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Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages
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Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages

Author: Red Rocks Church

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Weekend Messages at Red Rocks Church
305 Episodes
Jordan McCaslin asks the question, "is there an area in your life that is feeling clouded?" He encourages us that when we feel stuck, all hope is not lost. We can lean on God and ask for an eternal perspective over our situation. Our future is secure when our eternity is secure, no matter what our circumstances look like.
Pastor Doug Wekenman gives us a timely reminder that we have a real enemy who wants nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy the purpose God has for our lives. The good news of The Gospel is that the battle has already been won, and we can access the power of God against the enemies’ schemes in our lives by putting on the ‘Full Armor of God’ (Ephesians 6).To view the Armor of God prayer, click here:
Why Do We Worship?

Why Do We Worship?


Pastor Conrad Bess reminds us that our praise propels our purpose. We were created to worship, the question is what is our worship fixed on? When our worship is on the God who is deserving of it, we can experience His Holiness and true wholeness.
Invisible Handles

Invisible Handles


Pastor Shawn Johnson kicks off a new series preaching from Joshua about holding on to God’s promises even when we don’t feel His presence. We cannot always see or feel Him but He is faithful and He is always with us and working in our lives. We can stand on His word while we wait on our miracle.
All Is Well

All Is Well


Pastor Jill Johnson preaches on the Shunammite woman from 2 Kings. Even in the midst of deep sorrow, her life is an example of devotion to God, and steadfast faith. She shows us that when we do life with Jesus, we can say “all is well” even when our circumstances are difficult.
Baptism Spring 2024

Baptism Spring 2024


We celebrate Baptism this weekend as we watch hundreds of people go public with their faith by getting baptized. Water baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration that a person’s former way of life has been put to death, and he or she is raised into a new creation in Christ.
I've Got A Sound Mind

I've Got A Sound Mind


Pastor Doug Wekenman addresses the topic of mental health and how we can view it from a Biblical context. When we trust in Jesus we can declare a ‘sound mind’ even when we don’t feel it because Jesus died to set us free! When the storms of life come we can cling to the promise of 2 Timothy 1:7 “for God has not given is a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.”
What Is Baptism?

What Is Baptism?


Pastor Shawn Johnson addresses the topic of Baptism and why it is important in our Christian faith. Baptism is not required for salvation, it is simply an outward expression of an inward change. There are three questions we can consider when it comes to the topic of baptism; "should I be getting baptized?", "who should I invite to a baptism service?", and "if I am baptized already, is there an area in my life God is asking me to be obedient?".
The Vine

The Vine


Pastor Shawn Johnson closes out our “I Am” series with a message on Jesus’ statement, “I Am the Vine.” He reminds us that there are practical ways to stay connected to God and therefore find purpose in our lives. When we pray, find God-centered community, and get into The Word we find ourselves closer to our Creator and we see the fruit of walking with Him in our lives.
Pastor James preaches on the sixth “I Am” statement in the Gospel of John where Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, the life.” Jesus takes Thomas’s questions about ‘when?’, ‘where?’, and ‘how?’ and replies with a ‘who.’ All we need to do is look to Jesus. He can handle our doubts and our questions and He will lead us through those questions into deeper relationship and eternal life through Him.
Pastor Shawn Johnson reminds us that because of Easter everything changes! Our God is big and powerful but also close and personal. There is nothing He cannot handle and the promise of Easter is that because of Christ we can live in freedom. 
The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd


Jesus is our Good Shepherd and that means that not only does He care about us, but He walks with us through every season. Even in the darkest valleys of our life He promises we will never be alone.
The Door

The Door


Doug Wekenman continues our "I Am" series with Jesus' third "I Am" statement in the gospel of John where He says, "I am the door." In this one statement Jesus proclaims that He is the one and only way to abundant life both here on earth, and forever in Heaven. The door is not exclusive, but it is specific. Jesus came to save everyone, and in His perfect love and grace He gives us the option to choose Him or to choose our own way. He made a way when there was no way!
The Light of the World

The Light of the World


Pastor Shawn continues our "I Am" series with the second "I Am" statement from the Gospel of John, "I am the light of the world." He gives us context into the true magnitude of that statement to its original audience. The same life-altering message of freedom that it offered back then is true for us today.
The Bread of Life

The Bread of Life


Doug Wekenman kicks off a new series about the book of John. The "I Am" series will explore the seven "I Am" statements Jesus makes in the Bible and ask the question, "Who is God?" Jesus says He is the "Bread of Life" and that means that not only is He our provision (what we need) but He is also our satisfaction (what we want). When we look to Him as our source, we find that only He can satisfy our deepest hunger.
Pastors Shawn and Jill Johnson answer questions about how to build a lasting marriage.
Fight for Freedom

Fight for Freedom


We live in a world that is saturated with sex, and yet people are wildly unhappy. The world's ways of approaching love, sex, and intimacy are not working. There is a better way! There is freedom from addiction to sex and pornography for those who are willing to do the hard work of feeling and healing.
Save the Date

Save the Date


Pastor Shawn Johnson shares Bible-based strategies for dating and singleness. Taken from Genesis 24, Shawn shares four things to consider before you start dating, with the most important being your relationship with Jesus. Only when you are fulfilled in Him can you successfully pursue a healthy relationship with others.
We Need to Talk

We Need to Talk


Pastor James Powell teaches us how to build relationships through courageous conversations. He uses Biblical passages to show us that we can create great conversations by earning attention before giving opinions, making joy a serious goal, asking great questions, and choosing encouragement when in doubt.
Pastor Shawn encourages Red Rocks Church to focus on the word "Devoted." By looking at the early church's actions in Acts 2, we learn that they were devoted to showing up, praying, getting in groups, giving, serving, and inviting others. What is God asking you to devote yourself to this year?
Comments (2)

Kaptain Life

this is the sermon I was saved during. thank you Chad!

May 8th

blee yang

i need this i have REAL BAD ANXIETY:(

Feb 27th