We must stand together for our children
This is the truth, we must stop all the sellouts to protect our children and community.
The only people who are mad at you speaking the truth are those those people that are living a lie.
The Benton Harbor Mayor and 7 elected officials should be remove from office as soon as possibleor disbanded and replaced with members of the city who our children and community.
Black people has been robbed of themselves, when white folks can't defeat you , They will always find a black person.. some bootlicker, butt kisser, buck dancer.
As a people that has been traumaticed for over 450 years. The abuse , mistreatment, is out of control.
Sometimes your Freedom is not taken away at Gunpoint , but instead, It is done one piece of paper at a time ,
Some time your freedom is not taken away at gunpoint. SaTanna Warren one piece of paper at a time.
Sa Tanna Warren a known sellout , Was given a ten dollars a hour job.
We must stop Second ward commissioner Santana Warren , She bullied an 80 year old lady. She must be stopped. She has no home training.
Santanna Warren has proven to be a sellout or a samb. A butt =kisser, butt Dancer, bootlicker.. We must stop all sellouts.
Black dollars circular only 4 hours in the black community, 28 days in the Asian community. Jews community 19 days , in the white community 17 days and only 64-6 hours in the Black community
Blacj men and women crave for white validation more than oxygen. Black people are afraid white folks and want to be just like them/
If you stay silent and fail to rock the white boatin this war, between good and evil your life might be easier , but your children won't
Freedom is acqired by conquest not by gift. It must be pursed constantly and responsibly. Freedom is not an ideal located outside of man ,nor is it an idea which become myth , It is rather the indispenable condition the quest for human completion..