be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We’re not to be driven by our emotional impulses. Instead we’re to keep going back to the truth, and yield to God’s plan and guidance.
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When we choose to follow God, we’re choosing to also obey His will. When God is in control, there is peace, because His plan for us comes from a place of love. We just need to slow down, pick up our Bible, and be confident that His Word is true.
Salvation is open to all. To reject it is to reject the greatest sacrifice that ever happened on the earth. Jesus, God’s only Son gave His life to save ours. Even the Angels are in awe and wonder of the Gospel message, and how Jesus Christ was God, revealed in human skin.
We all have a story. The Gospel, and how we share it is supposed to be personal. The incredible opposition we face as Christians, can be an awesome opportunity to show the difference that Jesus has made in our lives.
Peter, even though he became the leader of the first church, was still very relatable. He had a way of speaking before thinking, and reacting before listening. But, Peter’s passion came from how much He loved the Lord, and dedicated His life to the service of others in the faith.
Comments (1)

Victor Brodt

Great teaching!

Mar 24th
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