Rev'd Up for Sunday

<p>Listen along as the priests of St. Mark's, New Canaan (Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy) gear up for Sunday. Each week the preacher will lead a discussion of the scriptures of the day. Sometimes irreverent, often witty, always filled with love for our Lord: don’t miss these conversations about the questions, mysteries, and hope these three find in the Bible. </p>

"In Need of Sabbath" Mark 2:23-3:6 | Episode 152

Rules surrounding the Sabbath have Jesus and the Pharisees at odds in this week's Gospel text. Peter Walsh and Elizabeth Garnsey warn us not to make the Pharisees into caricatures of bad guys. They also look at the origins and importance of the Sabbath and how we should understand all the Biblical figures dealing with "hardened hearts".Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at ht...


"We Are Nicodemus" John 3:1-17 | Episode 151

Nicodemus struggled with taking the things Jesus said too literally. But then again, so do we sometimes! Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy dive into the ways in which Nicodemus is an archetype for us, the challenges of doctrine, and how the Trinity is an experience of God's closeness.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"The Spirit vs The World" John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 | Episode 150

Who or what is the Holy Spirit? Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy explore how the Spirit can be both Advocate and Prosecutor, and ponder its relationship with the world.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"Not of the World" John 17:6-19 | Episode 149

In this week's Gospel reading, Jesus prays for his disciples as he prepares to leave them. Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy look at what it means for the disciples to become agents of change, how we are to be set apart from the world, and how Jesus calls us to be united.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"Love One Another" John 15:9-17 | Episode 148

Does Jesus really expect us to lay our lives down for one another? It looks like another week of challenging advice from Jesus, so Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy once again explain what Jesus is teaching us. How does this relate to us today? Also, what is so unique about Christian spirituality and what is John's hot take on Christian ethics?Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more...


"I Am the Vine" John 15:1-8 | Episode 147

Last week, Jesus was a he's a vine? Peter Walsh and John Kennedy analyze Jesus' symbolic message from John 15, discuss how Jesus is helping us reach our potential, and reveal what this says about the heart of Christian meditation.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"What Makes Jesus the Good Shepherd?" John 10:11-18 | Episode 146

This week, Jesus labels himself as the Good Shepherd. Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy discuss what that means, why there's an abundance of sheep and shepherd imagery in the Church, and who the other sheep are that Jesus is calling.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"It's a Ghost!" Luke 24:36b-48 | Episode 145

It's a ghost! Or is it? Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy discuss a resurrection appearance where the disciples think they're seeing a ghost and Jesus explains that he is so much more. How does this help the disciples understand the messiah in a new light and how can we come to terms with the mystical nature of the resurrection?Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark'...


"Doubt and Forgiveness" John 20:19-31 | Episode 144

This next story is so jam-packed, it's hard to decide where to begin! Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy discuss Thomas and his doubt, Jesus' ability to appear out of nowhere, spirituality vs religion, and the type of forgiveness Jesus is talking about.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"Perspectives on Easter" John 20:1-18 | Episode 143

It's an Easter mystery! Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy explore the curious events of Jesus' missing body and the linen wrappings left behind. Plus, is Lazarus the key to understanding the wrappings, and what are we to make of the beloved disciple?Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"What Should We Think About the Cross?" (Good Friday) John 18:1-19:42 | Episode 142

We've made it to Good Friday and boy does it bring up some tough questions! Peter Walsh and John Kennedy question whether Jesus is really the one on trial in this story, how we handle troublesome atonement theories, and what it means to be image bearers. Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"The Last Night of Jesus' Life" (Maundy Thursday) John 13:1-17, 31b-35 | Episode 141

This episode brings us to the last night of Jesus' life and the end of his public ministry. Peter Walsh and Elizabeth Garnsey highlight the lesson in humility and servanthood Jesus taught his disciples, where we see his clarity of character and mission, and why foot washing would have been such a powerful gesture in his time.Also, we have a winner for our t-shirt contest! Listen to the end of the podcast to find out who. Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leav...


“Prelude to Passion” Mark 11:1-11 | Episode 140

Week 6 of "Rev'd Up for Lent 2024"It's Palm Sunday! Jesus heads from the margins to the center of everything. Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy lay out how geography plays into this story, whether riding a colt was symbolic or prophetic, how historically acurate this story is, and if Jesus failed in his mission.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at https://www....


“The Hour Has Come” John 12:20-33 | Episode 139

Week 5 of "Rev'd Up for Lent 2024"The end of Lent is approaching and barriers come down as our reading shows Jesus beginning to draw all people to himself. Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy ponder the identity of Jesus and the power of God...and teach one another some new things in the process.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


“A Light in the Darkness” John 3:14-21 | Episode 138

Week 4 of "Rev'd Up for Lent 2024"Do you struggle with the idea of who Jesus is? This week's Gospel reading jumps into a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, someone who struggled to grasp what Jesus was teaching. Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy break down this passage that includes one of the most quoted Bible verses ever.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mar...


“Temple Cleansing” John 2:13-22 | Episode 137

Week 3 of "Rev'd Up for Lent 2024"What would Jesus do? According to John's Gospel, the answer might not always be as peaceful as we think. Peter Walsh is joined by Rob Schwartz as they try to make sense of the commotion Jesus causes. Plus, what does Jesus mean by calling himself the new temple?Want to win the t-shirt featured in this episode? Send an email to and let us know your thoughts or feelings on today's Gospel reading. We'll announce when we have a winner.W...


“The Cross and Its Cost” Mark 8:31-38 | Episode 136

Week 2 of "Rev'd Up for Lent 2024"The Gospel passage this week is a doozie! Jesus lays out the cost of discipleship and the harsh reality of what's about to happen. Peter Walsh and Elizabeth Garnsey contemplate how radical Jesus' call was to take up a cross rather than a sword, and how this forces us to think about the violence we commit against one another.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more ...


"The Divine Journey Unfolds" Mark 1:9-15 | Episode 135

Week 1 of "Rev'd Up for Lent 2024". Mark's Gospel wastes no time thrusting Jesus into the action. Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy look at the evolution of Satan and what he represents, as well as why we need to reclaim "spiritual combat". Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


"Ashes and Chocolate" Matthew 6:1-6,16-21 | Ash Wednesday (BONUS)

Who can save us from the confusing clash of Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day? Peter Walsh and John Kennedy break down the Gospel reading for Ash Wednesday and discuss whether piety is a matter of the heart or just a performance. They also discuss the pressure to impress people, how Lent sets us free, and what makes Ash Wednesday so popular.Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's ...


"Dead Prophets Society" Mark 9:2-9 | Episode 134

What are we to make of a glowing Jesus, the reappearance of two dead prophets, and a cloud displaying some unusual behavior? Peter Walsh, Elizabeth Garnsey, and John Kennedy discuss the events of the Transfiguration and what it means for Mark's community and all of us. Want to have your question or comment featured on the podcast? Leave a voicemail on our Rev'd Up hotline! Call (203) 442-5002.Learn more about St. Mark's at


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