Rehoboth Christian Fellowship Podcast

Authentic Christianity in the Real World.

Learning to Trust

For most of us, trust does not come easy. Many people have had their trust violated early in life and have carried that hurt and projected that woundedness into other relationships, often to the demise of those relationships. Unfortunately, this can easily carry over into our relationship with God and prevent us from fully trusting Him with our lives. Learning to Trust is a process of discovering Who Christ really is, and that He really can be trusted because He loves us and has what's best for us at heart.


Who is This?

The Treasure Coast of Florida was spared the full impact of what would have been a catastrophic category 4 hurricane during the week of October 3, 2016. Instead, the deadly storm "wobbled" east at just the right time and missed our coastline. Was it "luck" or was it GOD? Many prayed before the storm, only to say after the fact, "We really dodged a bullet!" It can't be both! In this short message, we look at a similar situation from Luke's Gospel...


Forgive Us Our Sins As We Forgive

Forgiveness is one of the most basic and fundamental themes of the Christian life, yet it is often one of the most overlooked and under-practiced. Many professing Christians would rather live in a self-imposed prison of bitterness and internal and external conflict than simply take responsibility for wronging another person or confronting someone who has wronged them with a right heart and the goal of reconciliation. In this message, we look at what forgiveness is, and is not, and how to practically do it in order to truly be the Christians we profess to be and to find the healing in our relationships and in our own lives that we so desperately need.


Love in Action

Christians are called to lay down our lives and live for a purpose that is greater than us. When we live selfishly and approach God with a consumer mindset we miss the joy and fulfillment of our true vocation. But when we allow Jesus to change us and give us His heart, we find that it beats with compassion for the world around us. This especially applies to those people whom our society would consider to be least among us. Jesus said that how we treat them is the measure of how we love Him.


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