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Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages
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Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages

Author: Red Rocks Church

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Weekend Messages at Red Rocks Church
320 Episodes
Uncommon Community

Uncommon Community


Pastor Shawn Johnson preaches on Christian community and why it is essential in fighting the loneliness pandemic. We fight loneliness with uncommon intentionality with the community around us.
Uncommon Church

Uncommon Church


We are called to be an uncommon people, who follow an uncommon God, to build His uncommon church. At Red Rocks Church we believe the local Church is the greatest evangelistic tool on the planet, so it matters that the people of God are connected to a local Church.
Pastor James Powell preaches that the uncommon mission of the early church is the same mission for us today. Jesus gave us uncommon proof, uncommon power, uncommon purpose, and uncommon patterns to move the Gospel forward.
Pastor Conrad Bess preaches from Exodus and pushes back on the bad theology that we don’t need anyone but Jesus. He reminds us that faith is a shared journey.
Pastor Doug Wekenman addresses the bad theology that 'money is the root of all evil'. He reminds us that scripture says you cannot love God and money, which is not a command but an observation. It is not bad for Christians to be wealthy. God blesses us each in different ways and areas of our lives. It is not about money itself, but rather about how much importance we place on money in our lives.
Is It Okay to Doubt?

Is It Okay to Doubt?


Pastor Shawn Johnson addresses the bad theology that if we have doubts God won’t answer our prayers. He gives five examples from scripture of people who doubted and God still performed miracles in their lives. Perfect faith is not required for God to answer our prayers.
Taking the Test

Taking the Test


Pastor James tackles the Bad Theology statement, "God won't put on you more than you can handle". The Bible doesn't promise us that we won't go through trials we can't handle. In fact, it is full of examples of people going through things they cannot take on alone. It does promise us that when we face trials, God goes with us. It's more than we can handle, but not more than God can handle. When we place our circumstances in His hands, our trials point to His glory.
Pastor Shawn Johnson reminds us that we don’t have to earn God’s love. It’s not about what we do, it’s about what God has already done!
Think Ahead

Think Ahead


Pastor Craig Groeschel preaches on thinking ahead. Where do you want to be in five years? The small decisions you make in the daily will determine the person you become in the future.
Pastor Bianca teaches on four characteristics of Godly Grit. She reminds us that if we don’t have vision for the end goal we will give up in the middle. Godly grit is possible when we trust God and keep our perspective on Him.
Pastor Tim Timberlake reminds us that God has already given us peace but our minds can play tricks on us. Where we place our focus determines what we speak and what we speak determines how we live. God works all things, good and bad, for those who love Him. The question is not what is happening in your life, the question is where is your focus?
Pastor Levi Lusko preaches from his book, “Through the Eyes of a Lion” about how to process pain. We do not have a choice about the circumstances we will face in this life but we do get to choose the lens we process our pain through.
Pastor Brittany Powell shares a powerful message on the power of our obedience when it comes to living open-handed lives. When we trust God with the mess in our hands it becomes a miracle in His. Your obedience is tied to someone else’s freedom, who do you need to pack a lunch for?
Jimmy Rollins reminds us that if it’s not good yet, God is not done yet. If you feel like something is missing in your life lean into the unseen and trust that God has an eternal plan for you.
The (Whole) Story

The (Whole) Story


Pastor James Powell gives an empowering and inspiring message about biblical masculinity. The life of Jesus shows us that when culture tells us to “man up”, the gospel reminds us that the best thing we can do is “man down” and kneel at the feet of Jesus.
Jordan McCaslin asks the question, "is there an area in your life that is feeling clouded?" He encourages us that when we feel stuck, all hope is not lost. We can lean on God and ask for an eternal perspective over our situation. Our future is secure when our eternity is secure, no matter what our circumstances look like.
Pastor Doug Wekenman gives us a timely reminder that we have a real enemy who wants nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy the purpose God has for our lives. The good news of The Gospel is that the battle has already been won, and we can access the power of God against the enemies’ schemes in our lives by putting on the ‘Full Armor of God’ (Ephesians 6).To view the Armor of God prayer, click here:
Why Do We Worship?

Why Do We Worship?


Pastor Conrad Bess reminds us that our praise propels our purpose. We were created to worship, the question is what is our worship fixed on? When our worship is on the God who is deserving of it, we can experience His Holiness and true wholeness.
Invisible Handles

Invisible Handles


Pastor Shawn Johnson kicks off a new series preaching from Joshua about holding on to God’s promises even when we don’t feel His presence. We cannot always see or feel Him but He is faithful and He is always with us and working in our lives. We can stand on His word while we wait on our miracle.
All Is Well

All Is Well


Pastor Jill Johnson preaches on the Shunammite woman from 2 Kings. Even in the midst of deep sorrow, her life is an example of devotion to God, and steadfast faith. She shows us that when we do life with Jesus, we can say “all is well” even when our circumstances are difficult.