Release Your Beast

Release Your Beast is my personal journey to my confidence! So. Who is behind Beast Store? Well - it’s me - Lina. Living in Luzern a creative Beast with little demons to fight out. Believing in dreaming and manifestations, loving the gaming world though I am a slow player, enjoying ballet though I am not the perfect dancer, wanting to learn to swim and starting from surf skateboard- I am perfect with my imperfections and I am accepting them all.

Bullying in SWISS Schools. How can we be more involved?

A week ago Social.Media & Kids initiative founder Lina Petraviciute decided to have an open conversation with #MyDaddyTalk founder Meindert van Wensen after his posts on Social Media channels created a tsunami in both parent's and teachers world about the bullying issue in SWISS Schools. 



DreamJob - Long-term creative thinking! The article I mentioned by Gary Veynerchuk: Landing Your Dream Job


Who says you can’t? You do!

Book by Daniel Chidiac


Building Beliefs

A little glimpse from the book: Who says you can’t? You do!


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