Real Women Real Life

Join two women chatting about life. Our intention is to inspire personal growth through sharing our experiences and lessons learned from this crazy little thing called life.

Episode 13_Dialogue

Dialogue is how we comunicate our experience. Have a listen as we discuss how dialogue can strengthen your relationships.


Episode 12_Self Dating

Get ready to talk about some fun dating ideas for you and YOU!


Episode 11_Self Acceptance

Join us as we kick off Season 2 with some chat about Self-Love and Self Acceptance


Episode 10_Relationships

Relationships are SO much more than you might think! This is by far our longest episode, but man, our minds are blown. We hope yours is too!


Episode 9_Meditation

Meditation is more than just sitting in a lotus pose breathing deeply. Join us as we get real with our own meditation experience.


Episode 8_Rhythms and Cycles

Join us as we discuss what it means to be in alignment with yourself. To honour your own unique rhythms and cycles. Imagine what life would be like if we stopped pushing against the flow of the tides and just rode the wave instead.


Episode 7_Intuitive Eating

Listen to your gut. Literally! We discuss the ways of tapping into our intuition to give our body what it needs. No more fad diets here!


Episode 6_Mirrors

We aren't just talking about the glass you have hanging on your wall. Mirrors are everywhere in life...listen to find out what we mean.


Episode 5_Movement

There's so much more to movement than just putting one foot in front of the other. Listen to find out what we mean.


Episode 4_Boundaries

We all have boundaries and barriers. We sometimes confuse the two. Are they keeping you safe or helping you expand? Listen to find out.


Episode 3_Self Care

We all know how important it is, but sometimes we get confused as to WHAT it is. Listen to learn more.


“What the F**k is JOMO?!”

You’ve heard about FOMO, right?  The fear of missing out.That feeling of being stuck while trying to make the right decision, thinking about all the potential experiences or connections you may miss out on, battling between what you think you want and what you think you should do, or feeling like you don’t even have a choice.In this episode we invite you to feel into all that FOMO and shift your mindset around it so that you can start to honour yourself and have more control over your choices.Join us as we begin to shift all those feelings from Fear to Joy.From that space, anything is possible!


Stressed the F*** out, and ready to break free?

How often do you feel like you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off, or like you can just never get ahead?In this episode we share how to create the success you want and what may be stopping you from achieving it.  Join us as we help guide you through how to create your dream routine and address the challenges that may come up and how you can move through them.  How would it feel to create the experience you want instead of just setting a schedule to follow?!


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