Recover Your Soul: A Spiritual Path to a Happy and Healthy Life

<p><b>Join Rev. Rachel Harrison on a Spiritual Path to a Happy and Healthy Life. In the podcast "Recover Your Soul," she shares powerful tools from Soul Recovery, spirituality, positive psychology, 12-step programs, and New Thought Metaphysics. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>Whether you're battling addiction, love an addict, seeking personal growth, or simply yearning for positive change, this podcast offers the guidance and the teachings that offers the profound impact of Soul Recovery as we connect to our Higher Self.</b></p><p><br></p><p><b>You don't need to be struggling with addiction or codependence to benefit from these principles – all you need is a desire to grow and improve your life. True change starts within ourselves, and Rev. Rachel is here to guide you on your path of Soul Recovery. Through self-awareness, connecting with your Higher Power, practicing self-compassion, and embracing release and forgiveness, you can break free from old patterns and discover a new way of living. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>To book spiritual coaching sessions and connect with the Soul Recovery community, visit By becoming a Patron Member or subscribing on Apple Podcasts, you can receive an additional episode each week, along with access to the full catalog of bonus content. “Together we can do the work that will Recover Your Soul.” </b></p><p><br></p>

'Let Go Now' Detachment is Freedom from Chaos

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Just six years ago, I was lost in the turmoil of addiction and control. However, through a profound inner journey of Soul Recovery, I discovered the serenity of detachment. Join me as we navigate the transformative path from chaos to peace, guided by Karen Casey's insights from her book "Let Go Now: Embrace Detachment as a Path to Freedom." In today's episode, Rev. Rachel reads and reflects on the m...


Navigating Complex Relationships: A Journey of Soul Recovery and Finding Serenity with Al-Anon

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Have you ever felt like a ship lost in a storm, seeking the lighthouse of inner peace? My own voyage through the tumultuous seas of alcoholism and codependency has led me to the serene shores of Soul Recovery, thanks in no small part to the guiding lights of Al-Anon. In today's heartfelt episode, we navigate the transformative journey to serenity, discussing the significance of embracing discomfort ...


'They Are as You Choose to See Them'- Changing Your Perception from Pain to Healing in Your Relationships

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?When the world seems to spin in a never-ending cycle of miscommunication and hurt, where do we find the strength to see beyond the behaviors and pain of those in our life? If 'They are as we choose to see them'- what are you choosing to see?Our latest episode is a heartfelt exploration of the transformative power that shifts in perception can have on our relationships. Join me as we unravel the comp...


Stages of Spiritual Growth and Changing Your Relationship with the Trials of Life through Spiritual Growth

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Join me on a transformative journey as we navigate the rich landscapes of spiritual development. With each step, we confront the challenges that shape our soul's quest for meaning. Our latest episode takes this intricate expedition and lays it before you, offering a map through the stages of spiritual growth, from the fresh sprout of discovery to the rooted wisdom of the sage. Joined by insights fro...


Adult Kids with Addiction: A Conversion with Mother and Son, and the Journey Through Addiction, Soul Recovery, and Finding Joy

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?In this heartfelt episode of "Recover Your Soul," Rev. Rachel Harrison has an intimate conversation with her adult son, Alex, who shares his experiences of growing up in an alcoholic home and his current journey towards personal growth, healing, success and happiness. The discussion covers Alex’s current substance use, and the positive changes that have come in the last few years supporting his goal...


Reclaiming Your Healing: Through Soul Recovery- Closure Comes from Within

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Have you ever yearned for closure with someone, longing for a chance to reconcile past conflicts or hurts? Join Rev Rachel as she speaks to the power of Soul Recovery, where healing and closure come from within. Learn how to navigate through difficult situations and release the need for external validation, paving the way for personal growth and inner peace. Tune in to explore how embracing So...


'Let Go Now'- Detachment Means Giving Up Outcomes

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Have you ever felt like you're clinging too tightly to the outcomes of your actions, only to end up disappointed or stressed? Join me as I guide you through the transformative practice of detachment, a journey inspired by Karen Casey's "Let Go Now" teachings. When we use the tools and principles of spirituality and Soul Recovery, we can show up as our whole and authentic self in action- and at the s...


'Let Go Now'- Detachment is Making No One a Project

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Have you ever found yourself intertwined in the chaos of other people's lives, trying to fix them, only to realize you've neglected your own growth? Inspired by Karen Casey's transformative work, "Let Go Now: Embrace Detachment as a Path to Freedom" and her mediation on how detachment is not making others a 'project', this episode dives into the delicate balance of codependency, self-es...


