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Experience the story of Jesus with Reflections, a podcast by BibleProject featuring short, guided meditations on passages of Scripture. New episodes release every Wednesday.
35 Episodes
Our Final Episode

Our Final Episode


In this special final episode, the team shares why the podcast portion of Reflections Bible Study is wrapping up and how you can continue to participate in our journey through the Bible the rest of this year.To receive our written Reflections Bible Studies for the rest of this year in your inbox, subscribe at CreditsHost: Cheree HayesBible Reading: Michelle JonesReview Reading: Matthew Halbert-Howen & Cooper PeltzProduction: Dan Gummel & Zach MckinleyTheme music: Grant William HaroldPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Is the book of Chronicles just a rerun of stories we’ve already been told? How does it help us understand where the story of the Bible leads?In English Bibles, the books of 1-2 Chronicles follow Samuel and Kings, but in the ancient Hebrew ordering of the Scriptures, Chronicles is the final book of the Old Testament. So what is the significance of this? The book of Chronicles ends with a decree to build a temple. This is the same decree that is told in the book of Ezra-Nehemiah. But Ezra and Nehemiah have already built the temple. So the fact that the whole Hebrew Bible ends on this note tells us that there must be another return from exile, another temple that will be built up and a better leader to come—a Messiah who will lead the people back to communion with God. The Hebrew Bible ends in anticipation for all that’s to come.Let’s reflect more on this.Bible Reading 2 Chronicles 36:22-23Reflection Questions1. The temple is the place of communion where God and humanity, Heaven and Earth, all come together in unity. Reflect on how Jesus the Messiah leads his people into this place of unity. What comes to mind?2. What kind of exile do people return from in order to experience unity with God today?3. How have you experienced unity with God and others, and how are you still waiting with anticipation?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Pre-Production: Zach McKinleyProduction: Cooper PeltzProduction and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: IamDayLight, BluePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Treasured by God

Treasured by God


After Israel returned from exile, many of the people were just as selfish and unjust as before. But there was a remnant of Israel who trusted and honored Yahweh. God called them his treasure and reminded them to hold on to his words of promise. We too can join this faithful remnant. When we feel overwhelmed by the state of our world, we can stand alongside generations of those who patiently trusted God. He assures us that he will bring justice and set all things right. He will keep his word. So as we continue to wait, we can also hold onto hope.Bible Reading Malachi 3:16-4:6 Reflection Questions1. What is one thing you are patiently trusting God to make right? 2. God said that those who trust and follow him are his treasured possession. What comes to mind as you reflect on what it means to be treasured? 3. What would it practically look like for you to treasure God’s promises today? Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim Mackie Bible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Cooper Peltz, Dan Gummel, and Zach McKinley Theme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Ian Post, To EdinburghPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
The book of Daniel explores what it means to be God’s people while living in a culture that is set against his values. How do God’s people remain faithful and confident in a situation like this? The strange dream in Daniel chapter 7 gives us some insight. In it we see there’s a kingdom ruled by the “Son of Man,” the one with all “authority, glory and sovereign power.” The oppressive rulers of this world will fail, but the Son of Man’s rule will never end. So when arrogant kings rise up, the people of God can look to a more powerful King. His name is Jesus, and all his followers are invited to live in the humble values of his Kingdom now, even while living amidst the kingdoms of Earth. Let’s reflect more on thisBible Reading Daniel 7:9-14Reflection Questions1. How can the arrogant beasts in Daniel’s vision help you notice oppression in the culture around you?2. How do you imagine the Kingdom of Jesus bringing hope to the oppression in your culture?3. How can the Son of Man in Daniel’s vision inspire you to stand up to the oppression around you?  Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Production: Cooper PeltzProduction and Bible Reading: Dan GummelPre-Production: Zach McKinleyTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Kyle Preston, TwilightPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
What kind of person does God choose to work through most often? Can he work through me too? The book of Esther is a classic expression of the biblical idea that God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. And God is still in the habit of elevating those who society has deemed unimportant. It might not always look as heroic as Esther’s story, but God can use anybody as an instrument for his purposes. If we want to partner with God, we don’t have to be rich, important, or powerful. We simply need to trust him over everything else. Bible ReadingEsther 4:1-6, 12-17Reflection Questions1. God opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble. What are some other stories in the Bible where we see this truth?2. With those stories in mind, what does it practically mean to be humble? How is it a mindset as well as an action?3. What is one courageous step, small or big, that you could take today to trust God and humbly serve your community?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim Mackie Bible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Cooper Peltz, Dan Gummel, and Zach McKinley Theme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: A Certain Distance, Sean WilliamsPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Is God Inclusive?

Is God Inclusive?


