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Relationship Chronicles

Author: Think On It, by Cherry

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Relationship Chronicles is for education, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, and enlightenment. People all over the world experience similar issues. People desire and want for the same things. Most people seek in others things they lack in self ending up in unhealthy relationships.

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520 Episodes
Hearts have truly wax cold. There is so much murdering going on. The devil is busy doing what he does, killing, stealing, and destroying. He's tricking people into doing the unthinkable, because they've given him entry through thier negative thoughts. If you let the devil in, he will try to take over, and will; if you let him. People are murdering out of anger, hurt, old pain, etc. Others are murdering, because they've lost their minds to the devil. Demons are literally taking the minds of people. People who don't want to listen, oftentimes end up going down dark roads leading to destruction. No person or nothing is worth it. You only have one life to live and no one should ever choose to live their life with cold hearts and minds. If someone doesn't want to be with you, life goes on. They aren't worth you doing the unthinkable. To hurt or kill people because it's over between you and them is completely the devil's work. There is no situation worth anyone doing things they can't undo. Stop being prisoners to negative mindsets. Too many people go through life allowing how they think, to ruin their lives.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Most people are unhappy in their relationships, because their relationships are unhealthy. I don't care how much you love someone, you have to put in the work to make it work. However, it shouldn't be hardwork. Too many people settle for unhealthy relationships and think it's the best they'll ever have. Most people just want to be with someone, and unfortunately, many people settle for just that; someone. More than not, it ends up being a person who isn't good for them. You get what you open yourself up too, and what you allow and accept. Most people are miserable, lonely, and unhappy in their relationships, and spend most time fighting in one way or another. It's unhealthy, but most people can't see it.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Who you love and how you love is determined by your mindset and their mindset. In relationships, most people put all of their everything into who they're with, while the other person isn't treating them the same way. People settle for one-sided love and it's normally that love, which comes along with a lot of unnecessary drama. As I always say, if a person isn't enhancing your life then, they're the wrong person for you. People can and will drain you in every way possible if you allow it. Too many people believe in it's better to have some love, rather than, no love at all. Loving someone who isn't loving his or herself is going to cause you a lot of drama, and it's a clear sign they have unresolved inner issues. It's important to first know and love yourself so that you don't open yourself up to people who aren't good for you. You can't see this when you're blind to love. If you're blind to love, you're blind to reality.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Most people think if they look good it fixes them, not understanding the hurt and pain inside is what causing them to believe and think how they do about themselves. Change your mindset it will change your life. Most people go through life miserable, because of their unresolved inner issues. They project them and take on those of other people. Women think they have to expose their bodies to be accepted. It's really sad! People can't find happiness in their relationships, because of their own inner issues and the inner issues of those their involved with. Stop following societal views and opinions, that comes from other broken people. Afterwhile, we will have a world full of people who look the same and act the same. It's happening before our eyes!Become a supporter of this podcast:
Unfortunately, this is the case for many. Most people would rather stay in their unhappy and unhealthy mindsets than to be alone. Most people have crippling mindsets that has caused major insecurities in their lives. The greatest enemy for most is their own mindsets. If you're afraid to be alone or if you have an issue with being alone, it means you have unresolved issues that you need to deal with in order to heal, let them go, and move on. Most people are far too busy trying to find love, than trying to heal and become better individuals. People are allowing so much foolishness in their lives to be with someone who's doing nothing but cause them drama, draining them, and taking from them. This is clear sign of not loving yourself. Any time you allow and accept anything for love, it is exactly what you will get. I've always said, if they don't enhance your life, you're with the wrong person. You create the monster/s in your life. You!!!Become a supporter of this podcast:
To avoid an affair you must want to avoid it. The problem is immature people who are still sowing their wild oats or waddling in past pains, don't care when they want, what they want. These types of people have unhealthy mindsets, that causes them to make bad choices and decisions. It causes them the lack, void, etc., inside, which leads to dysfunctional lives. Many people don't try to avoid it, they go full throttle ahead, without thinking of the risks or anything else. Mature people do not think or act that way. It takes a lot to get to a mentally mature level. It changes your life! To become a better person you must choose to become a better person. You'll never get to that level by remaining the same and still being led by your flesh.  Most of all, I recommend Jesus. He can and will tranform you and your life!Become a supporter of this podcast:
They will go along and pretend to be whatever you tell them that you want. Be careful of what you say, because people are known to become what you tell them you're seeking. They will play the role until they get you, after that, they will begin to be who they really are. If you're able to see the signs and red flags, you'll be able to see through their manipulating ways. Unfortunately, due to unhealed hearts and minds, most people can't see the truth because they're too busy chasing and seeking after their wants and desires. They only accept what's in their faces when they realize that they're in unhealthy and unhappy relationships. People desperately seek love when they have no clue what love is about. Most people don't even love self. It's one of the main reasons people can't see the truth!Become a supporter of this podcast:
Most people can't see the truth about the person they want to be with or is with, because they're blind by their own feelings, wants, and desires. They can't see the red flags and signs, because they're too wrapped up in self. They're in denial about what is actually happening in the relationship because they tend to make everything about self. People are caught up in their own wants, desires, and feelings. Many are being mistreated but they won't accept it because they hope the person will change. They do whatever they think is possible to try to make the person happy, thinking it will make him or her love them and want to be with them. It doesn't! Unhealed hearts and minds equals to brokenness, which causes insecurities of different levels and is why many seek love, etc., in others when they don't even love self. These types of people allow and accept things they shouldn't.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Many of you make everything a battle, when it's not even a fight! Most people have unhealed hearts and minds, because they aren't allowing healing to take place and we're all seeing the affects. Even when people try to bring drama or when life throws curveballs, it is still up to you, as to how you allow it to affect your life. It is all depending on the mindset you have.  If you continue to be prisoners to your own mindset, just know, you're the only one with the key!Become a supporter of this podcast:
