Rebel Spirituality

Join me on a weekly journey to explore what it means to be a spiritual rebel in a chaotic and bustling world. The goal? To help you awaken your wisdom so that you can lead a more peaceful, creative, and inspired life regardless of your circumstances or how much time you have to meditate or practice. Your time is valuable, so here’s my promise: In less than 15 minutes each week, the insights you gain will not only expand your mind but also bring more ease into every area of your life. Wisdom doesn’t follow rules, rebel; let’s break some!

What is Toxic Positivity?

This week on rebel spirituality, I dive into the realm of toxic positivity and challenge the 'good-bad' emotions myth. Discover how embracing genuine feelings can lead to a richer, more authentic human experience on the spiritual path. 🌟


Turning Scarcity into Abundance

This week on rebel spirituality, we explore the fact that abundance is always present, even if it doesn't feel like it. Discover how you have been innocently limiting yourself and unlock your infinite potential.


Are you Running a Covert Contract?

This week, we unravel 'covert contracts', & unveil the hidden expectations in our relationships. What's on the other side? Transformed interactions, self-awareness and genuine connection on the spiritual path.


Feeling Guilty About Doing 'Nothing'?

This week, we explore the guilt we often feel around doing 'nothing'. It's time to debunk the myth that constant busyness equals productivity on the spiritual path.


How to Stop Worrying

Join me on Rebel Spirituality as we explore the spiritual insight that stops worry in its tracks - no effort required!


You can't feel the future!

On this week's episode of Rebel Spirituality, we're exploding the truth bomb that NO ONE can feel the future – it simply isn't possible. We're always experiencing thought in the present moment - period. Realising this spiritual fact is what brings true alignment and ease into our spiritual path and lives.


Spiritual Rebel Series: Alexander Pauwels

Join Sam and his good friend Alexander Pauwels as they unpack transformative plant medicine journeys, wrestling with the darkness on the spiritual path, and seeking authenticity in spirituality.


Find Mental Freedom: Poke Holes in Your Beliefs

Join me on an introspective journey as I discuss the transformative power of poking holes in your mental narratives for greater spiritual growth. This episode will inspire you to challenge your beliefs and embrace the wisdom of the formless spiritual space of Universal Mind.


The POWER of now

Join me as I explore the extraordinary power of living in the present moment on the spiritual path. Discover the freedom and peace that comes with embracing the only time there is.


Spiritual Corrosion: Allowing Negative Energy to Dissolve

This week, we're diving deep into the concept of corrosion on the spiritual path. Join me, as we explore the power of vulnerability and the impact of sharing our innermost thoughts and beliefs (in a wise way). Just like rust on metal, our negative ideas and stories can corrode when we bring them into the open. I'll share personal experiences and insights on how allowing these thoughts to air out can lead to powerful transformations.


Are You 'Doing' Life Right?

This week, we're delving into a common question on the spiritual path - Am I 'doing' life right? We'll explore the dichotomy between 'doing' and 'being,' and how our focus on the former might be holding us back from experiencing the fullness of the present moment. Join me as we reflect on the power of just being and the secret sauce it holds for a more creative, peaceful, and inspired life.


How to Break a 'Negative' Pattern!

Let's talk about breaking free from your unconscious patterns so you can live like a spiritual rebel. Discover that the power of love, compassion, and non-judgment is key to creating a more peaceful and inspired spiritual life.


Is Conditioning Bad on the Spiritual Path?

This week, we challenge the idea that conditioning is inherently 'bad' on the spiritual path. Discover how awareness and choice can transform your conditioning for a more vibrant and rebellious spiritual life!


Trust the Body's Wisdom

This week, we explore the timeless wisdom held deep within your body. Have you ever stopped to consider the ancient intelligence that resides within you, far beyond the reach of the intellect (which was late to the party)? I'll guide you through a journey of reconnection with the deep wisdom of the body, inviting you to trust in its innate ability to heal and transform.


How to be Less Overwhelmed

This week, I share my personal journey of overcoming overwhelm and finding peace in creativity. Discover how to outsource many of the things that have seemed so stressful until now and tap into Universal Mind for a more inspired life.


Beyond Fear of Failure

This week we explore the idea that fear of failure is often rooted in fear of feelings, rather than immediate threats to our physical safety. Is it time to stop playing so safe, rebel?


Life is a Mystery!

This week we dive deep into this mystery we call life! Isn't it just so easy to get caught up in the malaise of modern life All those things we have to do that keep us out of the beauty of this moment. Come pause in the mystery with me - just for a moment.


Break Free from Bypassing!

This week, we dive into the importance of accepting where you are on your spiritual journey. We can feel conflicted when our current emotions don't align with what we think we 'should' be feeling based on our intellectual understanding of the path but it's important to honor our true emotions and allow them to flow through us, rather than resisting or bypassing them.


Feelings are not transactional

Let's talk about this 'feeling our feelings' thing for a minute! Isn't it so easy to try and 'get rid' of your feelings? To attempt to 'feel them away'. As I see it, this is the 'transactional' model of feeling and feelings don't want to to traded, they want to be felt. Come see!


Are you a self-help junkie?

Are you a self-help junkie? Are you constantly on the personal development treadmill? Would you describe yourself as a perpetual seeker? Then this is the episode for you!


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