Rebinge Deep Space Nine

The Rebinge Star Trek DS9 Podcast is an in-depth recap of each and every episode of Deep Space Nine.  Please rebinge this classic show along with us and thanks for listening! And please share your over-analysis with us at

RBDS9 180 – What You Leave Behind Part I (S7E25)

Rebinging Star Trek DS9: What You Leave Behind Part I Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Deep Space Nine S7E25: What You Leave Behind Part I. We split the super-sized episode of DS9 into two parts starting this week with part 1 where we cover the first half of the series finale. Come back next week for part II! The first half sets us up for the end of the Dominion war (hopefully), but also for the end of the series! What You Leave Behind The Dominion War is finally coming to a close as the Federation fleet closes in on Cardassia. The Evil Founder finally goes too far in her desperation and turns all of Cardassia against her - maybe not the smartest move, but she is not in good shape. But nothing is going to be easy as Cardassia and the Federation suffer brutal loss after brutal loss. Meanwhile down on Bajor, Kai Winn has ignited the fire waves as she prepares to release the Pah-Wraiths! What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Please listen to some of our favorite episodes like Duet, The Visitor or Once More Unto the Breach or our VERY SPECIAL episode: Star Trek First Contact. And be sure to listen to our previous episode S7E24: The Dogs of War. Next time... Join us next week for S7E26: What You Leave Behind Part II. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt! Email us at


RBDS9 – This is Rebinge Deep Space Nine

Rebinging Star Trek Deep Space Nine Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to the Rebinge Deep Space Nine podcast. If this is your first time here, please give us a try! We walk through each and every episode of the 7-season series (except for 2 episodes we found a bit offensive). We do some over-analysis, we do some discussions of leadership, we talk about the portrayal of women in the future and we laugh a lot along the way. James starts off as a big fan, but it takes Kim awhile to get into the show. Don't worry, she gets into it after season 1! Please join us on this journey whether it's your hundredth time through the series or your first time! What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Please listen to some of our favorite episodes like The Visitor or Once More Unto the Breach. Maybe start here with episode 1: Emissary or just jump to episode 18 when things start getting good: Duet. What Else does RebingeIt Do? Why not listen to our other podcasts like Rebinge Star Trek Voyager (coming in January, 2024) or Star Trek Prodigy a RebingeIt Podcast. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt! Email us at


RBDS9 000 – Intro to Rebinge DS9 Podcast (S1E0)

