Renovate Australia DIY Renovation Show

The Renovate Australia DIY Renovation Show is a place for us to talk about the different experiences with renovating, maintaining, and decorating our house. We have had many different experiences during our home improvements that we have including questions, advice, and discussions about the renovation and building of homes...

Should I Use”Lawn Repair” Seed on my Lawn Grass

Do you have some dead patches in your lawn? Have you been tempted to purchase “lawn repair” products from your local gardening or hardware store? I’ve bought some of them, Continue Reading → The post Should I Use”Lawn Repair” Seed on my Lawn Grass first appeared on Renovate Australia.


How to Repair a Compacted Clay Soil Lawn

Best time to do it in Adelaide is in November or in Autumn (March – May) Core the Lawn Mow over the soil and turf with the catcher attached to clear Continue Reading → The post How to Repair a Compacted Clay Soil Lawn first appeared on Renovate Australia.


Overrun by Maintenance Problems!

Since moving into our house here in Adelaide in December 2012 we have been overwelmed by the amount of maintenance that we have needed to do on the house. The Continue Reading → The post Overrun by Maintenance Problems! first appeared on Renovate Australia.


How to Get Quotes to Install Solar in Australia

Renovate Australia Podcast Episode 6 After weighing up for a long time whether to install residential solar power on our house here in South Australia we decided to go ahead and Continue Reading → The post How to Get Quotes to Install Solar in Australia first appeared on Renovate Australia.


Should I Install A Home Solar Power System?

Since moving back to Australia I have noticed a huge trend of homes installing home solar power systems. As it turns out 10% of homes actually have solar power systems Continue Reading → The post Should I Install A Home Solar Power System? first appeared on Renovate Australia.


3-Steps to Prevent DIY Injuries

Injuries suffered during DIY renovations and repairs is becoming increasingly common, especially in connection with sedentary life styles. There are a few things that we can do however to lower Continue Reading → The post 3-Steps to Prevent DIY Injuries first appeared on Renovate Australia.


Should You Tile Under Bathroom Vanities or Kitchen Cabinets?

Like many issues that we have come up with during our home improvements there seems to be no clear cut “correct” way to do this. A lot of it comes Continue Reading → The post Should You Tile Under Bathroom Vanities or Kitchen Cabinets? first appeared on Renovate Australia.


Should I Install my Floor Tile or my Baseboard Trim First?

Which is right, and which do you prefer? We discuss this in the latest Renovate Australia podcast … Builders prefer to do the baseboards first and then bring the tile Continue Reading → The post Should I Install my Floor Tile or my Baseboard Trim First? first appeared on Renovate Australia.


New Podcast for Renovate Australia – Pilot Episode

Now that we are back in Australia and starting to renovate, maintain, repair, and decorate our new house in Adelaide I think it’s time to start a new podcast! We Continue Reading → The post New Podcast for Renovate Australia – Pilot Episode first appeared on Renovate Australia.


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