DiscoverThe Modern Young Adult
The Modern Young Adult

The Modern Young Adult

Author: Caleb Price

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It’s so easy to feel lost in our the world today. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

You CAN break through the noise of what everyone is telling you to do and lay YOUR foundation for a life of success, purpose and joy.

I’m Caleb Price. As a fellow young adult and certified life coach, I’m sharing how to navigate the challenges of adulthood and how to FIND yourself.

Join me and become the modern young adult you’ve always wanted to be.
185 Episodes
You may feel like giving up when it comes to your dreams. I know I am. And so I want to talk about. This isn’t a debby downer episode, this is an episode to make you feel lighter and remind you that the way you feel MAKES SENSE. Today on the podcast I dive into when we feel like giving up and the steps to take to help us through it and remind ourselves about what progress truly is. Oh and I bring up Glen Powell too.  FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Have you seen Inside Out 2 yet? I hopefully won’t be spoiling the movie, but I was really struck with how it dealt with repressed emotions and began to reflect on how I might still be doing that even after all the work I’ve done coaching myself. So now I want to talk about it. Today on the podcast I dive into why we repress our emotions, what kind of effects this has upon us, and how to baby step our way into processing emotions, something that for a lot of us can be really scary or just plain uncomfortable, so that we might feel more like ourselves. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Don’t count the seconds because every second counts (If you’ve seen The Bear, you know what I’m talking about). As human beings, we are limited in the time we are here on Earth as well as there are limits to how long stages of life last such as our college days. And it can be so easy to worry about those days running out as well as running out of time and feeling behind when it comes to achieving the goals our parents or friends have already done. Today on the podcast I want to quiet your fears and help you recognize a powerful truth about time that will allow you to feel at peace about time progressing AND get more done in becoming the person you want to be.  FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. I feel this is something I have to remind myself all the time. Recently, I’m on track again with some big goals and I figure you are too. Today on the podcast, I wanted to offer you and I some guidance on what to do when we have big desires for change and how to actually get the thing we want when half the time we feel like we can’t actually change. And you may be surprised at what you realize about yourself and finally have the tools to achieve that change you’ve been waiting on. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Maybe you worry about what other people think of you like I do. That they think we’re doing life wrong, we’ve made a mistake in dating, they’re going to think it’s weird that we’re older and single still or that we’ve chosen the wrong career for success, or that you should be making better choices in your life. These are some of the hardest thoughts to overcome…but it’s possible still. Today on the podcast I’m talking about when other people have thoughts about you and what to do about you worrying about it so you can release your desire for control over it and embrace the joy of being your true open self to the world, when that feels scary and daunting. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Do we genuinely understand what it means when we say “comparison is the thief of joy”? After my recent experience on vacation, I have some thoughts to share on the unseen effects of comparison that we are falling into unnecessarily. Today on the podcast I’m diving deep into why we compare, what we hope to get out of it, and how it will never satisfy the desire and then what we can do in those moments that we find ourselves comparing. Also, I talk about my trip to Ireland so you can hear about that too. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
During this summer, I imagine you’ll be going on vacation. And if you’re like me, there’s a good chance you have a hard time letting go or just relaxing and doing nothing. Today on the podcast I’m diving into how we relax while on vacation as well as letting go of our control when it comes to dating, college, and our careers. What if you didn’t have to do anything to have exactly the experience you were supposed to have and it’s even better than you could have imagined it to be? FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
In life we are presented with circumstances we choose for ourselves and circumstances that are thrust upon us. And whenever either of those get hard, it can be easy to wish things were different and to argue with our reality. Today on the podcast I want to help you stop the waste of time and energy that is arguing with reality and remind you whenever we are in the thick of a hard thing, that we always get a choice in how we react and can use this moment for our gain. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
I’ve been thinking about hope. Some people say it’s the hope that kills you. Jack Antonoff from Bleachers recently said at a concert that finding the thing that gives you hope is your mission in life. Mad Max says it will make you insane. Today on the podcast, I wanted to deep dive into hope and reflect on my own state of thinking when it comes to this emotion that I believe is core to what it means to be human. We talk about why we struggle with hope, what creates it for us, and some ways we can remind ourselves to hold on and believe in ourselves and that things will work out when the going gets rough. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Summer is upon us! And it can be so easy to feel the pressure of making it great! You’re in a new place, new internship or job, there are new people around you, or you just feel like it’s time to have a great experience. And that pressure can actually make it harder to actually enjoy yourself during it. Today on the podcast I dive deep into the 3 foundational principles that balances acceptance and seizing the day this summer to show you how to have a great summer! FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
We’ve all heard the phrase “trust your gut”? But what does it really mean for you and me? Today on the podcast we dive deep into moving away from the overthinking and worrying our brain can present as logical and good for making a decision to what will actually help us with the big decisions of our life, which is leaning into the intuition and understanding which doesn’t make sense but feels right. We also talk about how to increase our connection to our intuition for those of us who struggle to feel this way within the body. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Whenever we find ourselves stuck on a plateau in life, it can be useful to reflect on our progress and ask ourselves if our current trajectory will lead us to where we want to go. Yet when we do this, we can sometimes fall into the trap of rejection and shame for us being “worthless” and “failing”. This doesn’t have to be the case! Today on the podcast we talk about how we can reflect upon ourselves, not reject ourselves, by practicing acceptance, recognizing where our true worth is, and getting more comfortable with the discomfort of looking. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
We all go through times of transition. You may be moving, leaving college, starting a new job, entering a new relationship status, moving into or out of a ward, leaving friends behind and need to make new ones…and it’s HARD! Today on the podcast I wanted to help you in your time of transition by helping you transform your mind and feelings about the situation, through acceptance, patience, curiosity, and reminding you that you create your life. Your transformation will dictate your transition, no matter how hard it currently feels.  FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Episode 166: Crying

