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Republic Keeper - with Brian O'Kelly

Republic Keeper - with Brian O'Kelly

Author: Brian O'Kelly

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Direct Democracies are dangerous mob rule.
Ben Franklin said when asked what form of government they had formed "A republic if you can keep it".
Listen as host Brian O'Kelly breaks down the ways we are moving away from common sense and toward mob rule. Support this podcast:
321 Episodes
319 - I share some big news about changes in the broadcast.
318 – What the Deep State Wants – The Deep State GetsAugust 18, 20211.Monologue – What the Deep State Wants, The Deep State Getsa.Joe Biden was being trashed by the Deep state Media in the primariesb.Then he was rehabilitated by the mediac.Information was suppressedd.Now permission has been granted to take Joe Oute.NY Times says “Intelligence warned of Afghan military collapse”2.Housekeeping – Phone calls require more infrastructure than we have or can afford and I’m not sure they make the show better anyway.3.Afghanistana.Evacuationsi.Trump Destroys Biden over Afghan Withdrawalii.Biden Nat Sec Advisor Refuses to say if Troops will stay in Afghanistan until Americans are evacuatediii.Pentagon press sec admits they don’t know how many Americans are in Afghanistaniv.Democrat Rep – This all could have been avoidedv.Biden Administration has no plans to get Americans to the airportvi.Taliban prepared to provide “safe passage” to the airport – Sullivanvii.The only American journalist who witnessed Saigon compare it to Kabul – This is worse.b.Biden hasn’t spoken to world leaders about Taliban takeoverc.Taliban West Can’t complain about freedom of speechd.MSNBC’s Jonathan Lemire – Biden is “the face of the failure of the withdrawal”e.UK’s Johnson – Doing all we can to avert humanitarian crisisf.Taliban could be different – Britain Army Chiefg.Psaki blames Trump when asked about Taliban leadership released from Gitmo while Biden was VPh.Obama CIA Director – “Our National Security is Threatened” by Biden’s botched withdrawali.Colbert Compares Trump Voters to Taliban – We’ve got our own on Capitol Hillj.Chuck Todd – Biden has lost some competency high marksk.Alan Jones – Joe Biden Utterly unfit to be President of the United States4.Texas Feud – Texas Supreme Court has ruled House Democrats can be arrested and forced back to chambers5.Crazy Liberal brags about brainwashing two year olds6.COVIDITIOTS -a.Insanity New Zealand Locks Down b.“We’re sort of the human trials” – Brett Favre defends NFL players hesitant about Covid 19 vaccinesc.NYC Mayor to fully participated.Australia bans people from removing masks to drink7.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
317 – The Islamic Emirate of AfghanistanAugust 17, 20211.Afghanistana.Situation – Monologuei.The Taliban Controls the Whole Countryii.That means military hardware, intelligence apparatus, everything.iii.That means they can and will contract with Iran and China and maybe even North Korea.iv.China will get to establish bases closer to Europe and Now to the west of Russiav.India Just became a much more important player in the world. They are in conflict with Pakistan over Kashmir, they have their own Islamic problems on their border.b.Latesti.ICRC Chief – Red Cross in contact with Talibanii.Australia can’t help all afghans who helpediii.Taliban reportedly conducting door to door searchesc.Afghan Voicesi.Reporter from Afghanistan breaks downii.I’m afraid for myself – Afghan MPiii.Afghanistans UN Rep – They’ve started house to house searchesiv.Biden must protect Afghans – Malalad.Biden Admini.Joe Biden blames Trumpii.Biden – Timeline and Manner was my decisioniii.Biden – Afghanistan escalated quicklyiv.National security adviser defends Biden on being wrongv.Reporter confronts state department spokesman on Afghanistan withdrawalvi.State Dept Asks Taliban to form inclusive governmentvii.State Dept Spox refuses to answer if Biden admine.Condemnationi.Even lefty CNN can’t hide shameii.Us army veteran bashes msnbciii.Veterans and gold star parents reactiv.Cnn nukes biden for saying buck stops with himf.Justificationi.BBC Reporter takes call from Taliban Spoxii.Chris Wallace shifts blame to Pompeo2.NYC Mayor to fully participate3.Australia bans people from removing masks to drink4.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
