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We all want to be informed; our constitutional “right to know” should not be compromised by media-driven falsehoods and corporate storylines. Redacted, with Natali and Clayton Morris, is a concerted effort to save the truth, preserve information, and fight propaganda.

Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.

Silence = Complicity
858 Episodes
Are we about to see an end to the war in Ukraine? Or does Putin smell a trap? 
Why is President Trump going to war with the very people that got him elected? It's not a good strategy and it could backfire biggly. 
The United States and European Union are acting surprised that the Syrian regime has allowed killing people in Syria. Even though the people who run Syria after the overthrow of Bashar Al-Assad are Al Qaeda terrorists known to the State Department as such. 
European leaders today are telling Europe to prepare for war. French President Emmanuel Macron address Europe last night. Saying that Europe will not accept capitulation of Ukraine to Russia under the guise of "peace negotiations."
Democrats are struggling to respond to President Trump's 5th State of the union address and struggling with the optics of looking like spoiled brats. It's safe to say they are in total disarray. 
President Trump has officially cut off all aid to Ukraine. And then just like clock work Zelensky now says he's ready for peace... amazing how that happens. 
We are in a World War 3 moment right now as President Trump pushes for peace and cutting off all US aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, Europe is lining up to go to war directly with Russia. But the white house just made a statement saying time isn't on Zelensky's side. 
There's a war going on right now between the in the intelligence community, specifically between the DOJ  and the FBI over the Epstein list.
Shocking reports over the past 48 hours coming out of the deep state...the FBI and CIA have been caught red handed destroying classified evidence... files... servers... as Kash Patel is coming in to clean house.
Shocking reports overnight that the FBI and CIA have been caught red handed destroying classified evidence... files... servers... as Kash Patel is coming in to clean house.
European Leaders and Canada's Justin Trudeau just arrived in Kyiv begging and urging Zelensky to keep fighting and basically trying to make sure that the Trump administration to end the war. 
Over the past few days, we’ve seen a flood of misinformation about the Ukraine war, particularly from neocons, liberals and warmongers in Washington, D.C., who are twisting President Trump’s recent comments about Ukraine starting the war and Zelensky being a dictator which he is. 
Europe is moving closer to all out war with Russia and more sanctions while the US and Russia are pushing for peace and removing sanctions. It's a tale of two continents right now. 
Are we finally on the verge of peace in Ukraine? Well, maybe—if the warmongers don’t have their way.
Trump just Pulled Off a Masterstroke in Ending Ukraine War and now NATO and Zelensky have egg on their face. 
Israel's own media is confirming that Israel, yes Israel, has violated the terms of the ceasefire, not Hamas. Even the the ISRAEL defense forces, IDF confirmed to Israeli media that Israel has violated the terms of the ceasefire... So why the hell is Benjamin Netanyahu suddenly releasing a video message making demands that weren't part of the ceasefire agreement? 
How is this happening in the United States of America... the corrupt FBI now accused of tipping off illegal gang members that ICE was about to arrest them. 
Are we about to face a world wide recession? Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd just released a new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025.” And he says the Biden administration basically hid how weak the economy 
Democrats are freaking out about all of the corruption we are learning about with our tax dollars funding ludicrous projects and paying the media inordinate amounts. 
Get ready folks... the Epstein list could drop at any moment now that Pam Bondi was just sworn in as new AG... 
Comments (49)

William Finch

YES! America should get out of NATO!

Mar 4th

William Finch

I am not Amish, but I am not taking any vaccines in America of any kind. You simply cannot trust Big Pharma and in many cases your own Primary Care Doctor because they all get kickbacks from Big Pharma to prescribe their poison medications. I have not taken vaccines of any kind since COVID because I cannot trust our corrupt government, the FDA, the CDC, or any doctor because all of them do not put patient care on the front line. All any of them care about is MONEY!

Feb 13th

William Finch

I don't care if America goes into a Depression. Something needs to happen to stop inflation and bring down costs. This will also stop all the stupid spending by the federal government. I am retired so I don't need a job. My tour of duty working a job is over. AMERICA AND AMERICANS FIRST!

Feb 11th

Keb Low

THE reason the "war on drugs" we have been waging has never worked is that despite all efforts to stop the flow, the DEMAND has never gone away. Market forces will ALWAYS find a way to provide supply to meet existing demand. The only hope of stopping the drugs and sex trafficking is to stop the demand. I would argue that the best way to stop demand is to change hearts, and the best way to change hearts is to get GOD back in the lives of Americans. Of course not by force...🙂

Feb 5th

William Finch

Britain is one cluster screwed up Communist country. The Muslims have all but taken over Britain because of their dumbass monarchy government. I have no sympathy for the British people because they let this happen to their country.

