Restoration Community Church

Restoration's dream is to see the South Bronx saved in Christ. Our work is to be on the block, for the city, showing off the glory of Christ. These are our Sunday sermon recordings from service.

Psalm 37:1-8

"If you truly depend on God you will never have to ask why." - Pastor Ruben Rodriguez walks us thru some tough verses.


Psalm 139


Psalm 107


Walk Worthy

Because of God’s great work for us in Christ Jesus, we are to live virtuous lives that ultimately lead to a peace that can only be had in the one true God.


One In Christ


Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest

God, in His grace, reveals to us the authority He has vested in His Son to invite us into something far greater than anything else this world has to offer us.


God's Work (A Sermon for The Folks Who Call Restoration Home)

What if I told you that God’s work to save us is just the start of a life filled with mercies that are new ever morning (Lamentations 3:23)? What if I told you that we, you and I, are the poetic expression of God’s goodness here on earth? What if I told you that God isn’t done saving and sanctifying people. Would that change anything?


A Faith That Works // James 2:14-26

We can't have confidence in God without commitment to God.


Lean Into Trials

God in his infinite mercy and abounding grace creates in us a character strong and pure. We will see that the Lord has refined and strengthened us in ways we would never be able to match in our own manner and on our own might. God can do for us what we can never do for ourselves. So for those who learn to lean into trials there is joy and blessing both now and later.


Ask. Seek. Knock.

In processing, we lost the first three minutes of the sermon. Please excuse us.


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