316 - Taliban Wins

316 - Taliban Wins


316 – The Taliban Wins August 16, 20211.Top Stories – a.Israel Condemned Poland over property reclamation lawb.Moderate Dems Give Pelosi an Ultimatumc.Sydney Tightens Lockdown at Delta cases surged.Oregon deploys National Guard to Hospitals amid-surgee.New York Assembly won’t try to impeach Cuomo2.Video Storiesa.Afghanistani.Apachesii.C-17iii.a-colossal-failure--says-former-un-envoy-peter-galbraithiv.Even CNN Can't Spin Biden's Latest Disasterv.CNN SCORCHES Biden Secretary Of State Over Failed Afghanistan Withdrawalvi.NBC Says Republicans Are 'Seizing' On 'Optics Comparison' Between Afghanistan And Saigonvii.Biden's Taliban Predictions From Just Weeks Ago Did NOT Age Wellb.Chicago Mayor Forgets Name of Slain Officerc.leaked-dhs-sec-caught-telling-truth-about-biden-apos-s-border-crisis-in-privated.US Champion Swimmer Goes On MSNBC And Powerfully Tells How Important The National Anthem Is For Her3.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
315 – Kandahar Falls – Mask Battles RageAugust 13, 20211.Top Stories – a.Deadly Shooting in Englandb.Nancy Pelosi is raising the salary of house employeesc.Human Rights watch accused Hamas of war crimesd.Kathy Hochul will run tooe.WHO Had Concerns about Lab in January Visitf.Half a million new vaccinations daily. Supremes won’t block mandate.g.Washington legislators to hold election fraud hearings. 2.Video Storiesa.CDC Director – Pregnant Peopleb.Cuban Diaspora sends medicinec.Hannity says offered stolen laptopd.Prince Andrew Sued for sex Abusee.Rep Sharice Davids presses for food programsf.Taliban take Afganistan’s Second Biggest Cityg.US Sending Troops to Kabulh.Irish Health Authority – making children is not legitimatei.Kathy Hochul – everyone will wear masks in NY Schoolsj.Tipping point – School bans 9 year old’s Jesus Maskk.Missouri AG Nukes Vaccine Mandatesl.Iranian Christian Slams School Board over CRTm.Loudon County Teacher Who Quit Speaksn.Robin D’Angelo – white people are susceptible to manipulation on race3.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
314 – Parent RevolutionAugust 12, 20211.'I do not regret my decision'-Biden on Afghanistan2.Taliban seeking ‘battlefield victory’- U.S. State Dept.3.Polish lawmakers pass controversial media bill4.Bill Gates says it was a 'huge mistake'5.Why the Recent Georgia Election Revelations Matter - John Solomon6.California Gov. Newsom LOSES It7.Border Patrol Facility Overcrowded8.Stefanik- Biden administration handling of Cubans seeking freedom a 'failure'9.Censorship of speech must end10.Tucker interviews viral doctor from Mt Vernon11.Teacher Cries, Quits on the Spot at School Board Meeting Over CRT and Censorship12.Parents FURIOUS After Principal Segregates School Classrooms Based on Race13.Parents Cheer as Clay Travis Schools School Board on Masks14.MASSIVE Protests Erupt at TN School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandates15.What do you do if students refuse masks16.Fox Reporters HAMMERS Psaki Over Biden's Vaccine Hypocrisy17.Dr. Fauci- I Know People Love Their Individual Freedoms - But...18.“Screw Your Freedom.” Arnold Schwarzenegger To Those Who Won’t Follow CDC Guidelines19.Letter to Lloyd Austin20.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