Welcome to the first episode of our Rebinge Star Trek DS9 podcast! Welcome to our full rebinge of Star Trek DS9! We are Kim and James, big Star Trek fans who don't always agree. But we have agreed to kick off a rebinge of this classic show. James is a DS9 fanboy and loves everything about it. Kim is a little skeptical, but she's ready to give it a try. Every episode will be full of over-analysis and laughter. Tune in to hear Kim talk about how it looks for women in the future and James will tell you how amazing Sisko is. What does Rebinge DS9 mean anyway? It's like a re-watch, but more obsessive and starts from a point of love (of Sisko). James has watched and re-watched DS9 but Kim has never made it all the way to the end. So even though this is a rebinge for James, it's more of a new binge for Kim. TNG is Kim's favorite all time show, followed closely by Voyager. DS9 never made the list (will it now???). We're fun people! No matter what we disagree on during our rebinge of DS9, we will always laugh and enjoy the conversation. Nothing can ever break our love and devotion to Star Trek as a universe, but that doesn't stop us from poking fun at it. Come along on the journey with us, it'll be fun! Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 1 of DS9: Emissary. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 001 – Emissary (S1E1)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Emissary This is our first full episode rebinge of Star Trek DS9! We are starting at the beginning, of course, with the DS9 pilot entitled Emissary! We're introduced to the space station Deep Space Nine and its main characters of Sisko, Jake, Miles, Dax, Kira, Odo and Quark. We also get a view of DS9 and Kim thinks it's a bit of a dump. We do spend quite a bit of time cleaning up the place after all! James is (naturally) quite in love with the whole thing from the very beginning. This episode of DS9 touches on some heavy stuff like grief and PTSD. And it nearly convinces us that time isn't linear. The show begins to build the foundation of Sisko as a character and gives us glimpses of him at his best and at his worst. We also get a look at the Cardassians and their burdensome costumes and we know pretty quickly we don't like them. We roll our sleeves up, just like Miles, for a very deep dive into this super-sized episode of the classic show. Get ready for Cardassians, an angry woman, wormholes and a lot of inappropriate ear touching. So. Much. Ear. Touching. Kim is truly outraged by this development. And oh yeah, James gets goose bumps when we find out who the Emissary is (a thing he already knew, but he is so giddy with excitement to relearn it). What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 2 of DS9: Past Prologue. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 002 – Past Prologue (S1E2)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Past Prologue This is our second full episode on our Rebinge DS9 journey! Someone from Kira's past has appeared seeking amnesty on DS9 in Past Prologue. But as usual, he's up to no good -- no one just drops by this place for a simple visit. Why would they? We continue to touch on some heavy themes! Here Kira is struggling with her loyalties to the freedom fighting cause of her past and the politics of her present. She tries to explain the complications away with Sisko, but he's having none of it. He doesn't want to be harboring terrorists and he wants Kira to pick a side. Meanwhile, the Cardassians are sticking their rubbery noses into everything again. Oh yeah, and we've got some Klingons on the station ready to cause trouble. The Duras sisters have arrived and are making deals on all sides. Odo wants to throw them in the brig, of course, because he is his usual cantankerous self. This is a Kira episode We get a lot of Kira in episode 2. She waffles between being the angry woman we met in episode 1 and the good soldier she wants to be for her people. She's finding this a difficult line to walk. But one thing for sure, she is killing it with that new haircut. We dig it. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 3 of DS9: A Man Alone. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 003 – A Man Alone (S1E3)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: A Man Alone This is our third full episode on our Rebinge DS9 journey! Last episode someone from Kira's past appeared, this episode it's someone from Odo's past who turns up. The difference though, is somebody murders this guy and it's starting to look like it might have been Odo! We also get a glimpse into Miles' life as Miles and Keiko are seen arguing in Quark's. She's a little bored since there's no need for a botanist on DS9. (Are you sure? Have you checked those vines growing in Quark's? Somebody should study those!) Keiko takes over the angry female role for a bit, but eventually figures out what she can do with all of that extra time on her hands. Look out Jake...time to go to school. Odo is a "man" alone Odo remains stoic and tries to deflect the suspicion coming his way. Sisko says he's sure Odo is innocent, but is he really? We don't know him that well and he had every opportunity to stab the dude. Meanwhile, an angry mob is forming outside Odo's office and a guy with some very 90's feathered hair has it out for the Shifter. Torches and pitch forks are sure to follow! Julian finds some interesting cells that he's planted in his lab. It looks like he's defrosting a turkey for Thanksgiving, but it's probably something else. We keep checking in on the turkey throughout the episode waiting for it to turn into something interesting. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 4 of DS9: Babel. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 004 – Babel (S1E4)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Babel In the fourth episode on our Rebinge DS9 journey we explore the episode entitled Babel! After a tough day fixing things, Miles starts acting funny -- and not in a good way. He starts sweating and babbling nonsense at Kira and she quickly gets him to Bashir. Turns out he's been infected with a virus and it doesn't take long for it to hit others on the station. The team races against time to solve the mystery of where the virus came from and how to stop it before it overwhelms the station. Quarantine Protocols are Suspect Sisko calls for a quarantine on the station, but partying continues at Quarks. On the other hand there are ships that want to get away from DS9 as fast as possible but they are being asked to shelter in place. Why does this sound familiar? Meanwhile, Kira is on the case. She tracks down the cause of the virus and it looks like a device left behind by the Cardassians. But as more and more people become infected, can she find a cure in time? What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on our previous episode of A Man Alone. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 5 of DS9: Captive Pursuit. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 005 – Captive Pursuit (S1E5)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Captive Pursuit In the fifth episode on our Rebinge DS9 journey we explore the episode entitled Captive Pursuit! A new species appears from the Gamma Quadrant and he's a little green -- in more ways than one! Sisko sends a friendly, but inquisitive, Miles out to greet the skittish visitor and help repair his ship. Miles makes fast friends with the green dude, but he's definitely hiding something. Like who has been shooting at his ship? And what's this amazing adventure that he's on but won't talk about?? And most importantly, what's with the Pee Wee Herman dance? Captive Pursuit Sisko and team are suspicious about their new friend and it doesn't help matters when Odo catches him trying to break into a weapons locker. And things get really interesting when these scary cyber men appear. They have incredible firepower and the ability to easily get through DS9 sheilds! Uh oh! What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode of S1E4: Babel. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 6 of DS9: Q-Less. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 006 – Q-Less (S1E6)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Q-Less Episode six of season 1 of DS9, entitled Q-Less, brings in some classic TNG characters. Q and Vash visit the station and pretty much everything goes badly. Quark and Vash form a skeezy team to auction off some Gamma Quadrant artifacts to the dumbest rich people Quark knows. Meanwhile the station is getting slowly sucked to its doom into the nearby wormhole. Is Q to blame? Q-Less Vash arrives at DS9 with a very large sack of precious artifacts from the other side of the wormhole. The team is less interested in her baubles than in how she even got over there, but she's not talking. Bashir and Quark are up to their usual tricks with the new visitor. Sisko is less concerned about Vash than he is about the sudden appearance of Q. What does he want? Is he responsible for the weird power drains happening around the station? Odo is pretty sure everyone is up to something (they are) and Q and Sisko have an epic boxing match. This is a weird episode (well Q is involved, so that's expected). What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode of S1E5: Captive Pursuit. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 7 of DS9: Dax. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 007 – Dax (S1E7)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Dax DS9's seventh episode, entitled Dax, gives us a little insight into Trill life. Something from Curzon Dax's past comes back to haunt Jadzia when someone arrives at the station to hold her accountable for some major crimes. The visitor arrests Jadzia and tries to steal her away quietly, but our trusty crew catches them in the act and Jadzia must endure a formal Bajoran hearing to determine if she'll have to stand trial for Curzon's past. Dax: Guilty or Innocent? When Ilon Tandro (also known as Phoebe's father-in-law) turns up with an extradition order, Jadzia suddenly clams up. This dude is throwing around claims of murder and wants Jadzia to pay for the crimes committed by Curzon Dax against Ilon's father. Sisko knows none of it is true. Odo is pretty sure it's all true. And Jadzia isn't saying anything. Odo heads off to Klaestron to do a little investigating and he finds the dead guy's widow...played by none other than the amazing Fionnula Flanagan! Listen in to hear us discuss some more creeping by Julian, living with lifetimes of regret, talking through a curio cabinet, Data's mom and oh yeah, singing poo. (Not a typo.) What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode of S1E6: Q-Less. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 8 of DS9: The Passenger. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 008 – The Passenger (S1E8)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: The Passenger In the 8th episode of season 1, Bashir and Kira rescue a Kobliad security officer from a burning ship. They bring her back to DS9, but unknowingly also bring back another invisible passenger named Vantika! Either he's a ghost or he's stowed away inside of somebody's brain...who could it be? Who is The Passenger Well, we know the passenger is Vantika, but we don't know how he made his way to DS9. Our trusty crew isn't even sure it's really him because his body is in the morgue! But Ty Kajada, the Kobliad security officer who has been chasing Vantika for 20 years knows it's him. And her willingness to prove her point lands her in a medically induced coma. Julian's massive ego is on display from the start as he tells Kira how impressive he is. She wants to bring him down a peg or two, but ultimately Sisko gets to shoot him, so maybe that will help. We also meet a new security officer from Starfleet named Frowny-Face Primmin. There's discussions of Julian's ego, a golden brain, Odo's fragile psyche, leadership and some highly questionable over-acting. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode of S1E7: Dax. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 9 of DS9: Move Along Home. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 009 – Move Along Home (S1E9)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Move Along Home We've made it to the infamous Move Along Home episode of season 1! Not a terribly popular and historically low-rated episode involving the Wadi from the Gamma Quadrant arriving to play some games. And when they play a game, they REALLY play a game. Move Along Home In this episode, our crew makes official first contact with a new race. The Wadi have colorful outfits and some serious mullets and they are here to play, for reals. They hang out in Quark's for awhile, but when they catch Quark cheating, they open up a game of their own. And then Kira, Sisko, Dax and Bashir all disappear. While Odo is on the hunt for our missing officers, Quark is literally gambling with their lives. Or is he...? Just drink the champagne, you'll be fine. Allamaraine, count to four..." Alamaraine! This is a weird episode, but never fear, James has an over-analysis of why you should love it. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode of S1E8: The Passenger. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 10 of DS9: The Nagus. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 010 – The Nagus (S1E10)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: The Nagus It's episode 10 and time for The Nagus! Haven't had enough Ferengi? Well, you've come to the right place as a whole swarm of them arrive at Deep Space Nine. Swarm? Gaggle? Herd? Murder? At any rate, a bunch of them turn up and Dax wonders if they're here for Quark's birthday! Nope...they're here to see The Nagus. The Nagus: Inconceivable! The Nagus is a very old Ferengi played by Wallace Shawn of Princess Bride fame. While it's tough to see him under all that Ferengi makeup, as soon as he speaks, it all becomes clear. What's the first thing the Nagus does when he arrives? He drops dead! What is Quark to do now? Well...take over for him, that's what! At the same time that this is going on, Jake, the sweetest kid on the planet, is having some ups and downs with his best friend Nog. What is up with these two? Why are they having secret meetings after midnight? Tune in and find out! What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode of S1E9: Move Along Home. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 11 of DS9: Vortex. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 011 – Vortex (S1E11)

Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Vortex Episode 11 of season 1 is entitled Vortex. Quark is up to no good (is he ever not??) when one of his scams leads to the death of a Miradorn twin. And the Miradorns are not exactly friendly folk. Uh oh... Let's Hit the Vortex Quark strikes an underhanded deal with a shady character named Croden from the Gamma Quadrant. When that deal goes south, half of a twinned Miradorn pair ends up dead on the floor and the other half has sworn revenge. While Sisko tries to figure out how to get Croden back to his home planet, Croden hatches a scheme of his own. He starts talking to Odo about a settlement of changelings like Odo in a nearby vortex. Odo doubts the story, but Croden has a souvenir from the vortex that gives some credence to his story. This episode has some shape shifting, some difference shaming, some bad costumes, some bad plot holes and some truly unforgivable wigs. But in the end, we get some important Odo character development. Is Kim warming up to this show!? What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode: S1E10 The Nagus. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 12 of DS9: Battle Lines. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 012 – Battle Lines (S1E12)

Rebinging Star Trek DS9: Battle Lines Welcome to S1E12 where Kai Opaka arrives! The Kai guilts Sisko into taking her on a ride through the wormhole and no one is quite expecting what they find on the other side! Battle Lines! Spoiler alert, we really liked this episode and we dig deep into the development of Major Kira here. Please join us for this fun ride! Battle Lines Kai Opaka arrives at DS9 unannounced. She gets her promised tour of the station before getting a ride through the wormhole. She's muttering something about a prophecy, but nobody quite knows what she means (and for some reason, nobody asks!). When the shuttle is shot down by a satellite over a moon, our crew is introduced to some very unfriendly folks who are stuck in an endless and bloody war. This episode gives more depth to Kira and also shows us more of the elusive Kai Opaka. There is some beautiful acting here, but also some weak plot points (again)! We hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast as much as we enjoyed making it. Battle Lines is a good one! What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode: S1E11 Vortex. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 13 of DS9: The Storyteller. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 013 – The Storyteller (S1E13)

Rebinging Star Trek DS9: The Storyteller Welcome to S1E13 The Storyteller. Julian and Miles head to Bajor on their first away mission together and it pretty much goes as you might expect. There is a lot of eye rolling involved (from Miles, of course). Meanwhile back on DS9, Jake and Nog are busy chasing after a girl involved in some serious business. The Storyteller In this episode, Miles tries to get out of a mission with Dr. Bashir. Unfortunately for him, his plan does not work and their inability to work together nearly leads to the destruction of a village. On the other hand, he is offered some free food and a couple of young girls for his troubles. No, I did not make that up! Back on the station, Sisko is trying to negotiate peace between two rival Bajoran factions. He and Kira are stunned to find one of the leaders is a teenage girl and while they struggle to make progress with her, Jake and Nog compete for her attention. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode (which we are very proud of): S1E12 Battle Lines. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 14 of DS9: Progress. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 014 – Progress (S1E14)

