Relatable Life Chronicles

Relatable Life Chronicles is a podcast about many different topics people all over the world can relate to in some facet or another. No one is exempt! The mindset is everything! How you think prior to any situation determines how you'll go through it.<br /><br />Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href=""></a>.

Episode 302 Idolizing People and/or Things

Where does idolizing people and things get you? How does it enhance your life? I guarantee you if you take a true hard look, you will see idolizing people and/or things will always take from you in some way. Turn that energy around and focus time on yourself, getting to know you, and loving yourself. Your life will be better and you will see how much a difference it will make in your life.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 301 Blaming Others When It Falls On You

Unfortunately, despite of status, titles, position, money, etc., most people in this world blame someone or other people for who they've (you), chosen to become. Blame does nothing to help a person to heal and become better, instead it keeps people in the same cycles with the same mindsets. As I always say, no one can grow by remaining the same! Prisoner to your own mindset.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 300 The Color of Jesus or God Doesn't And Shouldn't Matter

People who are focused on the skin color is focused on the wrong things. Your distraction will lead you to Hell! Get your mind right!!Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 299 You Are Too Afraid To Protect The Child/ren

If you're too afraid to protect your child/children you are in the wrong relationship, with the wrong person. No man or woman should allow their children to go through any form of abuse because as the parent, they're too afraid to protect the child. You're too worried about your own well being and not the well being of the child/ren. You as the adult can take what you choose to, but no child should have to go through abuse because you're taking the heat off of yourself. It's not always biological parents it's also other caregivers who are the guardian. If you don't protect the child/ren, you are wrong!Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 298 You Act As If It's True Even Though It's Not

Many people go through life causing unecessary drama in their lives and in the lives of others based on something they percevie as true, although it's not. People have ruined their own lives and destoyed the lives of others based on what they've made up or based on what someone else has said that wasn't true. If you believe something wrong long enough, it will affect you mentally in a negative way. Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 297 Can't Be Lukewarm or Double Minded

If you love the Lord, you'll serve HIm and nothing or no one would cause distraction and take your mind off of Jesus. Many people profess their love but it's a lie. Their hearts are far from Him. You can't be lukewarm or double minded. If you're going to serve Jesus you have to be all in or not in at all.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 296 Confidence to do Wrong by Way of Monkey See Monkey Do

Unfortunately it happens all too often. Some people give power to their thoughts but don't act out on them, but there are those who are consumed by their negative thoughts. I'm referencing those thoughts you give power to. People go through life causing their own mental anguish, which often leads to self destruction. When you know it's abad thought don't allow yourself to keep fueling the fire to let it grow. If you do it can lead to destruction.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 295 People Are Far More Concerned About the Eclipse Than the Return of Jesus

Many are worried about the solar eclipse, when they should be concerned about the return of Jesus! If you had Jesus then you would know there's no need to worry about anything else. Man uses events to cause planned diasters in certain areas, but one day God's destruction will be felt all over the world! God don't need an eclipse to skake things up! He created the moon and the sun!!!! It's completely nuts to me how people run here and there to see the eclipse, but won't attempt to worship Christ.  Trust in Jesus! Repent and turn away from your wickedness, greed, and lust for the ways of this world!!!!!!Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 294 Lust Feeds the Flesh Not the Spirit

Lust is all about satisfaction of the flesh in some form or another. People will do and have done anything to fulfill the desires of their flesh for (money, fame, fortune, recognition, validation, love, material things/possessions, titles, positions of power, sex, success, etc. It has nothing to do with the spirit. People are caught up in the tangible (what they can see, feel, etc.). However, to serve the Lord you have to be on a supernatural/spiritual level and when you truly serve Him, you don't care about the rest, because you know what's for you is for you. No man can give it or take it away! You don't have to worry, seek, chase, or do any and everything, because God our Father will supply all your needs. The devil wants people distracted and continuing to chase those tangible things. When you do he knows your eyes are on him and not Jesus the Son or God the Father.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 293 Going Along With Wrong Makes You Guilty Too

This isn't meant for everyone to receive, but hopefully for all who listens, you also hear, what I've said. In order for people to become better they must want to be better. Unfortunately it isn't the case for many. Most people go along with what looks or sounds good, even if it's wrong! Never be afraid to stand up for what is right. When you don't you're a part of the problem. Never be afraid to be different! Never be afraid to stand alone. It's better to stand alone than to stand for wrong! You can't grow when you're comfortable where you are! You have your own voice, you shouldn't feel obligated to anyone to follow wrong, Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 292 Don't Just Listen But Hear

I appreciate you listening to my podcasts. Please don't just listen, but hear what i'm saying. Take in what you're hearing and "think on it." Your life will never become better if you keep choosing to remain the same!Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 291 Your Negative Thoughts Can Lead to Self Destruction

If you feed your negative thoughts it means you're giving power to those thoughts. Negative thinking will have you believing a lie! Negative thinking will have you holding on to things you should have let go.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 290 Liars Claiming To Be Called By God