Yahweh warned Israel not to tie themselves to foreign gods through marriage. But when those same foreigners left their gods to honor him, Yahweh welcomed them with open arms. Yahweh’s people were not as welcoming. Ezra and Nehemiah loved God, but they were misguided to exclude foreigners from joining God’s people. Since Ezra and Nehemiah weren’t exactly models for godliness and reform, what can we learn from their stories? How can we welcome others in the family of God who are different from us? Bible Reading Isaiah 56:3,6-8 in contrast to Ezra 4:1-3Reflection QuestionsWhat are some behaviors that might show another follower of Jesus that they belong in the family of God?  What are some behaviors that could exclude or alienate another follower of Jesus from your community?  What is one small step you can take today to encourage someone else’s sense of belonging?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study guide to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Production: Dan Gummel and Zach MckinleyBible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: "Reflections" by Pete James JohnsonPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Promise for New Hearts

Promise for New Hearts


God’s people fail over and over again. We’re so messed up. Will there ever be a day when we get it right? The prophet Ezekiel said that God would renew his covenant by renewing hearts, and he’d do this by giving his own Spirit to those who trusted in him. God fulfilled his promise through Jesus. Now as followers of Jesus, we are invited to practice living with his Spirit. And as we do, we find our hearts are being renewed every day, filled with new desires and new decisions to love God and one another. Let’s reflect on this.Bible ReadingEzekiel 36:22-28Reflection Questions What is one specific area in your life that God has renewed by his Spirit? What is one specific thing that may be hindering your life with God’s Spirit?What is one step you can take with God’s Spirit today to overcome that hindrance? Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible Study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim Mackie Bible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Dan Gummel and Zach McKinleyTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: "Chapters" by Josh Leake Powered and distributed by Simplecast.
The biblical authors of Lamentations and Psalms invite us to express our grief, anger, and sadness to God. But this is hard. It’s so much easier to either avoid pain with numbing distractions or vent out frustrations without ever bringing them to God. But he is patient. He understands how painful our situations are, and he cares and grieves with us. Today, let’s practice grieving with him.Bible ReadingLamentations 3:22-33Reflection QuestionsWhat is one specific area you are grieving right now? Notice the sensations you experience as you think about it and take a moment to express each feeling to God. Now continue your prayer to God by asking him to show his compassion toward your painful situation. While you wait on God’s answer to your prayers, imagine giving Jesus the weight of your grief and concerns now. What does it look like as he carries it? What do you imagine him doing to show his compassion in your situation?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Production and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: "Fluttering" by Marshall UsingerPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
The prophetic books are intense, so it’s easy to skip ahead to more comfortable portions of the Bible. But Jesus often used the prophets’ words to describe what he was all about. So if we want to know Jesus, we need to read the prophets. And as we do, we can learn that when God’s people reject him, they are rejecting life itself. The disorder, chaos, and suffering that results is painful and it grieves God. But there is hope that God’s people can return to the life that he offers. Bible ReadingJeremiah 4:16-28Reflection Questions1. Imagine the power of the moment when God spoke, “let there be light” and said it was good. What is one way you’ve experienced God’s goodness as you’ve followed his life-giving words?2. When we reject God’s life-giving words, sooner or later we are left with darkness, chaos, and void. This causes deep anguish. What is one way you have experienced anguish when you or others have rejected God’s words?3. Take a moment to reflect in prayer. Ask God for one specific way you can respond to his words today. Listen for what he brings to mind.Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Reflections Bible Study guide to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim Mackie Bible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: "Tides" by Some Were at SeaPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
We all long to be truly seen, known, and loved by God and others. We want to fully give ourselves to these deep relationships. The Song of Songs is about that desire, that dream that imagines the unity of Heaven and Earth. One day this dream will be fully realized, but until then, we have access to unity with Jesus. He invites us into a real and intimate relationship. And in him, we can know a love that cannot be quenched or swept away—a love that can overflow toward others and heal creation.Bible Reading Song of Songs 8:6-7Reflection Questions1. Think about an inspiring romantic relationship that you’ve witnessed in real life, a movie, or a book. What inspired you most about it?2. What is one feature of that romance that could give you an example of what it means to be in a relationship with God?3. What is one thing that might be hindering intimacy in your relationship with God? What is one small step you can take to grow in that area today?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Reflections Bible Study guide to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Cited: Davis, Ellen. "Reading the Song Iconographically." The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, 2003.Production and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: "A Longing," by Sean WilliamsPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
One Handful of Rest