Jan 11th
Reply (3)

William Finch

Shut down the federal government until the national debt is paid off!

Dec 20th

William Finch

Justin Trudeau is the biggest jerk off to ever be the president/prime minister of Canada! He has destroyed Canada with his association with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. The citizens of Canada should remove Trudeau from office and execute this traitor by firing squad!

Dec 20th

William Finch

Anthony Blinken should should be arrested and shot by firing squad for his treasonous acts against the USA. Who needs enemies when we have A-holes like Blinken in our government. American citizens should REFUSE to be drafted for military service to fight in any more political foreign wars! Let the government draft all these illegal aliens they wanted in this country to fight their political foreign wars! Enough already!

Dec 7th

William Finch

I seriously hope NATO is STUPID enough to attack Russia! That will make my day when Russia VAPORIZES every one of these Communist NATO countries with their massive high tech arsenal! That will be the appropriate end to NATO for all time! Then the World can be great again!

Dec 7th
Reply (3)

William Finch

I love your show. Russia has my invitation to blow Washington District of Criminals off the face of the earth leaving a radioactive pile of dust that no one can go back to for 500 years! I am sick of our Communist traitorous politicians that do nothing for America and Americans. To hell with our entire federal government! Let each state be a country and never have a federal government again!

Nov 26th
Reply (2)

LaShawna Scardina

This podcast is a joke! More faux news misinformation and fear mongering. Good job feeding into the bs. There's nothing fair and unbiased about this shitty show. It's obvious who the target audience is.

Nov 19th

William Finch

If our stupid corrupt government wants to fight in any more foreign wars, these damn pencil pushers better be ready to gear up and go fight it themselves. Being a U.S. citizen does not make us expendable cannon fodder for these damn traitors in Washington District of Criminals. The only damn war I will ever fight in will be right here on American soil whether that war is against foreign enemies or our own damn government!

Nov 5th
Reply (1)

William Finch

The problem with buying real estate today is ever increasing property taxes. Only a wealthy person or fool invest in real estate. Constantly increasing costs like homeowner insurance will bankrupt most middle income folks. Silver, gold, guns, and ammo are the only sensible investments in today's America. There are no property taxes or homeowners insurance with these assets or maintenance costs. This makes perfect sense to me.

Oct 29th

William Finch

If the Democrat Communists wants a Civil War in America, all they have to do is have the balls to start it. I don't want to shoot anyone, but I flat refuse to be a VICTIM of these Democrat Communists. My generation fought Communists in war! We didn't elect them to office like Dumbass Communist Americans do today. I will defend my family & home against all enemies foreign or domestic including our corrupt criminal traitorous government!

Oct 29th

William Finch

I am so excited to be able to see the defeat of our WOKE military in my lifetime! Our corrupt criminal DUMBASS COMMUNIST government has overplayed their hand trying to play Boss HAWG of the entire world! It is past time for our incompetent government to be taught a huge lesson to keep it's damn nose out of other countries business! Taxpayers dollars should stay in America for Americans. We don't owe the rest of the world a damn thing! We have not won ONE war since WW2! Good luck with that!

Oct 25th

William Finch

I can't wait to see our corrupt criminal traitorous Communist government implode under it's massive national debt when BRICS ends the U.S. dollar dominance in world trade! This has been a long time coming and will the best thing to happen for American citizens and the entire world. The total end of our incompetent Federal government will be the best thing to happen in America. Each state can then make their own laws & taxes as individual countries. We no longer need a federal government.

Oct 25th

William Finch

I am so sick and tired of the dumbasses we have in Washington District of Criminals. They need to have their asses beat in war to put an end permanently to these corrupt criminal Communists running our federal government!

Oct 23rd

William Finch

I think the damn government is manipulating the weather causing all this destruction to interfere in the elections again. There is NOTHING these corrupt criminal traitorous Democrat Communists won't do to stay in power. The government wants to overrun America with illegal aliens to kill all American citizens. FEMA is broke because all their money was given to keep up all these illegal aliens. Yet the government does nothing to help homeless Americans.

Oct 8th

William Finch

I cannot wait to see Washington District of Criminals and their WOKE military getting their asses beat & destroyed once & for all time. I love my country, but I hate our damn incompetent corrupt Communist government!

Oct 2nd
Reply (1)

William Finch

Our incompetent idiots in Washington District of Criminals needs to have their asses kicked! I personally hope Iran sinks every one of our aircraft carriers so our dumbass government can learn to tend to their own business! American citizens should REFUSE to be drafted to serve in the military. Our Democrat Communist government should put all their beloved illegal aliens in the military and let them fight all these forever foreign wars. I love my country, but I hate our dumbass government!

Oct 2nd