Rebinging Star Trek DS9: Progress Welcome to S1E14 Progress. This episode is a beautifully nuanced story of Major Kira's struggle between her past, her present and the future of Bajor. We get another high powered guest star in Brian Kieth. And because we love a good B-story, Jake and Nog are up to some shenanigans back on the station. Progress? Brian Keith plays a Bajoran deeply entrenched in his quiet life on a Bajoran moon. The trouble is, he's in the way of Progress. The Bajoran provisional government (drink??) is tapping the moon's core for energy resources and it needs to relocate everyone living there. Kira struggles with recognizing this as helping Bajor and not wanting to support forced relocation of anyone who survived a labor camp. Meanwhile, back on the station, Jake and Nog are wheeling and dealing. They've come into some Cardassian yamok sauce that they (well mostly Nog) intend to turn into latinum. Shenanigans follow. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode: S1E13 The Storyteller. Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 15 of DS9: If Wishes Were Horses. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 015 – If Wishes Were Horses (S1E15)

Rebinging Star Trek DS9: If Wishes Were Horses Welcome to S1E15 If Wishes Were Horses. This is a peculiar episode where imaginations are running wild and also coming to life. Miles has to put up with Rumpelstiltskin (yep, you read that right) and Julian has to put up with a clingy Jadzia (you kind of asked for it, Julian). If Wishes Were Horses While Odo is dealing with a blizzard and emus running wild on the Promenade, the rest of the crew is dealing with imaginary characters seemingly taking physical form. Julian gets an important lesson in being humiliated at work by someone not letting him just do his job (hello karma) and Miles is being shadowed by a scary dude from a story he read to his daughter Molly. Oh yeah and for the 100th time (approximately) this season, the station is nearly completely destroyed and we still don't have an evacuation plan in place. Let's do some drills people! This is one wacky episode. No B-story this week. Jake makes a couple of appearances, but he and Nog aren't up to their usual antics. Instead we get an imaginary baseball player and two Jadzias (which weirdly is not better than just having one). What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode: S1E14 Progress (we are pretty proud of that one). Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 16 of DS9: The Forsaken. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 016 – The Forsaken (S1E16)

Rebinging Star Trek DS9: The Forsaken Welcome to S1E16 The Forsaken. In this episode of DS9, we get a visit from Lwaxana Troi, a well-known and loved Star Trek The Next Generation character. She is up to her usual antics here, chasing after one of our crew members. In a related story, the station is yet again put at risk by some very bad plans, including just downloading files from a rogue probe-like vessel that comes through the wormhole. The Forsaken There are a number of inter-related stories going on in this episode. Odo is trapped in a turbolift while fighting off some unwelcome advances. Bashir is trying to keep a bunch of stuffy ambassadors happy. And Miles and Dax are dealing with some dangerous files they've haphazardly downloaded to the station. They somehow equate these files to an abandoned puppy (The Forsaken) and are trying to build a dog house for it. Yes, that's what i said...THEY ARE TRYING TO BUILD A DOGHOUSE FOR THE COMPUTER FILES. This is primarily an Odo/Lwaxana episode even though the two don't have a lot of screen time. Somehow these two great actors lift this entire episode and we do forgive the puppy computer analogies (for the most part) because of them. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode: S1E15 If Wishes Were Horses (the wackiest of all season 1 episodes). Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 17 of DS9: Dramatis Personae. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


RBDS9 017 – Dramatis Personae (S1E17)

Rebinging Star Trek DS9: Dramatis Personae Welcome to S1E17 Dramatis Personae. In this episode of DS9, everyone is acting weird. Kira is on some kind of power trip. Miles has gone into full "protect Sisko" mode and Bashir seems to be playing both sides. Meanwhile, what is Odo to do? Dramatis Personae We don't have a B-story in Dramatis Personae. Instead, we ship the kids and Keiko off to Bajor on a school field trip so that we can have a classic "everyone gets taken over by an alien presence" episode! Kira is trying to take over the station. Sisko cares about nothing except something he is secretly drawing on a board. Dax appears to be stoned or is just very old and confused. Bashir is all over the place. That leaves Odo. Poor, Odo. Nobody is acting like themselves and he seems to be the only one who notices. What's a shape-shifter to do in a senseless power struggle for a gas station? What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Or catch up on the previous episode: S1E16 The Foresaken (hello Lwaxana Troi!). Next time... We dig into Season 1 Episode 18 of DS9: Duet. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!


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