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Remembering Who You Are
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Remembering Who You Are

Author: Briarly Collyns

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It is by remembering who we are, that we are able to reclaim our power, rise beyond life’s challenges & step into our highest potential. This podcast is designed to tap you in to higher wisdom through streams of consciousness, stories and shares that resonate on a soul level. Tune in to raise your vibration, unlock higher perspectives & be inspired to live in alignment with your highest self. From my heart to yours, I hope this serves, uplifts, inspires or encourages you in some way. – Briarly

25 Episodes
For all of you recovering perfectionists and anyone who struggles to feel enough as they are. In this episode we dive into the shadow side of perfectionism and how it can often be a lack of self worth in disguise. Website: Connect with Briarly on Instagram: @briarly_ Music Credit: Temple Of Light – Electus (Sappheiros Remix) Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility any person or entity for any liability, loss, or dam...
True forgiveness allows us to alchemise our pain into our greatest gifts. When you can give yourself and others grace, you set yourself free! On the other hand, if we are unwilling to forgive... we hold ourselves in a karmic loop, repeating patterns and pain of the past. The bravest and most powerful thing you can do is rise out of victimhood, forgive, heal and integrate the lesson. This is the heroic journey that leads us to experience oneness with God/Source, unconditional love and enlighte...
The dreams we carry in our hearts are there for a reason. We receive the vision because God / The Universe has every intention of helping us make our dreams a reality. This episode balances the powerful energy of the dreamer & the inner magician, with a healthy dose of reality – the faith, courage & determination it can often take to bring our dreams to life.Website: Connect with Briarly on Instagram: @briarly_ Music Credit: Temple Of Light – Elec...
This episode is a reality check on the inevitable failures & setbacks we often face on the pathway to success. This is a conversation that usually only goes on behind closed doors. I want you to know that you are not alone & to never give up on yourself. If you are struggling to make a breakthrough, feel stuck in life/biz & keep hitting brick walls – this episode is for you! I share my top tips on how to shift beyond struggle, overcome your shadow self & stay coura...
The answer to abundance is not about receiving more, but removing the blockages that stop the natural flow. In this episode we talk about purifying the relationship you have with money. I share my top tips on aligning with the frequency of abundance, how to remove subconscious blocks and experience a more abundant, prosperous reality.Website: Connect with Briarly on Instagram: @briarly_ Music Credit: Temple Of Light – Electus (Sappheiros Remix) Disclaimer: This podcast is ...
The only way out is in... are you ready for the ultimate glow up and to become truly self-sourced? This episode is for those who are ready to let go of their addictions, reclaim their power, rediscover true joy & align with their highest self. No more running away or escaping your reality, it´s time to dive deep within to heal yourself, be free from the past and reclaim your radiance. Website: Connect with Briarly on Instagram: @briarly_ Music Credit: ...
Do you dream of a life of meaning, purpose & deep soul fulfilment? A life where you get to do everything that you love, live in a state of abundance, flow, magic & service to others. This episode is for you! I was in this exact same position years ago, I craved a life of purpose, true joy, positive impact and deep soul satisfaction. In this episode, I share what helped me get there along with some key lessons that I learned along my way. I hope this encourages you to walk your souls t...
Psssstt... It's not about the way you look, its about the energy you embody! It's time to break free from the shame, unworthiness and perfectionistic tendencies that keep you at constant war with yourself. No matter what your body looks like, if you don't love yourself you will never be happy. It's time tomake peace with yourself and your body. Choose to LOVE yourself, treat yourself with respect and kindness. HEAL the distortions in your mind and watch as the woman and the body of your ...
Inside every woman is a Goddess, waiting to be awakened and embodied in her full potency and power. It's time to ditch the scales, restrictive dieting and toxic body image culture. The body of your dreams is only attainable through true LOVE, self-care and self-acceptance. The only way out is in... it's time to do the inner work, release the shame, heal your brain and return to a state of love, joy, health, confidence and harmony. Website: Connect with Briarly on Inst...
In this episode we look at higher perspectives of life's challenges and how some of the worst things that happen to us often happen for us. It is through the divine contrast of life's natural cycles: life, death and rebirth that we have the opportunity to evolve and ascend to greater heights. We also look at how this applies to the collective as we move through unprecedented times on our Earth. This episode serves as a reminder that it is only by facing and sitting with our own darkness, are ...
By remembering who we are, we are able to take our power back & live in alignment with the love, power, magic & beauty of our soul. In this episode we talk about what it means to be human as well as why being connected to your true self is key if you want to live the most joyous, expansive and soul-aligned human experience.Website: Connect with Briarly on Instagram: @briarly_ Music Credit: Temple Of Light – Electus (Sappheiros Remix) Disclaimer: This podcast is for...