313 – Cuomo Resigns – Biden Flashback August 11, 20211.Cuomoa.GOV. CUOMO RESIGNSb.Cuomo Announces He Will Resign In 14 Daysc.Chuck Todd - Cuomo will run againd.Cuomo Groping Accuser- What He Did Was Not Normal And Not Consensual2.BIDEN Flashbacka.Psaki Asked If Biden Should Be Investigated For Sexual Harassment As Cuomo Wasb.Joe Biden accused of inappropriate touchingc.2nd woman accuses Joe Biden of unwanted touching; Biden team respondsd.Will Joe Biden's sexual assault allegations hurt him in the pollse.Biden Cuomo Supercut3.NYC Woman Drops TRUTH BOMBS in Inspirational Speech4.Jan 6th - Mich Rep Mike Shirkey - It was all staged5.Healthcarea.Dem Gov Murphy- It’s Tin Foil Hat Stuff That Illegals Are Causing COVID Spike inb.Former CDC Director Says He Was 'Sidelined' And 'Threatened'c.Squad Member That Blasted Rand Paul For Not Taking Covid Seriously Caught Partying Without Masks6.White House Puts Out the Most Cringeworthy Video Ever Produced7.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
312 – Chicago Mourns, Maricopa Whines, Washington MandatesAugust 10, 20211.U.S. says up to Afghans to defend as Taliban advance2.Chicagoa.Photo of Officer Ella Frenchb.CPD Tweet 1c.Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Gets EXPOSED... by a Democrat!d.Ilhan Omar Continues To Support Abolishing Minn. Policee.CBS Chicago Reports On Police Retirement Spikef.Officers 'turned away' from Lori Lightfoot during hospital visit3.Portland Police Association Puts Up Fund The Police Billboards4.ELECTIONSa.Rep. Pressley & Ibram X Kendi - Lowering Voting Age To 16 Is Anti-Racistb.Brian Kemp on Fulton Countyc.Maricopa Board Whines About Possibility of Going to Jail5.Mich Rep Mike Shirkey - It was all staged6.Cuomo Groping Accuser- What He Did Was Not Normal And Not Consensual7.COVIDa.Jay Inslee Issues Vaccine Mandate for State Workersb.CNN Guest ADMITS Rich Dems Think They're Better Than Everyone Elsec.Rand Paul's 'Incredibly Dangerous' Remarks On Covid And Kidsd.Dem Gov Murphy- It’s Tin Foil Hat Stuff That Illegals Are Causing COVID Spike ine.Walensky - they don't prevent transmissionf.Former CDC Director Says He Was 'Sidelined' And 'Threatened'g.Mindy Robinson - Speaks Up for All of us8.White House Puts Out the Most Cringeworthy Video Ever Produced9.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
311 – Chicago Cries Out to GodAugust 9, 20211.Chicagoa.Photo of Officer Ella Frenchb.CPD Tweet 1c.CPD 1 - Initial Announcementd.CPD 2 - Running to the Troublee.CPD 3 - Need to Pray for our officersf.Lightfoot 1 Pray_1g.Lightfoot 2 - 2 young people - families shatteredh.Lightfoot 3 - We have a common enemyi.Lightfoot 4 - Prayer that the Lord welcome themj.CPD Brown - Updated numbersk.CPD Brown - Lift Up these families and mine too2.9-11 Families Tell Biden Not to Come to Their Memorial Events3.Hungary's Leader Explains How He Solved Illegal Immigration4.Ben Shapiro Gives the Best Description of Critical Race Theory in Just One Minute5.Joe Rogan UNLOADS on the Totalitarian Left6.Fauci - You Shouldn't Have The Freedom To Go To Sturgis7.Blackface Wearing Governor Refuses to Condemn Gov. Cuomo for Harassing Women8.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
310 – AZ Calls in Attorney General – Democrats PanickedAugust 6, 20211.Worlda.Hong Kong residents in U.S. offered ‘safe havenb.'You Guys Haven't Done Anything' Reporter Torches State Dept. Spox to His Face2.COVIDa.Activist Reporter Asks Education Secretary How He Can Punish Governors For Banning Masks In Schoolsb.Biden's Education Secretary Uses Press Briefing To Attack Abbott and DeSantisc.CNN Stalks Doctor Outside His Home Because He Questioned Masksd.Rand Paul Destroys the 'Official' Narratives, Big Tech Doesn't Want You To See This3.Electionsa.Ariz. Senate calls in the attorney generalb.Law Professor Scared Shitless about election4.Chilling, Powerful, Patriotic Ad ... For Wine...!!!5.Press Sec Downplays Democrat Push To Defund The Police Amidst Socialist Rep's Comments6.Sen. Cruz Tears Into Biden's Radical ATF Nominee7.Socialist Rep- I Have Private Security But We Need to Defund the Police8.The Voice of Modern Wokespeak - YouTube is Actively Promoting This9.WA Trans Councilwomen Confronts Store Owner, Plays Victim, Calling In ANTIFA Thugs10.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