Jeremiah and other Books in the Bible talks about fake people who are saying they're sent in Jesus name or by God. They claim to be of God, but their God is the devil, because they are of the world. People are claiming Jesus and/or God has told them this or that, they're claiming their sent by God, etc., but it's a lie. If they life, walk, and talk doesn't align they're liars. God qualifies and fixes up those He call. Many are seeking recognition, fame, fortune, money, possessions through their fake ministries. Look at what they're doing (charging for prayer and deliverances, trying to get members and/or subscribers, what they're allowing in the church-houses, etc), their appearances (still dressing and acting like the world), their speech (cursing in the church or wherever they go, saying inappropriate things, etc.), and etc. It is not of God the Father. It is of the devil and the world. Woe unto those people who are lying and deceiving! They will not go unpunished. Their days are coming soon and many will be exposed.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 289 Preparing for Man's Unknown But Not For The Return Of Jesus

Preparing for man's unknown is okay, but some people are obsessed with it. Yet, they haven't prepared for the return of Jesus. Most people don't have it on their mind. It doesn't matter if you do or don't, He's going to return and for those who aren't prepared, it will be too late. If you're not ready it will be too late to get ready. Man's destruction has no comparison to what will happen when Jesus return. Shelters, food, gear, etc., won't help. If you are not a Saint of God, it means you're on the other side. It will be said "too late." Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 288 The Spirits You Interact With Are Not Your Loved Ones

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but if you believe in the Word of God (the Bible), then you must be willing to accept the truth. The spirits people interact with are entities of different sorts, they aren't your loved ones and every last one of the entities has some type of agenda, and none are up to any good. The more you entertain them, they are getting energy from you while zapping and affecting you and your energy. Spirit boxes, ouija boards, and other tools can open doors/portals and allow you to interact with the spiritual world, which can lead to obsession or deep desire to keep seeking after the spirits, while the entities start to affect your body and mind. It can also lead to possessions and attachments. Those entities aren't your loved ones. The Bible says when we die we are no longer connected to anything of the world. Think of it like this; what sense would it make to live and then die, but be very unhappy in death because you see the things your living loved ones are doing. God specifically made it where when we die, the connection is no longer there. People may not want to accept it or even believe it, but it's in the Bible and it makes sense. Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 287 Don' Let Your Words or Actions Be Someone's Last Straw

You never ever know what is on a person's heart or mind. You don't know what someone is dealing with. That's why it's important to treat people kindly. It doesn't cost a thing to be kind. Some people are too bitter, angry, and caught up in their own mess to show kindness. Instead they want to lash out and project their own inner pains onto other people. You don't know what a person is going through and the day you're mean and ugly to them could be the last straw for them. Be careful how you treat others, because it will come back to you. Reaping what you sow has no expiration date. Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 286 Faking It Prevents You From Making It To Heaven

Many people are in the same category of faking their faith. Faking it prevents you from making it into God's Kingdom. Get your eyes off of the creature and put your eyes on the Creator. Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 285 Time is Indeed Real It Does Exist

Stop with the lies, time does exist! How can anyone in their right mind think otherwise?! Time is forever, because even when we die and leave our bdies and this world, we continue to live in the spiritual realm somewhere else.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 284 Wake Up We Are The Change When We Stand Together

People don't understand that we are the change. The reason it's getting tougher and tougher in our country is because we don't stand together. People are just going along. No matter how crazy people are many will still follow out of a sense to belong and brokenness. No matter how high prices get, people are paying the prices. If we band together change will happen. At this rate we won't be able to survive in our own country because everything is outrageously high. We the people suffer while other countries are taken care of on our dollar. We the people suffer while prices are going sky high on everything, but it's because we keep buying even at the ridiculous prices. They know that no matter how high, people will pay, because you've taught them to believe it. We are suffering because we keep buying the poisoned foods, medicines, etc. I believe it's one reason there's so many cancers and other sicknesses. You are sold out on believing Congress is for you when clearly they are not! If they cared about the people we wouldn't be going through what we are in our country, while we sit back and see trillions flow from our country to other countries. We are paying the price, but it's because we do nothing! We are also taxed on everything, it's ridiculous! We are the change!!! Wake up people!!!Become a supporter of this podcast:


Episode 283 The Richest Can Be The Poorest And The Poorest Can Be The Richest

Happiness isn't based on what you have or what you don't have. However, most people seem to think it does. The riches person can be the poorest mentally and the poorest person can be the riches mentally. We've all seen this truth! Money or the lack of it, titles, positions, status, possessions, etc., none of it will make you happy internally. You may present yourself as happy, but if that mindset hasn't changed you will always go back into that state of unhappiness, because you haven't healed from the inside. If you don't believe it look at what's going on in the world. People are cleary broken from something, whether due to real trauma or self created. A person can be rich monetarily, but lead an unhealthy lifestyle, because of the heart and mind hasn't healed. They look the part, but what's inside is causing them to make bad choices and decisions. The is the same for the person who is monetarily poor or don't have as much money as a monetarily rich person. It doesn't matter which way it goes, what's inside of you will matter the most. If the mindset isn't healthy, you will have no peace. It's all about the mindset. Our mindsets are created from past experiences (good and bad). If you choose to hold on to unhealthy things it will affect your life in many ways.Become a supporter of this podcast:


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