Embracing Vulnerability: Navigating Life's Challenges and Allowing Feelings to be Your Guide

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?I have been feeling post-vacation let down and an emotional whirlwind increased by the effects of menopause in the last month. Join me as I unveil the intimate details of my own path to self-acceptance, revealing how spirituality includes feeling the full depth of our emotions as part of the path to healing. In this heartfelt conversation, I shine a light on the transformative power of vulnera...


From Fixing to Empowering Adult Children: Letting Go, Self-Discovery, and Soul Recovery

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?In this episode I speak to the intricate and emotional world of parenting adult children, especially those navigating their own battles with mental health and addiction. It's a tender topic, one that resonates deeply with my personal journey - as a mother watching her sons face life's harsh trials and the necessity of letting go for the benefit of everyone involved. In our time together, I'll ...


Reclaiming Inner Peace: Steering Clear of Drama Addiction and Choosing Serenity

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Have you ever found yourself inexplicably drawn to the chaotic whirlwind of a reality TV show, only to realize it's clouding your quest for serenity? I am no stranger to this paradox, and in today's episode, I'm sharing my own dance with drama and how it veered me off the path to inner peace. We're peeling back the layers of why our souls might crave the excitement of conflict, even when it's at odd...


Using the 3 A's of Al-Anon in Soul Recovery: Awareness, Acceptance and Action

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Inspired by the 3 A's in Al-Anon: Awareness, Acceptance and Action, I am sharing these empowering tools through the lens of Soul Recovery. Bridging the realms of spiritual wisdom and real-world challenges, this conversation serves as a comforting embrace for those wrestling with codependency, shadows of addiction, or anyone seeking a guiding light toward wholeness. Explore the profound synergy...


Letting Go of People-Pleasing: Navigating the Waters of Relationship and Independence

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Being on my Soul Recovery journey to shed the layers of codependency and people-pleasing has been a gradual and consistent process. The profound transformation from this inner work has brought incredible rewards to my life. Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary with a three-week trip to Indonesia. I can genuinely affirm that my spiritual journey towards a happier and hea...


From Addiction to Purpose – A Six-Year Journey of Healing and Soul Recovery

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?It's hard to believe that what started as a personal battle with alcohol has blossomed into six transformative years of sobriety and Soul Recovery where I could celebrate the anniversary on an Island in Indonesia also celebrating 30 years of marriage. It can feel hopeless when we are in the depth of our suffering- but there is a solution if we are ready to make the decision to live and heal. T...


Embracing Faith: Trusting in the Goodness of Human Beings and the Universe

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?While I am on vacation for February 2024, I wanted to share some of the powerful episodes from our book study last year for subscribers of the Bonus Recover Your Soul podcast, and have chosen some of the favorites. In this bonus episode we continue the book study of Paul Ferrini's "Crossing the Threshold from Fear to Love: 31 Days of Spiritual Awakening" and study the spiritual value of faith....


Journey into a Healthier Self Through the Power of Detachment

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?While I am on vacation for February 2024, I wanted to share some of the powerful episodes from our book study last year for subscribers of the Bonus Recover Your Soul podcast, and have chosen some of the favorites.In this bonus episode we continue the book study of Paul Ferrini's "Crossing the Threshold from Fear to Love: 31 Days of Spiritual Awakening". I really enjoyed this chapter loo...


Exploring Empathy and Compassion and the Path to Healthy Relationships

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?While I am on vacation for February 2024, I wanted to share some of the powerful episodes from our book study last year for subscribers of the Bonus Recover Your Soul podcast, and have chosen some of the favorites. In this episode we explore the concept of compassion during the book study of Paul Faerrini's "Crossing the Threshold from Fear to Love: 31 Days of Spiritual Awakening". Rev Rachel ...


Finding You own Peace when Others in Your Life are Living with Anxiety or Depression

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?I've weathered the storm of living alongside those engulfed by the shadows of anxiety and depression with my own kids and friends as well experiencing it for myself at different times in my life. It can be very hard to stay on our healing journey and stay connected to our Higher Power when those we love, and often live with, are suffering from the grips of mental health issues. In this e...


Understanding your Protectors and Parts in Soul Recovery

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?I recall a moment that shifted my understanding of the soul's complex tapestry. It was during a session of Gestalt therapy with my husband Rich that we discovered the emotional parts that danced between us—his internal 'judge' and my 'scared little girl.' I invite you to turn within, exploring these internal landscapes and the 'protectors' that shape our responses to life's multifaceted challenges. ...


Choosing Soul Recovery and Healing Yourself is How You Help Others

Send Rev Rachel a Text Message!!!! What do you love and what would you like to hear more about?Are you overwhelmed with the feelings of wanting to help and fix the people and even the world around you? It is painful to see others caught up in behaviors or emotions that are hurting them and so our first instinct is to jump into action and try to 'fix it'. In Soul Recovery, we are learning that the greatest way you can make change in the world, is by choosing your own healing. ...


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