309 – News and CommentaryAugust 5, 20211. AWKWARD - Don Lemon Covers Gov. Cuomo Allegations After Hand Off From Chris Cuomo2. Cuomo Accuser Charlotte Bennett- He Tried To Gaslight Me3. Psaki Dodges Question on Biden's Alleged Sexual Harassment4. Barrasso ATTACKS Biden over IRS investments5. Border Patrol Agent- 'We've Surrendered The Border' Under Biden6. Boston Mayor Compares Vaccine Passports to Slave Papers7. DeSantis NUKES Push For Vaccine Passports8. Staten Island Pub Owner Responds To The NYC Proof Of Vaccination Requirement9. Ed Markey PUSHES to roll back 2002 military force authorization10. Harris County Texas11. New video shows possible prison camp in eastern Europe12. Press Sec ADMITS Biden Has Failed The Border Crisis13. Rep. Tlaib Goes on Anti-Semitic Tirade About 'Certain People' Exploiting America14. Please support independent broadcasting at Alternative Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a. www.republickeeper.comb. https://www.clouthub.come.
308 – Cuomo won’t resign – Dominion Does Not Comply with SubpoenaAugust 4, 20211.USA Olympian Puts Woke Athletes to Shame After Winning Gold Medal2.UK PM Johnson to Belarus opposition- We're on your side3.CUOMOa.Flashback- Trevor Noah and Ellen DeGeneres Come Out as 'Cuomosexual'b.FLASHBACK- Joe Biden Calls NY Gov. Cuomo The 'Gold Standard'c.NY AG- Creep Cuomo Inappropriately Touched and Harassed Female Staffersd.Gov. Cuomo Doubles Down in Response to Sexual Harassment Reporte.Gov. Cuomo- I'm the Real Victim Heref.Gov. Cuomo Defends Kissing Accuser at Partyg.Gov. Cuomo- Investigating Me for Sexual Harassment Hurts Real Victimsh.Gov. Cuomo Apologizes to Accuser While Denying Her Allegationsi.Gov. Cuomo Says He Was 'Bothered' by Charlotte Bennett's Allegationsj.Biden Calls for Gov. Cuomo to Resignk.Bill De Blasio he can’t governl.Geraldo Rivera- Cuomo should stick it out4.Maricopa County, Dominion Refuse to comply with subpoena5.Pa state senator plans to issue subpoenas after 3 counties reject audit requests6.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
308 – Cuomo won’t resign – Dominion Does Not Comply with SubpoenaAugust 4, 20211.USA Olympian Puts Woke Athletes to Shame After Winning Gold Medal2.UK PM Johnson to Belarus opposition- We're on your side3.CUOMOa.Flashback- Trevor Noah and Ellen DeGeneres Come Out as 'Cuomosexual'b.FLASHBACK- Joe Biden Calls NY Gov. Cuomo The 'Gold Standard'c.NY AG- Creep Cuomo Inappropriately Touched and Harassed Female Staffersd.Gov. Cuomo Doubles Down in Response to Sexual Harassment Reporte.Gov. Cuomo- I'm the Real Victim Heref.Gov. Cuomo Defends Kissing Accuser at Partyg.Gov. Cuomo- Investigating Me for Sexual Harassment Hurts Real Victimsh.Gov. Cuomo Apologizes to Accuser While Denying Her Allegationsi.Gov. Cuomo Says He Was 'Bothered' by Charlotte Bennett's Allegationsj.Biden Calls for Gov. Cuomo to Resignk.Bill De Blasio he can’t governl.Geraldo Rivera- Cuomo should stick it out4.Maricopa County, Dominion Refuse to comply with subpoena5.Pa state senator plans to issue subpoenas after 3 counties reject audit requests6.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
