
A podcast where three guys from different walks of life come together and talk about their experiences from each generations perspective. In each episode we will pose a question at the top and discuss from there. It will mostly be lighthearted, but we won't be afraid to talk about some heavier subjects too. Either way, relax, grab yourself something to drink, and enjoy!

Our Thoughts On Trump’s Conviction | Retrospect Ep.141

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed how Former President Donald Trump has been convicted of felony crimes. As you can imagine, we also discussed what this could mean for the future election. We also gave our predictions on what could happen come the end of this year.Our Links:Retrospect


The Bermuda Triangle | Retrospect Ep.140

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed the Bermuda Triangle, and what could cause some of these disappearances in that region. We also found out, with the help of Jason, that there are two other places in the world similar to the Bermuda Triangle. Some say it’s supernatural, some say it’s explainable, what do you think? Let us know!Our Links:Retrospect


Understanding The Attack On Your Mind (feat. Brandon Iglesias) | Retrospect Ep.139

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we had Brandon Iglesias on the show again to have a continued look into the next generation of technology and weapons. There’s a common theme whenever we have Brandon on the show where we talk about tech that is really hard to believe exists, and this one is no different. Let us know what you think about this episode.Our Links:Retrospect


PTSD And Behavioral Psychology (feat. Dr. Posey) | Retrospect Ep.138

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed PTSD in average people and military veterans with our special guest Dr. Posey, who is a Behavioral Psychologist and a Vietnam War veteran with the Marine Corps. Keeping in line with Mental Health Awareness month we are trying to keep conversation open and continue to destigmatize mental health. Just like Dr. Posey said in the episode, don’t be afraid to let it out and talk about whatever you’ve gone through.Our Links:Retrospect


Veterans On NICS Ban List (feat. William “T-Rex”) | Retrospect Ep.137

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed veterans being put on the ban list for purchasing weapons. We had a special guest come into the studio for this episode, his name is William, but he also goes by T-Rex because he is a small arms dealer by trade. T-Rex is a military veteran so, keeping in line with Mental Health Awareness month we discussed how this might affect veterans, and what we can do to lift them up.Our Links:Retrospect


Mental Health Awareness (feat. Ashley Rankins) | Retrospect Ep.136

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed some of the stigma around mental health, whether it be social, societal, and even generational. As we go into the month of May, which is Mental Health Awareness month, we will be touching on different aspects of mental health. Let’s cultivate a community that is not afraid to talk about these issues, and with some incredible guests this month we hope to do just that.Our Links:Retrospect


A Well Written Story | Retrospect Ep.135

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed stories and characters, both good and bad. Some of our favorite entertainment has very well written characters, but recently it feels like most characters are poorly written. We explored what makes a good and compiling character, as well as why so many shows and movies feel like a cash grab.Our Links:Retrospect


2024 Presidential Election (feat. Jim Engster) | Retrospect Ep.134

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed the 60th presidential election that will happen in November of this year. We had a guest on this episode to talk about this important topic and his name is Jim Engster. He is a longtime journalist and host of "Talk Louisiana" a radio broadcast that brings listeners insight into the conversation.Our Links:RetrospectJim's Links:Jim Engster


Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse | Retrospect Ep.133

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed the ship collision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge that happened a few weeks ago. There are some scary statistics about the structural integrity of the bridges in the US, and after this incident it has shed some light on a big problem. There are some major infrastructure changes that will have to take place to accommodate what happened, and it is going to take some time to fix all of the problems this crash has caused.Our Links:Retr...


Boeing's Ongoing 737 MAX Scandal | Retrospect Ep.132

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed what has been going with the Boeing 737 MAX airplanes. There have been some quality control issues and changes in leadership that have led to a decline in Boeing’s reputation. We also mentioned that there may have been some foul play with the recent death of whistleblower John Barnett, a former Boeing Quality Control Manager. Our Links:Retrospect


Prove That You’re Human, We’re Overrun With AI | Retrospect Ep.131

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed how quickly AI is evolving, and a concept called The Dark Forest. As well as, how eventually we will have to have checks in place to prove that we are human online. I have been thinking about this AI a lot over the last few months, and I came across some videos elaborating on the subject better than I could. As always Jason came with some great stats that back up a lot of what we talked about.Maggie Appleton's Talk:The Expanding Dark ...


Cosmic Ballet: 2024 Solar Eclipse | Retrospect Ep.130

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024. This is going to be a big eclipse for a lot of people here in the US. We talked about how many towns will be reinforcing their infrastructure to accommodate such a large influx of people. It wouldn’t be a Retrospect episode if we didn’t talk about some of the crazy things that happened in history, or some speculation of what might happen in the future.Our Links:Retrospect


Colleges Bring Back Standardized Tests | Retrospect Ep.129

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed how Ivy League colleges are bringing back the SAT and ACT as an entrance requirement. Many of these colleges suspended these standardized tests during the pandemic and adopted a more holistic approach to admission. What are your thoughts about college and standardized tests?Our Links:Retrospect


Secret World Under Antarctica | Retrospect Ep.128

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed some of the secret things underneath Antarctica. From massive underground lakes, to mysterious caves, we talked about all sorts of stuff in and around that frozen continent. Do you believe there are aliens there? What about those portals Jason talked about?Our Links:Retrospect


If You Aren’t Already Paranoid, Then It’s Probably Too Late | Retrospect Ep.127

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed the big AT&T outage that happened recently. I was on a retreat while it happened so I missed out, but Stoney said he watched Leave This World Behind the day before. That movie apparently has some correlations and he really wanted to talk about it. If you aren’t already paranoid, then it’s probably too late…Our Links:Retrospect


When Will Yellowstone Erupt | Retrospect Ep.126

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed the Yellowstone Caldera. Yellowstone is a volcanic caldera and supervolcano in the National Park of the same name. The last time it erupted was approximately 631,000 years ago, and if it were to erupt today it would have devastating consequences.Our Links:Retrospect


Preparing For The End | Retrospect Ep.125

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed doomsday prepping. Stoney helps us with the do’s and don'ts of how to prepare yourself for any disaster. Also, we share some of the statistics on what each generation is spending their money on to prepare for a catastrophe.Our Links:Retrospect


The Science Of Habits | Retrospect Ep.124

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed habits and routines. We talked about the science of how they are formed and how they can impact your lives. As well as sharing some of the habits we have.Our Links:Retrospect


Texas Border Crisis | Retrospect Ep.123

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed the struggles at the Texas/Mexico border. Since President Biden took office, more than six million illegal immigrants have crossed the border. So Texas is building physical barriers to help combat this. Illegal border crossings have dropped by more than two-thirds since they began.Our Links:Retrospect


Human Trafficking (feat. Fr. Jeff Bayhi) | Retrospect Ep.122

Send us a Text Message.In this week’s episode we discussed human trafficking with Father Jeff Bayhi, who is the founder of Metanoia Manor. In 2018 he founded this faith-based residential facility which offers a place of refuge to female adolescent victims of human trafficking. We talk about some heavy stuff in this one and Father Jeff doesn’t pull any punches on this matter either, which is good because this needs to be talked about. I appreciate him taking the time to talk about it with us.O...


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