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Relate and Meditate
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Relate and Meditate

Author: Daisy Clementine

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We’re a new podcast series with a goal to tackle relatable modern day issues and design accessible mini meditations using language that feels like a friend. Each week we’ll be talking to both experts in their field as well as experts by experience - whether it’s running their own business, thriving in the art world or just real people going through real things. Our mission is to tackle relatable issues through creative conversations with inspiring people and leave our listener with easy, non-woo woo, straight talking 5 minute meditations inspired by and crafted in collaboration with our guests. There’s no mention of chakras or ‘grounding’ here - we’re the meditation series for non-meditators with some relatable conversations to help keep things real.
23 Episodes
Season One Finale!As we wrap up Season One of R&M, our host Daisy Clementine discusses in a solo episode the meditation she desperately needs as we head into Australian summer - the summer body meditation and all things body image and self esteem.Daisy talks about how seeing bad photographs of yourself can impact your self-image and how having cute petite friends can make you feel like a giant and shift the reality of what you actually look like. Body image is a never ending rollercoaster...
This weeks episode is a little bit different - it's our second to last ep in Series 1 and I chat to Laura Tilley, one of our resident meditation leads, all about her journey with meditation and how the process of creating Relate and Meditate has been for us both.Whether you've meditated with us through the episodes or not, we hope this conversation (and this series!) makes you feel seen in all your relatable spirals.Laura's business The Half Between - she is running a course in November which...
Today’s episode is with prolific journalist who often uses her internet as a diary - Melissa Mason and is all about relationship anxiety (kind of the extension and more ‘grown up’ way to talk about the ick). It’s something we have both been riddled with for years - even though i didn’t know it until very recently. Have you ever seen a couple on instagram and been like wow that’s goals why aren’t we like that? Or find yourself in a panic wondering if you’re with the person you’...
This weeks episode is what we've all needed at some time in our times - a spirit guide for going to Ikea. We spoke to Miranda Lorikeet after she'd just moved house and discussed her Ikea game plans, how impulsively putting together furniture and we settle the question about what the best snack is for your little reward at the end.This is literally the most niche meditation we've ever made - and it's not even #spon. Ikea, if you want to send us some cinnamon scrolls, we'll be waiting.--Follow ...
Wondering if recycling is really even worth it?Feeling powerless as we watch billionaires take off into space and we're trying to keep our carbon footprint down with a fkin keep cup?Feel those 'um, is the world ending?' vibes on the regs?This weeks conversation is with Tanzy Owen, a sustainability consultant with years of experience making film and TV sets more sustainable who has just launched her own buisiness - The Good Ways. Tanzy’s mission is to make sustainble business just ‘business’. ...
This weeks episode is with Michelle Banares - my absolute style icon, the coolest Reel maker and DEFINITELY not a regular mum. Mish has 2 crazy haired 2 year old called Zev and this week we spoke all about her anxieties as a new mum - particularly when it came to heading out into the world and tackling public transport with a pram and unpredictable tantrums. Mich and I have never actually spoken about her role as a mother so I loved this chat and all the real moments that came out of it - eve...
This episode is a special one - it’s extremely light and there’s a lot of laughter because honestly at the moment, we feel like we need some lols to break up the heaviness of the news and the amount of hectic stuff happening in the world right now. This ep is with Relate & Meditate’s number one fan - Daisy's mum and is all about a very first world problem - the stress of throwing a party. Are people going to show up?Have I got enough food?What if people hate the seating arrangements...
This weeks episode we spoke to Victoria Houllis aka Mannequin Hands - a nail artist currently killing it with her Press Ons and Nail Stickers whilst we’re in lockdown and usually working crazy hours with clients when we’re not. Her designs are seriously amazing - she’s given me the funnest nails of my life on multiple occasions now and seriously, it is wild how much having cute nails can change your mood.We spoke about all things work and boundaries. The chat covers a lot but the meditations ...
In this weeks episode, I spoke to Evie from Mum Pack Travel - a travel blogger and solo parent that has had her incredible lifestyle she lives on the road brought to a stand still by Covid. Evie has travelled all over the world with her daughter for the past few years, writing a book, From Backyard to Backpack, about it along the way. A quick google and you'll find pages and pages about all the adventures she's been on and all the articles she's written about how she did it ...
