Our message from Pastor David this week is about how we can keep fighting for what we want, even when it feels like too much. He reminds us that even though it can be hard to stay motivated, God's Word will give us the strength and courage to press on.
Have you ever wanted to break a negative cycle? In Sunday’s message, Pastor David will teach us how we can stop making excuses for our cycles, be aggressive in living free from bad cycles, and ultimately let cycles go through the power of Christ Jesus.
Restoration Church is a hospital, not a waiting room for those who have arrived. It’s a hospital for those who are broke, busted, and disgusted. We are not a cruise ship where you get it your way; we are battleships. In this message, Pastor David challenges us to align our lives to Biblical mandates.
Get out of the shadows and move forward. If you only knew that the best of you is out there! Break out of generational chaos and cycles. If you only knew that your potential, your purpose, and your passions are on the other side of you, stepping out and into a season of life that looks scary but is blessed.
From the latest headline to social media comments to the person who just cut you off in traffic—there are plenty of opportunities to be offended daily. But what if we decide to respond differently to those around us? Together, let’s learn how to live with No Offense.
From the latest headline to social media comments to the person who just cut you off in traffic—there are plenty of opportunities to be offended daily. But what if we decide to respond differently to those around us? Together, let’s learn how to live with No Offense.
In this episode, we explore the profound message and miraculous significance of the manger in the Christmas story. Far more than a humble setting for Christ’s birth, the manger symbolizes God’s intentionality in meeting humanity in the simplest, most accessible way.
The path to joyful generosity begins with a simple decision. What you choose to hold onto is all you'll ever possess, but what you sow or give in faith opens the door for God to multiply abundantly. This final message in the series is filled with impactful insights on how to maximize your harvest.
Finances are a major dilemma for many if not most people. Debt and insufficiency are common causes for divorce, depression, suicide, and even murder. Too often, prosperity is misunderstood or misused. But what if we saw it as a tool for building God’s kingdom, serving others, and living abundantly in faith? Let’s reclaim prosperity as a word of hope, generosity, and faithfulness—not greed.
When your passions override your principles it keeps you in situations that make you pitiful. It is not uncommon for someone to start a faith journey. They proclaim their belief in Christ, and they continue to live out of this perpetual, unchanged, worldly mindset that is a life of dissonance and frustration. This is not the abundant life that the God of More than enough purchased for us.
Many of us don't have a money problem, we have a mindset problem. God is calling every single one of us to radical generosity because love gives. God is not a God of scarcity, He is a God of abundance! He doesn't just fill your cup 1/4th, He doesn't just fill your cup 1/2 Way, He wants to fill your cup till it's running over running over.
It has always been at the center. Ministry happens at the table-breaking bread and breaking down walls. A mundane but miraculous backdrop of meal, conversations, and memories. There is a table set and a feast is being prepared. The question is do you have a seat at the table?
How do you have the mind of Christ during an election? How do you survive an election without losing your sanity, or losing your sleep, or losing your soul? All of the news channels that we see on TV and radio and on the internet, they've all become de facto political channels because that's all they seem to talk about anymore.And as a result, politics has come to dominate our conversations. It's led to an exaggerated importance of politics.
In the ‘Get In the Game’ series, we will discover your unique spiritual gifts and how they empower you to serve within the church and beyond. Christianity is a contact sport. The true joy and satisfaction in the journey of faith comes when we get out of the stands and get in the game. Don’t miss this message series, where we explore the joy of active faith and stepping off of the sidelines into meaningful service. Your place is on the field of action, making a difference with the gifts God has given you.
In the ‘Get In the Game’ series, we will discover your unique spiritual gifts and how they empower you to serve within the church and beyond. Christianity is a contact sport. The true joy and satisfaction in the journey of faith comes when we get out of the stands and get in the game. Don’t miss this message series, where we explore the joy of active faith and stepping off of the sidelines into meaningful service. Your place is on the field of action, making a difference with the gifts God has given you.
In the ‘Get In the Game’ series, we will discover your unique spiritual gifts and how they empower you to serve within the church and beyond. Christianity is a contact sport. The true joy and satisfaction in the journey of faith comes when we get out of the stands and get in the game. Don’t miss this message series, where we explore the joy of active faith and stepping off of the sidelines into meaningful service. Your place is on the field of action, making a difference with the gifts God has given you.
Forgiveness is rare because it is difficult and costly. All of us have been hurt by somebody, but all of us, without any exception, have hurt somebody. The issue is not will we ever be hurt but what will we do with that hurt. We have some options.
Have you ever wondered how your story fits into God's eternal plan? In this new sermon series, "Stories of Change," we will experience the life-changing impact of confessing our struggles and pain to Jesus. As a church, we will discover the transformative power of His grace and mercy. When we confess our messes, Jesus can transform us. By His grace and mercy, He changes our names.
There are places where we are losing where we could be winning not because we don't have the talent, the skill, the intelligence, or the capability. There are places where we are losing where we could be winning because we don't have the focus. Many times, if not most times the difference between a breakdown and a breakthrough is focus.
Now, if you’re saved and you don’t have joy, there’s something very wrong. A joyless Christian is a contradiction in terms. God’s plan for you is that you have joy. But, not ordinary joy, He wants you to have full joy, constant joy, conspicuous (visible, obvious, clear) joy, and contagious joy.