Reflect & Connect with Dr. James-Etta

Positive. Affirming. Informative. Thoughtful. Funny. BadAss. This podcast will share information on how to make meaning from life experiences through reflection and connection.

Reflect. Connect. Appreciate.

In this final episode of 2020, I share some appreciation for a very devastating year. 2020 has brought grief to a lot of people. So I've decided to pivot and express appreciation for a few things that helped me to get through. The journey to abundance starts with appreciation. I am looking forward to 2021 and all the good things that are in store, but first let's reflect on 2020 and show some love.  Visit and follow on IG @dr.jamesetta to learn more


Reflect. Connect. Vote.

In the wake of the Breonna Taylor case and how there is yet no accountability for killing a Black woman, I found myself numb, angry and sad. These are just some of the emotions I felt as I listened to the findings of the case. But I realize that I am not alone in these feelings and as a Black woman living in Kentucky, there are others who have these feelings too.  Listen as I, and my special guest, Cierra, talk through all these emotions and what action you can take to sort through all the stuff.  Follow me on IG @dr.jamesetta


Reflect. Connect. Kick Ass.

Do you seek out experiences that expand your thinking and position you for a growth mindset? Or do you stay in the comfort zone of what's familiar without the willingness to moved beyond a fixed mindset? In this episode I talk about the importance of knowing who you are in order to understand your world view and how you function in your world. Beliefs are systems of knowledge created from our lived experiences.  When you look back over your life, what do want your life to say about you? Tune in to hear more and remember to follow me on IG @dr.jamesetta


Reflect. Connect. Capture Data.

Journals have been kept for centuries. Much of the historical information used today has been gained from written records of everyday experiences. Journal writing heightens awareness on many levels. In this episode I share one of my first journal entries written back in 1995 and the valuable information it provided for medical treatment.  Tune in and visit to learn more. 


Reflect. Connect. Honor Grief

When I took a trip to the grocery store, I only planned to pick up some last minute items. I did not plan to see someone that triggered up emotions that caused me to reflect and connect. Take a listen to learn how I got through it. Grief has no time limit, but if you become aware and honor it you might find a formula that will help you move forward.  I also share a book that I read about a bold Black woman, raising bold Black children in a bold world.  Tune in and follow me @dr.jamesetta to learn more. 


All That is Good | Ch. 10 & Ch. 11

In this episode I share an excerpt from my unpublished book "All That is Good". While it is common practice in the Black community for children to be raised by extended family members, studies show that children who experience life with absent biological parents drop out of high school, with 40% being Black female students. Meanwhile, all females, especially Black females need to hear more stories about Black women who have overcome obstacles to achieve educational, personal and professional goals to help inspire wisdom and resilience. Chapter 10 starts the deep examination of past experiences through the lens of motherhood. For years I struggled with my relationship with my biological mother and once I became a mother, my relationship with her intensified. I did not have a typical upbringing, but it wasn't until I returned to school at the age of 32, that I started to reflect on my childhood to gain clarity and perspective. Meanwhile, at this same time, I discovered I was pregnant for a second time and things really took a turn. Journal entry from 08/24/2004 gives a peak into my intuition that something wasn't quite right.  Chapter 11 gives insight into my battle with motherhood and my battle with postpartum depression. But as I rise from the ashes of all of this, I discover my deep desire to continue my education and enroll in to graduate school. This decision sets in motion a lot of jagged transitions on many levels. Who would come to guide me on this new path? Tune in to learn more and don't forget to follow me on Intagram @dr.jamesetta


All That is Good | Ch. 9

In this episode I share an excerpt from my unpublished book "All That is Good". While it is common practice in the Black community for children to be raised by extended family members, studies show that children who experience life with absent biological parents drop out of high school, with 40% being Black female students. Meanwhile, all females, especially Black females need to hear more stories about Black women who have overcome obstacles to achieve educational, personal and professional goals to help inspire wisdom and resilience. Chapter 9 introduces the complexities of motherhood that I faced after I became a mother for the first time, after loosing the only mother who took care of me, Mama (my maternal great-grandmother) and the forced relationship I had with my biological mother. Intense therapy helps me to understand trauma-filled bonds and begin to sort through what type of mother I want to be. I share journal entry from 10/23/2000. But in truly military fashion, my husband gets orders and it is time to relocate again. How will I sift, sort and decide how to cope? Tune in to learn more and don't forget to follow me on Instagram @dr.jamesetta