We are back from our mid season break and this weeks episode is all about self confidence with photographer and visual artist Martina Martian. Is confidence something you're born with or something learned? How does your confidence affect your day to day life and the decisions you make? Have you ever not something because you didn't feel confident enough? If all these questions are hitting home for you - this is your episode.Martina is definitely one of the most fabulous people I know -a...
Ever seen an Instagram post of your ex with 'the new you'? Lol fucking sucks, huh? We've made a meditation for that. In the case of this meditation we recorded it from our own personal need of it being ‘a new girlfriend’ but i’d love to hear if anyone listening would like us to create a meditation from another perspective - new boyfriend, new partner - we want to be inclusive and will create another version if there’s the demand so please let us know.I can remember the exact moment I fou...
We're on a two week mid-season break as we catch up on recording! We'd love to hear form everyone listening on what kind of topics you’d like us to cover and what niche meditations you would like us to create for you. The more specific the better! If you could leave your meditation request as a review in Apple Podcasts, we pinky promise that we will create it.This week's meditation written and read by Tasmania based meditation teacher Laura Tilley is all about phone addiction - which I g...
Today's episode is a conversation with the incredible Amie McNee - author, book doula and creativity coach. We talk all about feeling uninspired - all the tried and tested ways to get out of productivity slumps and the ebbs and flows of creativity. We’re currently in lockdown again in Sydney which is definitely not the most inspiring place to be but we feel like these periods of feeling uninspired can appear out of nowhere regardless of external circumstances. Amie is one of our favourit...
In this episode, we spoke to event stylist and content creator Nina Sky all about her pre-date anxiety, first date lol stories and her tactics to battle the nerves. This conversation is full of laughing, ridiculous stories and extremely relatable thoughts on how everyone feels before a date. We encourage you to listen to this short episode over a glass of wine - hang out with us and let us up you up for your date (whether it's happening IRL or on FaceTime in our cute current COVID situation)....
In this episode, we spoke to Mark Conlan - an absolutely incredible illustrator based in Melbourne - all about the pressures to maintain a social presence and stay consistent with posting. With ever changing algorithms and trends, this topic is one we're sure will hit home mainly for people using their socials as their online resume (but sometimes even personal SM use can be stressful too!).---Follow us on IG - @relateandmeditateFollow Daisy Clementine on IG - @daisyclementinaFollow Rachel Cr...
This episode we spoke to Georgia Somary - bass player in Nasty Cherry and founder of No Good resin. Georgia is a friend from back when we were teenagers and she has literally has had the most hobbies and side projects out of anyone I know - she has a license to fly a plane, knows how to make swords and was very into taxidermy for a second there. We spoke about that moment when something really small and annoying - like someone talking loudly on their phone near you - just ruins your day and k...
A second episode drop this week! We thought we'd start releasing mini episodes when the time suits to cover some hyper-specific, niche issues that we personally would love a meditation for. This week, in lockdown, it only seemed fitting to create one that calms the chaos and invites in gratitude for our homes and what we do have whilst under restrictions.Follow us on IG - @relateandmeditateFollow Daisy Clementine on IG - @daisyclementinaFollow Laura Tilley on IG - @lauraatilley / @theha...
In this episode, we spoke to tech entrepreneur and professional hand model Jess Ruhfus - founder of collaboration app Collabosaurus - about the touchy, private topic of money. We spoke about her own relationship with money, the social pressure of committing to a set menu and covered pretty much all of our key money memories.I wanted to put this episode out this week as I feel like money conversations amongst my friends and partner recently have just been cracked open, it’s been being talked a...
In this episode, we spoke to Cam Walker aka Struthless - an illustrator, cartoonist, animator and I would say mental health pioneer. His YouTube channel has been a source of comfort for me more times than one and i know how many other people he would have helped with his blunt honesty and dark humour too. This episode is all about sobriety, drunk war stories and the ways drinking can sometimes make us feel about ourselves. We recorded this episode a while back whilst I wasn’t drinking an...
We asked "what do you wish there was a meditation for?" to business coach, author and queen of podcasting Kaylene Langford founder of Startup Creative who responded - feeling like an imposter.Why do we sometimes feel like we're faking our way through our lives? Having recently published a book - "How to Start a Side Hustle" and (which will be available as of 7th July and already available for pre-order on Startup Creative website and Amazon!) and running one of Australia's t...