Real Rabbi NYC

As a rabbi, I like keeping things real, whether about my life, or about Torah. And I do it all with a good helping of irreverence. I try to be both short and sweet, starting with my own life, my struggles, and those of the world today, and connecting to lessons I can take from Torah. My goal is to bring you the meaning I find with a new and relevant perspective as I discover it for myself, leaving you with a blessing or a prayer for the week each time.

The Whispers of B'khukotai

When do we whisper, and for what purposes. That's what I explore in this episode based on this week's Torah portion and all its horrible, horrible curses, and what's happening in the world.


At Least Try, & B'har

This week is about living in harmony with the Earth, and what Torah tells us about that. But I tell a personal story of going to stay with a good friend who has a farm. What a needed time. I hope you get your fix too.


Nothing New Except You People & Emor

Do you ever start out thinking you have nothing to say and then you realize you have so MUCH to say? That's how it was today. There's such interesting meat in the Netflix movie You People and the Parsha this week. So listen and find out! Leave a comment please, as well, with any thoughts you might have pertaining to the questions I leave you with. It will help others find me! Thanks ahead of time! Shabbat Shalom.


Two Weddings, Campus Protests, Holocaust Remembrance Day, & Kedoshim (You Know What I Mean?)

I'm late getting this out, but the ideas expressed here are relevant for any time. The challenge we are given by our Bible to "love our fellow as ourselves," and also not to "hate our fellow in our hearts" are both difficult tenets to live by. Humans are very judgy people, and when we don't agree with others and how they live their lives, or they challenge our sense of identity, we can become angry and hateful. I come to this with more questions than answers, and challenge us all to approach the current situation with the same attitude, and life in general. Please listen! And let me know what you think!


Expansiveness & Akharey Mot

It’s hard to live expansively these days, with an open heart and an open mind. But is it possible?


Difficult Conversations, A Passover Sacrifice & Metzora

I’m more than a little bit worried about Passover this year due to the current events in Israel and Gaza. My own family is divided in terms of political opinions over this, and there’s a fair amount of tension around it. I’m sure I’m not alone. As it is, Passover gatherings can be fraught, as any family gathering, but especially when we’re used to bringing in current events to our Seder discussions. So how DO we? And what’s it got to do with the Parsha this week (if you care). Happy Passover to everyone, and Good Shabbos.


Just a Poem (and a little bit more) & Shemini

This time I share a beautiful poem and some thoughts about how it might be connected to the parsha, and I ask for your thoughts on how they might be linked.


Lessons in Bravery from Death & Tzav

Facing death with dignity, standing up for the right to do that and to be treated with care can be one of the hardest things, especially when doctors and family and friends intervene. What does Judaism have to say about this, and how do we live our highest values?


Come Sunday, Be Present, and Vayikra

I officiated at a memorial service this week for a man who died too young of brain cancer. There were many lessons to be learned from the way he lived and the way he chose to die. Wittingly or unwittingly, he made mistakes. This week Torah tells us how to make expiation for our wrongdoings, but really stays on the surface. I go deep with this one—as I always intend. Take a listen!


Heresy; Create Tension, Get Attention, & P’kudey

Carlton Pearson was an Evangelical preacher turned heretic for preaching that hell is a human invention—one we don’t need any help creating for ourselves. He began preaching of a loving God of inclusion. I wonder how this lesson applies to me, or to us. I wonder how we as Jews are becoming the haters we accuse others of being.


A Lavish Ukrainian Wedding, an Owl, and Vayakhel

Is it possible to be too generous? To give too much? In this episode, I tell the funny and fun story of a Ukrainian Jewish/interfaith Muslim wedding ceremony I officiated recently, and ask those questions. (Please leave a blessing in the comments section after you listen—or a comment will do as well; it will help more listeners find my podcast! And thanks!)


Stretching, Late to the Game, & Ki Tissa

I heard a heartbreaking yet heartening story of a family from Kibbutz Be’eri on This American Life (Family Meeting is the name of the episode, released just this week). It gave me hope that, despite the trauma and fear, we can resist giving in to the hatred and anger, and maintain our ideals for a world where we can support each other and live together peacefully—where we don’t have to give in to the false gods that are the political forces that seek to keep us trapped.


Aliens, Whales, & Tetzaveh

Have you seen the show Resident Alien on Netflix? It’s really funny. It’s about an alien from outer space living among humans who thinks he is far superior to us. But he learns a thing or two about what makes humans special—our compassion—which we often forget to have, especially when we’re frightened. But politics capitalises on our fear for its advantage. The question yet again is how do we keep our compassion? And doesn’t the future of our species and our planet depend on it?


Burying a Treasure & T’rumah

I did my first funeral last week! What a difficult situation it was. But it was full of gifts as well. So is this week’s parsha.


Sapphires Under God’s Feet & Mishpatim

Last week, in anticipation of a meeting with an artist who’s been in Israeli counterterrorism his entire life, I had a panic attack. How could it be God’s plan for me to work with someone so opposite to me, my experiences, my history, my worldview? What I discovered is the answer to this question. I found sapphires!


Fantasy and Yitro

The far religious leaders of Israel in favor of settlements on Palestinian land as agreed upon in the past, had a conference this past Sunday. They’re now pushing the idea of resettling Gaza. Meanwhile, in Torah this week, the Israelites receive the Ten Commandments. How are these connected? Listen and find out!


Cowardice, Bravery, & B’shalakh

It’s been a while. But I’m back and ready to talk about the real issues -again. Uvalde mass shooting from 2022 and the justice department’s report, plus Gaza war…they have something in common as a lesson for us connected to Torah! Listen to find out, and leave a comment if you wish. I love to hear from my listeners!


Six Feet Under & Tevet

When I recently watched the show Six Feet Under from the early 2000’s, I saw many similarities in the energy, plot, and lessons to what is happening today in the world and in Israel and Gaza, and the spiritual demands of our time. Listen to find out. I love dark humor, but this got very dark. Still, I was obsessed.


Thanksgiving Stuffing & Kislev

I’ve been stuffing down my feelings with food—tried and NOT true way to deal with difficult things. What is the right and righteous thing to do with the Israel/Gaza situation? How does Torah reflect our struggles? What side of history will we be on?


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