All That is Good | Ch. 7 & Ch. 8

In this episode I share an excerpt from my unpublished book "All That is Good". While it is common practice in the Black community for children to be raised by extended family members, studies show that children who experience life with absent biological parents drop out of high school, with 40% being Black female students. Meanwhile, all females, especially Black females need to hear more stories about Black women who have overcome obstacles to achieve educational, personal and professional goals to help inspire wisdom and resilience. Chapter 7 explores how drastically my life changed once I relocated from Kentucky to Hawaii and became a military wife. Talk about a culture shock! My time in HI was a huge transition, but nothing like the transitions that were yet to come. I share journal entry from 05/21/1999. By the time we relocate from HI to Washington, DC, Mama's health began to decline. My faith in my family was tested after she passed away. I share journal entry from 04/16/2002. Chapter 8 begins and I find myself standing on my own and pregnant. This chapter also shares the journey of how depression laid dormant for years, but the intense grief sent me straight to a deep depression.  How would I ever see the light with so much darkness? I share journal entry from 05/01/2002. Tune in to learn more and don't forget to follow me on Instagram @dr.jamesetta


All That is Good | Ch. 4, Ch.5 & Ch. 6

In this episode I share an excerpt from my unpublished book "All That is Good". While it is common practice in the Black community for children to be raised by extended family members, studies show that children who experience life with absent biological parents drop out of high school, with 40% being Black female students. Meanwhile, all females, especially Black females need to hear more stories about Black women who have overcome obstacles to achieve educational, personal and professional goals to help inspire wisdom and resilience. Chapter 4 explains how after high school, my gap year in Texas resulted in my return to Kentucky. But without any clear direction on what to do next the encouragement of my good friend Allison lead me to enroll in Western Kentucky University. Meanwhile Chapter 5 provides insight on how I coped with the loss of my Great-grandfather through more sex, more drugs and more alcohol. And Chapter 6 highlights my layered responsibility of taking care of everything and everybody, while becoming aware that I need to take better care of my if I hope to make improvement for my wellbeing. This is the time start intentionally writing in my journal and I share my journal entry from 03/09/1998. Follow me on IG: dr.jamesetta


All That is Good | Ch.2 & Ch.3

In this episode I share an excerpt from my unpublished book "All That is Good". While it is common practice in the Black community for children to be raised by extended family members, studies show that children who experience life with absent biological parents drop out of high school, with 40% being Black female students. Meanwhile, all females, especially Black females need to hear more stories about Black women who have overcome obstacles to achieve educational, personal and professional goals to help inspire wisdom and resilience. Chapter 2 gives voice to my early educational experiences and what shaped my thoughts about school. I talk about a good childhood friend and the influence she had on my beliefs about learning. Meanwhile, as an impulsive teenager, I was influenced by everything except the right thing. And Chapter 3 explains how I would do whatever was necessary to fit in with the crowd, which included underage drinking, sex and drugs. It would be the start of a trip to rock bottom, hopelessness and a suicide attempt. Spoiler alert: I survived suicide but rock bottom was nothing compared to what was ahead. 


All That is Good | Ch:1

In this episode I share an excerpt from my unpublished book "All That is Good".  While it is common practice in the Black community for children to be raised by extended family members, studies show that children who experience life with absent biological parents drop out of high school, with 40% being Black female students. Meanwhile, all females, especially Black females need to hear more stories about Black women who have overcome obstacles to achieve educational, personal and professional goals to help inspire wisdom and resilience.  Chapter 1 sets the stage to describe my life growing up in rural Kentucky and the impact of being raised by my Great-grandparents, who I affectionately called Mama and Daddy. My biological mother moved to North Carolina when I was a toddler, around the same time my biological father was murdered. Despite any family hardship, I had a good upbringing, even if it wasn't ideal. My foundation was good, even if my mindset was weak.


Setting Small Goals

All you have to do is take one step. Listen to my journey of how I set small goals and get ready to master your goals in the New Year! Be Strong. Be Brave. Do the Work! Follow: @dr.jamesetta Visit:


Making Peace with $$

3 tips (+ my affirmation song)... my journey to making peace with money.  Be Strong. Be Brave. Do the Work.  Follow: @dr.jamesetta Visit:


Dealing with Dysfunction During the Holidays

3 tips to help you deal with dysfunction during the holiday.  Be Strong. Be Brave. Do the Work.  Follow @dr.jamesetta


Episode 13


May 13, 2018


May 5, 2018


May 1, 2018


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