307 – Masking the TruthAugust 3, 20211.Polish deputy FM - 'Belarus sprinter is safe'2.Australian Army Goes Door to Door To Enforce COVID Lockdowns3.British MP Calls For Mandatory Flu Vaccinations4.Gov. Cuomo Tells Businesses to Enact Vaccine Only Admission5.Jeh Johnson - The Biggest Problem We Are Facing Now Is the Internet6.Liberal Weirdo Admits Some Libs Don't Feel Like Humans so Need New Pronouns7.'There is no justification' for attack on tanker -Blinken8.These COVID Mandates Are Out of Control! Ted Cruz Finishes Virus Restrictions – No Damn More!9.Top Covid Advisor - Many Cloth Face Coverings 'Are Not Very Effective'10.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
306 AZ Warns the Feds

306 AZ Warns the Feds


306 – AZ Warns the FedsAugust 2, 20211.Olympicsa.Belarusian sprinter says she won't return home2.Bill Maher - Cancel Culture is Swallowing the world3.Brazil Protests4.VOTING RIGHTSa.Finchem Warns Garlandb.Joe Manchin does not support carveout for voting rightsc.Sen.Barrasso - Democrats' No.1 Goal Is Passing S1 where You Don't Need Voter ID-So They Can Cheat.!!!5.SUPPORT – 20/406.Listen to or Read Neil Oliver's Commentary on Freedom as We Face Covid Tyranny. Absorb Every Word7.Matt Gaetz Implies That The Federal Government Could Be Behind The False Flag Of January 6th8.Ocasio-Cortez tosses 'conservative Democrats' under the bus9.SUPPORT – 20/4010.Stanford professor of medicine on mask wearing in school11.Stelter Compares Trump Supporters to Jonestown Cult Members12.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
305 – Is Defund Movement Defunct?July 30th- 20211.Micah Walker RIP2.New Samoa PM cancels USD$100mln China-funded port3.How Censorship Outlaws Truth4.Russian module sends Space Station spinning5.D.C. Mayor Admits Defeat - Reverses 'Defund the Police' Policies6.SUPPORT – 20/407.COVIDa.Fauci Cultists Break the Internet With CRINGE Worship Songb.Biden's Answer on Vaccine Mandates Should TERRIFY Youc.Biden Official Says Quiet Part Out Loud on Potential Future Lockdownsd.Big Tech says employees must be vaccinatede.Ben Shapirof.CA Restaurant Owner HUMILIATES Cuomo Live on Air for Covid Hypocrisyg.Wow! Ted Cruz ENDS Democrat COVID Hypocrisy8.SUPPORT – 20/409.VOTING RIGHTSa.Do you have to show ID when you fly a private chartered jet - Rep. Mace presses TX Dem. on voter ID10.Bordera.Tucker- This is one of the greatest scandals of our ageb.Sen. Lankford SLAMS Biden over refusal to build border wall11.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.www.republickeeper.comb. e.
304 – France Warned the US on Wuhan Lab – Democrats Run ScaredJuly 29th- 20211.AOC - US must stop arming and funding human rights violations2.Jesse Watters on Seattle unrest3.Taliban meet Chinese officials as U.S. withdraws4.JAN 6tha.Rep. Elise Stefanik- When It Comes to Liz Cheney She Is a 'Pelosi Pawn' at this Point..!!!b.Rep. Scalise- Why isn't Pelosi answering questions about January5.SUPPORT – 20/406.COVIDa.CDC Director Says Vaccine Passes An Optionb.Fully Vaccinated Americans Can Skip Quarantine When Traveling To U.K.c.Millions face eviction as moratorium nears endd.France allegedly warned US about Wuhan lab concerns prior to pandemice.Pelosi- Masks Will Be Required Again In The House Of Representativesf.Rep Roy Slams Congress- We Are Doing Nothing For The People7.SUPPORT – 20/408.VOTING RIGHTSa.Criminal Charges Should Be Levied Maricopa County, People Should be Prosecuted To Fullest Extentb.Burgess Owens Schools Dems Comparing Election Integrity to Jim Crowc.'That Is How Democracy Dies'- Single-Party Power Grab Flagged By Voting Rights Advocatesd.Wis. to conduct forensic audit of election9.Bordera.Tucker- This is one of the greatest scandals of our ageb.Sen. Lankford SLAMS Biden over refusal to build border wall10.Hyde Amendmenta.Steve Scalise quotes Joe Biden's defense of pro-life amendment in remarks on House floorb.'Planned Parenthood can go fund themselves!' Boebert condemns abortion in speech on House floor11.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.