HEALTH = WEALTHEspecially in these crazy times. Keeping your body in optimum health is really going to serve you tremendously.I know it's tempting to eat comfort foods & choose convenience over quality, but you only get one body & you have to take care of it.Choosing high-quality foods is the ultimate form of self-love/self-care.Even though it's difficult to break habits & quit toxic behaviours, pretty soon you will be feeling SO GOOD you won't even want to go back to the junk.I hope this message serves you!Love, BriarlyVibrational Mastery Program:
In this episode, I share what it means to be a whole human, how to embrace your Shadow, your pain, your suffering & how to use it to your advantage... (instead of staying stuck in it!) While suffering is an inevitable part of being human... It is not there to torment us, it is an opportunity for growth, expansion & ultimately, ascension.The descent is as equally important as the ascent & you can't have one without the other.Embracing the light & dark within ourselves & our lives is our ticket to freedom & the true path of liberation & enlightenment.I hope this message serves you.Love,BriarlyEarth Mission Essentials Toolkit:✧  Link ::: Download hereWays to connect w Briarly:✧  Instagram ::: briarly_✧  Website :::
Living a Soul-led life all comes back to trusting your intuition, taking inspired action & having the courage to follow through – Especially when your intuition guides you towards big, scary changes that don't seem to make sense.In this episode, we go deep into what it takes to create &/or thrive in your own Soul-led biz, how to flow with your cycles & balance work, rest & play to make the most of your energy.Ways to connect w Adriana:✧  Instagram ::: @adrianaloves_Ways to connect w Briarly:✧  Instagram ::: briarly_✧  Website :::
Choosing love changes the World – It all starts with the Love that you give yourself.KNOWING you should love yourself is very different from EMBODYING self-love...My journey has taught me that self-love is a moment-to-moment choice of choosing to stand in my light & to be that loving force, for myself & others.That energy has the power to shatter discordance at the core & completely transform the world. Love is the most powerful frequency & it exists within every one of us.This episode is designed to remind & reactivate the love within you, (that you already are) so that you can embody more of your authentic essence & Divine soul spark. With love,BriarlyHighlife Transformation Program: to connect w me:✧  Book a 1:1 session :::✧  Instagram ::: briarly_✧  Website :::
New paradigm ways of working are urging us to let go of the idea that we have to hustle, push & strive to be successful...We are so much more efficient & effortlessly successful when we simply choose to live in harmonic alignment with who we are, honouring our needs & our desires.This episode is a reminder to let joy be the driving force behind everything that you do!Doing what you love & getting paid for it is not some far fetched fantasy world... This is the NEW PARADIGM... The 5D reality we are all shifting to.If you want to kick-start this journey, enquire about a 1:1 or a 3-month mentorship program.With love,BriarlyWays to connect w me:✧  Book a 1:1 session :::✧  Instagram ::: @briarly_✧  Website :::
Alcohol & weed can be powerful medicines but when we are using them to escape, we are engaging in self-destructive behaviours that dim our light & keep us out of touch with our true power & our purpose!Connection to our purpose & our Soul are the keys to true joy & HAPPINESS.External sources of happiness only create a band-aid effect for so long...This was my experience anyway. I hope you enjoy this episode, it's been a while!With love,BriarlyGLOW Transformation Program: Ways to connect w me:✧  Book a 1:1 session :::✧  Instagram ::: briarly_✧  Website :::
Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It is who we are at our core.Connect to this frequency. Embody this frequency. Move through your day aligned to this frequency.Always choose love over fear... because at the end of the day.You can never go wrong in life when you let your heart lead the way.With love,BriarlyWays to connect w me:✧  Book a 1:1 session :::✧  Instagram ::: briarly_✧  Website :::
The Matrix reality is a dull one that so many subscribe to as the ONLY reality.This 3rd-dimensional outlook dictates that:Life is hard. There's not enough. You aren't worthy. You have no power. Life just happens. You can't make a difference as one individual. You are to spend your whole life working as a cog in the system because that is normal and "That's just the way it is."That is one reality. You can choose that if you so wish... But I encourage you to opt-out. To forge your own path. To question reality. To find your own truth & to give yourself permission to change your mind around what you have previously accepted about yourself, your life and the world in general.Bottom line is... your beliefs are creating your reality.Do your beliefs support you? OR Do they disempower you & make you live your life from a place of fear rather than love?We all have the power to become so much more. But power is a choice that must be made consciously... Otherwise, we are just running off of unconscious programs that are designed to keep us small.You are not a small, insignificant, powerless being... You are the Creator.Follow me on Instagram: @briarly_Website:
***Disclaimer: Pardon my french in this ep... But to be honest, if you're not angry, you're not paying attention...There's a lot of crazy sh*t going down on the planet right now... I'm not talking about COVID19 or even 5G... I'm talking about all the shady stuff that's going on underneath that...The overall agenda, misinformation & manipulation that humanity has been unknowingly subjected to for far too long.There is no more time for conscious individuals to sit on the sidelines... To not speak up about what we know... To not become an active participant/leader in the global shift in consciousness.If you are awake, if you are aware... this episode is for you!Please: Speak up. Stand up. Show up.Ignite that fire in your belly & shine your light fearlessly.Come out of the spiritual closet now...Your presence is needed, more than ever!I love you. I honour you.& I applaud you for your bravery.We are living in epic times!With love,BriarlyIG: @briarly_Website:
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