One Handful of Rest


How can we approach our responsibilities in life with wisdom and healthy mindsets? In this episode, we open the book of Ecclesiastes and discover some practical advice for how to live realistically.Bible Reading Ecclesiastes 4:4-12Reflection Questions1. Everyone can relate to the desire to either escape or control their lives. Which approach do you relate to most?2. What specific area of your life are you inclined to escape or control right now? 3. What would it practically look like for you to engage that area of your life with open-handed trust? What’s one small step you can take today?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this week’s Reflections Bible Study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim Mackie Bible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: "Approaching" by Be Still the Earth.Powered and distributed by Simplecast.
Power of Metaphor

Power of Metaphor


What is the purpose of metaphor in the Bible? The biblical authors use metaphors to help us better understand the world, God, and ourselves. In today’s episode, we reflect on the surprising metaphor of God giving birth. In the book of Job, we see God giving birth to elements of creation, and in the book of Isaiah, God is depicted as both a warrior and a mother giving birth to a new reality.Bible ReadingIsaiah 42:13-16Reflection Questions1. A mother often suffers to deliver her baby. Let’s reflect on how God suffered to deliver us. What comes to mind when you compare the sufferings of Jesus to the pains of a mother in labor?2. How does imagining God as a mother in labor reshape your understanding of his relationship to creation?3. Giving birth is a powerful experience for both the mother and the baby. What’s one specific way you have experienced God’s life-giving power? Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Production and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: "Present" by Sean Williams Powered and distributed by Simplecast.
How to Live Wisely

How to Live Wisely


What does it mean to fear the Lord and be wise? The book of Proverbs helps us understand how to live by God’s wisdom. It teaches us that true wisdom isn’t just knowing the right thing to do––it’s about doing it. But how do we know what the right decisions are in every situation? The Scriptures show us that God understands what is good and bad in the world. So to be wise, we must first recognize that our own perspectives are limited and God knows what we can’t comprehend. This humble dependence is called the “fear of the Lord,” and it’s where all wisdom starts. From this posture of reliance, we can begin to learn from God and live in light of his wisdom. So what does God say is wise? Jesus shows us the way. He perfectly embodies God’s wisdom and summarizes what it means by calling us to love others as he loved us. Bible Reading Proverbs 1:1-7 Reflection Questions1.What is one specific decision that impacts others that you are weighing right now? 2. Has Jesus faced a decision that impacted others in a similar way? How did he wisely love others with his choice?  3. With all this in mind, what would it look like to wisely love others with your decision?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study guide to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim MackieBible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Pete Johnson, ReflectionsPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Today we open the book of Job, a complex story about a good man who suffered the cosmic loss of everything. What did God want Job to know in the midst of his suffering? And what do we need to know in our own suffering? In this episode, we remember that we’re not alone in hardship and that God is trustworthy. Even when the pain is so intense that we can barely see beyond it, God is at work limiting chaos and giving life.Bible ReadingJob 38:1-18Reflection Questions1. What is one area of suffering in your life or in the world? Take some time now to tell God how you feel about it. He hears you.2. Ask God for more understanding. How might he be working to limit the chaos in that painful situation? What comes to mind as you listen for his wisdom?3. How might God be laboring to give life even in the midst of suffering? If you can’t see any signs of life yet, keep watching. God doesn’t let pain have the final word against his people.Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study guide to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa QuinnProduction and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Sean Williams, FortitudePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
How can we show God’s mercy to people who’ve hurt us? In this episode, we are reflecting on the final chapter of the book of Jonah. God doesn’t just want Jonah to preach to his enemies, he wants Jonah to share his compassionate heart toward them too. Will Jonah agree with God’s compassionate perspective? The book ends with a question to give us the opportunity to self-reflect. So let’s do that together. Bible ReadingJonah 4:1-11Reflection Questions1. Who is someone in your life you struggle to love? 2. Picture this person from God’s perspective. How does God see them with compassion? 3. What is one way you can join God’s perspective and show love toward this person today?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to Credits:Host: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim Mackie QuinnBible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music:  Josh Leake, Young SummerPowered and distributed by Simplecast
What does God really want as he relates to us? In this episode, we are reflecting on the book of Hosea, where we’ll discover what God desires in a relationship. Here’s a quick overview. God promised to love Israel like a husband vows to love his bride. But Israel didn’t love him back––they cheated on him. This broke God’s heart but not his promise. God’s commitment to love his people is stronger than anything else. So while Israel still experienced the consequences of their unfaithfulness, God called them to remember his love and promised to heal the relationship. Jesus came to fulfill that promise for Israel and for us. And it’s because of Jesus that our hearts can be healed to faithfully love God back.Bible ReadingHosea 14:1-9Reflection Questions1. God wants to relate to us like a loving spouse not as a demanding boss. What are some of the key differences between these two relationships? 2. What comes to your mind as you think about God’s unrelenting love for you? 3. What might change in your relationship with God if you loved him the same way you’d want a spouse to love you? Think about it. Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study guide to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa QuinnProduction and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music:  Be Still the Earth, CleansePowered and distributed by Simplecast
How is God at work in the world today? Jesus read from Isaiah 61 to describe what it looks like when the good news of his kingdom is at work in the world: the ignored are honored, the poor are fed, and the sick receive care. This kind of stuff happens wherever followers of Jesus honor him as King. Bible ReadingIsaiah 61:1-11Reflection Questions Where do you think renewal is most needed in your part of the world?Imagine God’s Kingdom bringing renewal to that situation. What do you think it would look like?You and your community can partner with Jesus to begin to bring this renewal. And remember, small steps are significant! No matter how small, what's one specific step you can take to bring renewal today?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study  to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion.Show CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim MackieBible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Be Still the Earth, In the CloudsPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Who are the Hebrew prophets? What was the goal of their message? And how can their words bring hope to us today? God wants his people to flourish - to experience peace and joy in a community of love. But sin destroys a community. So God sends his prophets to warn his people, so they’ll turn from sin and its destruction. When Israel refuses to listen, they experience the awful consequences of their own ways, just like the prophets warned. But when Israel listens, they receive God’s promised mercy. And we can too. If we are honest about our sins, God forgives. Completely. That’s how God wants to show his faithfulness and justice to people. He forgives everyone who humbly comes to him.Bible Reading 1 John 1:5-9Reflection Questions1. Remember God’s desire to have a thriving and peaceful relationship with you and your community. What thoughts come to mind as you think about this?2. What specific things are hindering your relationship with God and others right now?3. Take some time to be honest about those sins. Confess them to God and receive the peace of his forgiveness now. Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study guide to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Go to CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Production and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Sean Williams, RememberPowered and distributed by Simplecast
Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? And is he doing anything about it? The Bible doesn’t answer all of our questions about why God allows suffering. But it does tell us a story about how God responds to human suffering. We learn that God has chosen to partner with humans to deliver communities from suffering, and that he chose to enter our pain by becoming human himself. Jesus took up the worst of human suffering, shoved it into a grave, and rose again to give us a new future––one that’s free of injustice and grief. Yes, our questions around suffering are valid. God hears us and understands our pain. Today, let’s tune into the question God has for us. As we face suffering in the world, will we partner with him to be a part of his solution? Bible Reading2 Kings 25:8-12, 27-30Reflection Questions 1. What is one way your community is suffering now?2. Consider God’s character of justice, mercy, and love. How does he want to comfort and restore your community?3. What is one step you can take this week to join God’s plan of restoration?Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion.  Show CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Tim Mackie Bible Reading: Michelle JonesProduction: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Calme by Borrtex Powered and distributed by Simplecast
Redeeming Disappointment