Most people never had true love in the first place, but they continued on with their relationships, knowing something is/was wrong. Then, they wonder why they've grown apart. It's because you never were together in the way it takes for any healthy relationship to last. You never had a solid foundation. Being together for years doesn't mean the relationship is growing. People get comfortable and complacent out of insecurities to include fear and because of it, they stay in relationships they no longer want with no love, intimacy, communication, affection, etc. Real love lasts. Relationships with true love grows and flourishes as they get older, they don't grow apart. Most people start out chasing to satisfy their lust in one way or another (desires for sex, money, possessions, love, etc), and because of it the majority of the relationships all around the world are unhealthy..Become a supporter of this podcast:
Many people lead unhappy and unhealthy lives, because of the anger they choose to hold on to, as if there's a benefit to holding on to it. By choosing to hold on, it means you aren't allowing yourself to let it go. Many people are walking time bombs, when they don't have to be. They're comfortable with the old familiar, despite the trouble it brings into their lives. Uncontrolled anger is ugly and it has cost people their freedom and/or their lives. When you can't control your anger it means you're controlled by your anger, because it is what you've given power to in your life. Angry people destroy their own lives.Become a supporter of this podcast:
I believe in a strong attraction. In a true connection, you should have a physical attraction, but it should mostly be a mental connection, that can lead to love. True love, takes real love, and getting to know one another, and a building a strong / solid foundation. If it's based solely on physical (looks, sex) or possessions (money, titles, positions, things, children, etc.), it more than likely, won't be a happy relationship. Most people are looking for happiness through love (someone) and through things, only to find it doesn't make them happy. Many people are in relationships thinking it's love, when it's not love at all.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Negativity can lead to disaster and self destruction. When you give power to your thoughts, you can lose control. Many people open themselves up to the darkness and it eventually engulfs them. It's very sad, that people don't try to change. Instead, they keep fueling their negative thoughts, succumb, and then are taken by the negativity. It's NOT love at all, in no way! These people have no clue what love is, and when they lose focus, they lose control and get to that point of no return. It's all immaturity, negative, and senseless.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Self-inflicted because most people set themselves up. People hold on to negativity and do not embrace positive change. Most people tend to waddle in their woes, instead of trying to heal and let go of them. It's all self-inflicted because people are prisoners to their own mindsets. You give power to people and things only to end up hurt. People are seeking, running, and chasing after things or people, only to end up hurt by their own doings. Meaning, you set yourself up for the let down, headaches, and heartaches. It's all in the mindset. Our mindsets are formed from trauma or bad experiences and instead of allowing self to heal, people go through life dragging all of their past pains, which continues to affect how they think, feel, and act. You can smile and fake your way through your pain, but is sure won't make it go away. Change is only accomplished by you! Forgive, love yourself, and move on.Become a supporter of this podcast:
We get red flags and signs all of the time. In relationships, when you ignore or deny the red flags and signs that are presented, you'll undoubtedly suffer the consequences. People must learn to look beyond their hearts, wants, desires, and feelings, to what is in their faces. I don't care how you think you want someone, it doesn't mean they are any good for you! Red flags and signs don't ever lie!Become a supporter of this podcast:
It's all about self-love and taking time for yourself! It's for every occasion or any time! Today, I'm doing it different. I have a special guest on, who will share with you about her business and the passion she has for what she does. I'm hoping you want to know more. Reach out to the one and only entreprenuer Mrs. Francisco, with further information, to become a member, or to buy some products. Don't just think about it, do it! Tell her Cherry sent you!! Become a supporter of this podcast:
They allowed you to love them knowing they didn't love you. Their agenda is definitely different than yours. Unfortuantely, that's on you! These are relationships where you have created the monster in your life. If the person you love doesn't love you, that's only a small portion of the problems you will face. Most people love solely based on self. Meaning, how you feel about the other person, while totally disregarding or denying the truth. Most people know the relationship is one-sided but they think they can make the other person love them. Many people find themselves in unhealthy and unhappy relationships because they went into them for the wrong reasons, the wrong way, and with the wrong person. If they don't love you, why would you even want to force it? You'll get exactly what you signed up for, allowed, and accepted! Guaranteed!!!Become a supporter of this podcast:
There are many people walking around as the living dead. They are on auto pilot and merely existing. They give power to their unresolved inner issues that has affected them mentally. Sadly, most people don't try to become better. Many people have gone through real trauma or bad situations, while some other people have created their own issues from their own lies, they now believe. When you hinder your own growth, it hinders you mind, body, and soul. You're driving yourself crazy unnecessarily, when you deserve better for yourself. As an adult, any time you believe something that isn't true to a point of self sabotage, it is self inflicted. As an adult, if you're holding on to past pain, it is now self inflicted, because you willfully choose to hold on to it, versus dealing with it and letting it go, You can literally and some people already have, driven themselves to a point of mental health issues and/or mental breakdown.Become a supporter of this podcast:
You do NOT love yourself if who you've allowed someone in your life who isn't enhancing your life. Never forget that it is you, who teach your significant other and others in general, how to treat you, How you love yourself always shows. Most people actually think they love self, when in fact they don't.  If you don't love yourself, you'll never recognize true love. Although it exists, most people have never experienced it.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Unfortunately this is the case for many people. There are a lot of people who don't believe the saying "you don't miss the water until the well run dry." It's true!! Don't wait until it's too late, if you're in a relationship with someone, treat them right. Don't risk losing someone you claim to love.Become a supporter of this podcast:
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ankita ashok

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Jan 11th