RedPill Torah

Calling Believers from man’s institutions to GOD’s instructions RedPill Torah is an outreach ministry of Bnai Ephraim Messianic Ministries and Assembly (

RedPill Torah Episode 200: Passover or Easter?

Shalom! It's been a minute! RedPill Torah is getting the word out to the body of Messiah. Check out our Radio spots, explaining the difference between Passover and Easter. Please pray with us; may many believers opt for the RedPill!


RedPill Torah Episode 199: Start at the First Floor

The Bible is like a building; it has a foundation and a first floor. Higher floors are literally supported by the first floor. That is true of buildings and The Bible. The RedPill comes when you find out which part of the Bible is the first floor, and why.


RedPill Torah Episode 198: Pray for the Righteous

There is war in Israel! With so many people to pray for, one group is often forgotten. The RedPill is all about seeing this world from The Creator's perspective. Take the RedPill; see as Abraham saw, and pray as he prayed.


RedPill Torah Episode 197: Yom Kippur, Joel and The Day of The LORD

Why should Christians care about The Day of The LORD? What does it have to do with Yom Kippur? Get your Bible; turn to the Book of Joel. Take the RedPills.


RedPill Torah Episode 196: Crying Wolf in The Fall Holy Times?

Would you rather be the excited person who invites others to The Fall Feast, or the skeptical person who notices that every year...the same thing happens...nothing new? Many people will take this RedPill too late. Don't be that person.


RedPill Torah Episode 195: Walk Humbly

Do you know enough about The Faith? No need to hear other people, especially the ones with "new information?" We get it; that's where the RedPill comes in.


RedPill Torah Episode 194: Tov M’od

After creation, GOD looked over what He had made; He described it as "Tov M'od." What is it about Tov M'od that many believers don't like? This is the 7th RedPill in a series, and it is set apart from the others.


RedPill Torah Episode 193: Be Prepared

This episode is not our usual...yet, we believe that The Most High has inspired us to talk about this topic. We are sure it will be a blessing! Don't forget to pack the RedPills.


RedPill Torah Episode 192: It’s a Man’s World

Does The Creator respect Men more than Women? Do The Brothers get all the breaks? The Nation of Israel got a RedPill from GOD Himself. Find out how He responded to 5 bold Daughters who stepped into a Man's world.


RedPill Torah Episode 191: How Much More?

Wise people are taught from the Scriptures. By reading and understanding them, we can gain precious insight into how The Creator sees things.  Sometimes, more is better; sometimes, more is ...less. The RedPill helps us to know when more is better, and when it isn't. How much more clear can it be? Press play.


RedPill Torah Episode 190: Moshe or Yeshua?

Did Yeshua really come to erase and replace the teachings of Moshe? Why should a "New Testament" Believer consider anything Moshe wrote? Check out what The Messiah said, and how He feels about Moshe's teachings. You may want to open really wide for this RedPill; just saying...


RedPill Torah Episode 189: Testament or Covenant?

We see the words "testament" and "covenant" used interchangeably in the Bible. Are they actually the same thing? After you've taken this RedPill, you will know the difference...and why it matters.   


RedPill Torah Episode 188: About That Business!

In business, we need to be tough, squeezing every dollar and advantage we can get...right? The Creator has standards for how His people conduct ourselves when it comes to business matters. There is a right way, and many wrong ways to do business. Take the RedPill; it's cheaper in the long run.


RedPill Torah Episode 187: Quarantine the Sin

Sin is like a virus; it can spread and infect others around us. Every member of our community is responsible for keeping the other members free of...infection. A RedPill is a good way to build up your defenses. Take one now, for yourself and for a friend.


RedPill Torah Episode 186: Learning about Listening

If you haven't heard from The Father in a while, it's not because He doesn't have something to say. Take the RedPill; it is good for your ears, too.


RedPill Torah Episode 185: Rain or Shine

We tend to enjoy the comforts of our homes. Can we thrive without those comforts? After taking the RedPill, believers are led to prepare. We prepare to leave the "stuff" we used to value...just like Israel left Egypt during the Exodus.


RedPill Torah Episode 184: Remember

The Holy One of Israel is the Master Teacher. He uses experiences to convey truth to those who have ears to hear, and hearts that desire to follow Him. The Holy Times are special examples of teaching experiences. Take the RedPill; learn how to remember Him.


RedPill Torah Episode 183: Weightier Matters

Yeshua said that some of the Father's instructions carry more weight than others. Not all Torah instructions are equal. Which ones are weightier? Can we ignore the light ones? How does Yeshua's ranking of the weightier instructions compare to your ranking? Yep; now is a good time for that RedPill.


RedPill Torah Episode 182: Did The Messiah End the Temple?

The Temple was the center of life and worship for ancient Hebrews. Did Yeshua cause The Temple worship to end? Were the sacrifices and rituals a mistake? Get ready for this RedPill; it's a big one!


RedPill Torah Episode 181: Hey...Are We Good?

Sometimes, close friends may treat us with a strange formality. If we're not sure about our rapport with that friend, we ask them..."are we good?" So, are you good...with The Most High? When we realize how He feels about us, it's like taking the RedPill all over again. Elohim is good...more good than we can know.


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