Red Pill Transmission

*NOT A JOKE, SO STOP ASKING!* News brief. Exposing the CONSPIRACIES and dark secrets that HIDE in plain sight, nestled within your nightly news! Time to read between the headlines!!

Latin Pastor Says Kids Love Their Cages! Suck it Dems!!!

After a series of 18 laryngeal polyp surgeries (F U Obamacare!) I can stop spitting blood for long enough to spit some truth! So, the Dems say the detention centers are all bad and evil, but I've got a LATIN PASTOR who says differently.  In fact, he says they are overwhelmingly good...or at least that he was overwhelmingly surprised, which is basically the same thing.  RPT and I'm back like chiropracty!  


Kavanaugh Cries at Hearing! Women are Liers! Fake News!

The Kavanaugh hearing was mostly hearing Ford lie like all women! Made the poor guy cry with her false statement! Live stream of America burning! Season 2 Begins NOW!


Guns Don't Kill: Refugees & Liberals Do!

Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, or to a toddler's birthday party! Maniac crashes toddler's party and stabs 9 people (refugees), definitively proving gun control is ridiculous. Guns could have protected those children! Liberals to blame for child-stabbing massacre!!!


Make America "Normal" Again!!! note: I'm not Being Creepy!

The Night Eagle returns! Drugged into complacency by the liberal elite, we turn to the geniuses at Townhall to explain how Trump is great, libs R dumb, and why our Final Solution must be to make America "normal" again ;)


BONUS: Post-Election Apathetic Liberal Ranting

Hello Pillers! Post-election bonus content! I've been detained and dehumanized by the government, but I've managed to escape. I've had to enlist the help of a liberal douchebag to get my Truth back on the air, and in exchange I agreed to let him preach his shitty nihilistic gospel to my huge audience. Please bear with him, he is good at technology, so in the end this is a good thing for us.


Robots & Ramadan: No One is Safe!

FFS robots are growing human organs!!?? And getting periods!? Plus, Trump is tweeting about Ramadan!?? Is HE TOO a robot impostor??


Freedom Flash: Nice Stuff Said About Trump!

Introducing our Freedom Flash segment! Breaking news stories, you hear it here first! Today, we have people saying nice things about Trump. Stuff about Israel, mostly. But, like, just nice stuff in general. Freedom Flash!


Every Cheerleader Makes the Team: Even Uggos and Fatties!!!!

At 3:00pm on May 7th, my heart died. Millenials invaded the one thing heretofore sacred, the institution of cheerleading. Our children will be DYING because some untrained snowflake didn't want to work hard, made the team anyway, and is now dropping girls left and right!!! WHERE'S THE GODDAMN WILL SMITH MOVIE ABOUT THAT!!??


Girls Allowed in Boy Scouts!? Male Rights Under Attack!!!

Call me old fashioned, but I don't cry misogyny every time a policy specifically discriminates against women! The Boy Scouts, now called Scouts BSA, have been been metaphorically castrated! There is no place left for a white man in society...or even in the woods! Say goodbye to manhood, it just went through menarche.


#Metoo Kills Beloved Preacher!

Another victim is claimed in the liberal's plan to wipe out all conservative men. Due to (potentially, but almost certainly not) erroneous accusations, a golden-haired preacher has committed suicide. All he ever did was love people (and occasionally try to love underage people...) and this is how he is treated! Sad!


Sanctuary City Killing American Children!!!

Oakland mayor has blood on her hands, according to Jamiel Shaw Sr, for letting criminals run amok! He says we need to get rid of illegal immigrants! Oh, you think I'm racist? Well, guess what. That Jamiel guy is black!!!! So...suck on that! Also, MY LAWYER IS JEWISH!!!


Episode 25 Special: THE END IS NIGH!!!

Monkeys mating across species lines!? Human body part factory, some of them grown on live pigs!? Is that angelic trumpeting I hear in the background? Also, a promo visit from God and the Conversations with God podcast! There's something for everyone!


5G Internet: A Network of Death Towers! Eugenics Technology!

5G is a globalist conspiracy! A network of death towers! Internet or phone, it is a technical danger to you and your family!


Youtube Shooting! Woman, Not Terrorist. Hillary Supporter?

Female active shooter at youtube! Not a terrorist, she's white. Some guy supports the 2nd amendment. Did she love Hillary? Statistically, yes.



What are the origins of Easter? Is it from Pagans? No, don't be stupid, its about Jesus. Its about eggs, bunnies, egg hunts, god, jesus, and NOT ISHTAR!!


Illegal Army Marching Through Mexico!! Soros Funded!??

An army of (probably Soros-funded) Illegals marching North through Mexico!! A horde of Latin Americans are headed straight for our border!! Will nothing stop their evil Jewish overlord!??


Trump Betrays Conservatives! Funds Abortion of Babies!!!

Trump, more like Hillary Clinton! GOP betrayed by Pres and Paul Ryan who support bill funneling millions to liberal devil-worshippers! Why do they love abortion so much!? Do they need babies to feed the devil!? Find Out!!!


Castrating Children (basically)!!!! Forced Gender Fluidity!!

Swedish schools are FORCING your (if you are in Sweden) children to SWAP GENDER ROLES!! Liberal witchcraft rituals like opening windows and shouting at a non-gendered deity are (pretty much) taking place!!! THIS IS WHAT LIBERALS WANT AMERICA TO LOOK LIKE!!!???


Mind Control Normalized! Netflix: R U Still a Sleeper Cell?

Mind Control Fully Normalized by Liberal Samsung Elitists!!? They Say Its For Your Favorite Shows and Wipe Your Brain!!?? I was Called the Best Thing Since Internet Pornography??!?? Allegedly.


Katy Perry Responsible for Nun's Death!!?? Is she a witch!??

Female kiss-rapist Katy Perry has not only stolen a boy's innocence, but may be responsible for the untimely death of a nun (at 89)!!! Kicking them to the curb and suing them in court, wearing them down until they collapse!! Sad!!


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