303 – Election to be overturned? – Vaccine Push continues – Jan 6th Sham commissionJuly 28th- 20211.275,000 Fraudulent Ballots In 1 AZ County - Doesn't say For Joseph Stalin, Says For Joseph Biden2.School tells kids not to tell parents3.Coca-Cola Representative Refuses To Say If China Is Committing Genocide Against Uyghurs4.Huntera.Hunter Smokes Crackb.Father Son Chat at the Bidens5.Merchandise/Support6.COVIDa.Biden Says Vaccine Mandates For Federal Employees 'Under Consideration'b.Jen Psaki Clarifies Vaccine Mandatesc.Communist NYC Mayor DeBlasio Says The Voluntary Phase Is Over, It's Time For Mandatesd.Arrogant Chris Cuomo Berates Byron Donalds for Not Getting Vaccine, Even Though He's Had Covide.Doocy To Psaki- If Vaccines Work Why Wear Masks7.Jan 6tha.Jim Jordan Slams Dems for Not Answering on Lack of Security on Jan 6b.Rep. Banks Slams Pelosi's Cherry-Picked Jan 6 Narativec.Rep. Kinzinger Cries During Jan 6 Committee Political Theater8.Merchandise/Support9.CUBAa.Cuban Freedom March Demand End To Communist Dictatorshipb.Hundreds supporting Cuba's government rally in Madrid10.Try to Follow These Woke Narcissists Explaining Pronouns11.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.
302 – Lenny Chacon Stops By – Vaccine Mandates are ComingJuly 26th- 20211.We are not going to be 'in a combat mission' in Iraq -Biden2.Guilty verdict in HK's first national security trial3.North, South Korea restore hotline4.Liz Cheney Claims She’s A ‘Conservative Republican’5.Lenny Chacon6.Sen. Tim Scott won't commit on 20247.Hunter Smokes Crack8.School tells kids not to tell parents9.Merchandise10.CUBAa.Cuban Freedom March Demand End To Communist Dictatorshipb.Hundreds supporting Cuba's government rally in Madrid11.COVIDa.Australia PM- 'It´s your job and responsibility to get informed consent prior to getting vaxxed'b.Australian Health Official Urges Against Social Interactions 'Don't Start Up A Conversation'c.MSNBC Morning Garbage - Schoolteachers, nurses and cops who aren’t vaxxed to be firedd.New Zealand PM- 'Dismiss Anything Else. We Will Continue To Be Your Single Source Of Truth'e.U.S. to keep COVID travel curbs as cases climbf.NY Gov. Cuomo- It's Our 'Mission' to 'Knock on Those Doors' and 'Get That Vaccine in their Arm'12.Try to Follow These Woke Narcissists Explaining Pronouns13.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.
301 – Exclusive Interview with Cuban Refugee – Trump Recommends VaccineJuly 26th- 20211.Afghanistana.Biden authorizes $100 mln for Afghan refugeesb.U.S offers air support to Afghan forces amid attacks 2.Xi 3.Putin4.I recommend you take the vaccine - Donald Trump5.DC Police Chief Says Marijuana Is Connected To Crime6.Pelosi Doubles Down on Baby Murder7.CNN Likely Didn't Expect Obama's Ethics Chief to Tell Truth About Hunter Biden8.Fauci Says CDC Considering Mask Mandates For Vaccinated Americans9.Try to Follow These Woke Narcissists Explaining Pronouns10.MSNBC Guest Reveals Shocking and Unadulterated Disdain for Everyday Americans11.Sen. Tim Scott won't commit on 202412.Harley Periera - Cubano13.Please support independent broadcasting at Streams (in case the one you’re on breaks)a.