Episode 166: Crying


Crying is an aspect of humanity that connects us to each other. It’s something we all do as humans that really goes against everything in terms of presenting the best version of ourselves to the world. Yet we feel so much better for doing it. So what’s the deal with crying? Today on the podcast, I wanted to take a deep dive into this facet of humanity and talk about emotional catharsis, our need for releasing strong emotions, the purpose of crying and how we can get more comfortable with it. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
We as humans don’t like work. It’s a natural instinct within ourselves to resist anything that causes to move and use energy because our brain is trying to keep us alive and only motivate us to action when it is absolutely required for our survival. So why do we feel the need to work or create or contribute to our world or for our own sakes? Today on the podcast, I wanted to discuss the value of hard work and how we might change our relationship with it so that we can experience less resistance and more joy as we do something ultimately required to reach the goals we have in life. And I also bring up my love for Studio Ghibli films and what they teach about work so you have to look forward to as well.  FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
We as human beings I believe are required to grow, at least to experience the life we truly want. And as a requirement, growth requires stretching. Today on the podcast, I want to help you get better at this concept of stretching so I dive into the physics of what it means to stretch and how it applies to our mental and emotional growth, especially in the context of your goals. If you find yourself struggling to keep with your goals or wonder if you’re actually getting any better at what you’re working towards, this episode is for you.  FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Episode 163: Shhhhhhh!

Episode 163: Shhhhhhh!


Do you find your brain incredibly noisy as of late? That you can’t ever seem to find any peace or just have so many worries and anxiety about your future or how you showed up in the past? Well maybe it’s time we tell our brains: shut up! Today on the podcast, I talk about a concept I learned from Chris Evans experience called SHHHH! Today we focus on how to quiet the mind, why our brain gets so noisy, and emphasize the distinction that you are NOT your thoughts. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Humility vs. Self Doubt. How do you know if you experiencing one or the other? Today on the podcast, we are diving into what the difference between humility and self doubt, as well as how that relates to pride and confidence, and how you can be humble and confident about yourself at the same time. Of course, I also share my review and insights from DUNE 2 finally so be looking forward to that. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
Complaining. We all do it. It’s a thing that unites as human beings, being able to find dissatisfaction, annoyance, or things wrong with our friends, our society, and with our lives. But is this actually helping us create the life we want? Today on the podcast, we dive deep into complaining, why our brain does it, why it’s not bad for us to complain, but ultimately the choice we really have when we feel the urge to complain that might help us feel better than complaining about our life.  FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (
When it comes down to relationships with any human being, you almost always have to have difficult conversations with those you care about. We find it hard to emotionally express ourselves when it comes to our romantic feelings, telling the truth about something we did, opening up, or breaking up a relationship. So today on the podcast, I’m talking about how valuable it is to open up, why we struggle with these hard conversations, and how we can make it far easier for ourselves to express our feelings and how it is always better to open up if we have something to say. This is How To Have Difficult Conversations. FREE 30 Minute Coaching Call If you’re in a rut, want to change your self worth, lack confidence, or feel unsure about your future after college, schedule a free coaching call with me. I promise it will change your life. ( Did you like this episode? Be sure to leave a review of what you liked about this episode. And if you want to learn more about me and get inspired throughout your week, be sure to follow me on Instagram, @calebthecollegecoach (