Redeeming Disappointment


Where is God when the people we look up to disappoint us? In this episode, we learn how Israel’s long line of disappointing kings is meant to point us to a greater King, Jesus. He is the true David and a better Solomon. He leads God’s people with wisdom, unites the nations, and makes a way for God’s presence to dwell among his people. Wherever people disappoint, King Jesus is there, inviting us into the beauty of his temple––his perfect presence. Bible Reading1 Kings 6:23-31Reflection Questions1. Are you disappointed with someone today? Take some time to express how you feel in a prayer to God right now.2. Consider how Jesus faced similar disappointments to us. Think about it and take some time to empathize with him.3. Remember, where people disappoint, Jesus is there to invite us into his presence. Take time now to ask for his perfect love to restore every area of disappointment.Want to Go Deeper? Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. Show CreditsHost: Cheree HayesMessage: Dr. Carissa Quinn Production and Bible Reading: Dan GummelTheme music: Grant William HaroldBackground Music: Be Still the Earth, Within ReachPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Comments (5)

William M

Thank you God for the gift of this amazing word. Thanks to all the team who produced this podcast.

Mar 17th

Langston J

thank u for the Reflections podcast. it's meant a lot to me :) looking forward to whatever BibleProject has in store next ☺️ take care!

Aug 23rd

Langston J

so good. thank you for this podcast ☺️🙏🏾

Aug 12th

Ellen Keyes

I really need this podcast! Thank you! My favorite part is that you point to God I'm every episode. Making much of him is so important and seeing his character equips people to do that!

Jan 23rd

Jenny Hammond

Such a fan of the BibleProject and thanks for this new micro podcast. It's the complete package: biblical teaching, scripture reading, application questions -- all in 15 minutes! I especially love the reflection questions at the end to help reveal my heart and focus my steps.

Jan 1st
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