RevNeal's Bible Study Podcasts

The Audio Bible Studies of the Reverend Dr. Gregory S. Neal, Senior Pastor of Northgate United Methodist Church of Irving, Texas. Join Dr. Neal and a group of members from his church as he teaches on the many various books of the Old and New Testaments. For more about Dr. Neal, visit his online ministry at

Luke 9

Affirmation of the Authority of Jesus:Jesus gives his Disciples power and authorityHerod Antipas questions Jesus' authorityThe feeding of the 5000Who Is Jesus?Messiahship is about death and resurrectionThe Transfiguration of JesusThe Flawed Followers of JesusJesus sets his face to go to Jerusalem


The Gospel of Luke 8:22-56

Review of Luke 8:-21The Stormy Sea and Questions of FaithThe deliverance of the Gerasene DemoniacAbout DenominationalismThe Miracle on the Way to a Miracle Dynamics of faith relative to salvation and healingThe Greek word SozoRemarks regarding Christology, Heresy, and the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity


The Gospel of Luke 8:1-21

Review of Luke 7Women named serving in Diaconal ministry for JesusThe Parable of the Sower as a Parable of Faith


The Gospel of Luke 7:18-50

Discourse about John the BaptistThe Woman with the Alabaster JarSin, Salvation, Healing, all one word - SozoFaith and its naturePreview of Chapter 8


The Gospel of Luke 6:27--7:17

The Sermon on the Plain (Continued)The BeatitudesJudging OthersTwo Prophetic Healings -Healing of the Centurion's servantRaising of the widows son


The Gospel of Luke 6:1-26

Working on the Sabbath DayHealing on the Sabbath Day and other rulesIdentification of the 12 ApostlesThe Sermon on the PlainComparisons with Matthew's Sermon on the MountThe Golden Rule


The Gospel of Luke 4:14--5:39

Jesus' Ministry in GalileeJesus in Nazareth - RejectionThe use of the LXX (Greek Translation of the Hebrew Bible)Isaiah 61 vs Luke 4:18The Calling of JesusJesus in Capernaum - ReceivedJesus' Authority, teaching, healing, exorcismsJesus calls his disciplesJesus is a friend of Tax Collectors and Sinners


The Gospel of Luke 4:1-15

The Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness


The Gospel of Luke 3

John the Baptist's MinistryThe Baptism of JesusThe Genealogy of Jesus


The Gospel of Luke 2

Review on Synoptic Gospel SourcesThe Birth of JesusThe Presentation of Jesus in the TempleThe Joseph Variant (an example of Textual Criticism)Jesus in Jerusalem at age 12


The Gospel of Luke 1:39-80

Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels:Mark-Priority and the Hypothetical Q DocumentThe Birth of John the Baptist


The Gospel of Luke 1:1-38

Textual Remarks and manuscript sourcesBasic Introduction to LukeZechariah and ElizabethThe Annunciation unto MarySpeculation regarding the sources of Luke's account


The Gospel of John 21:4--The End

The mystery of the 153 fishNumerology in Hebrew Theology"Do you love me?  Feed my sheep."Agape and phileo


The Gospel of John 20:19--21:11

Forgiveness as a Means of GraceThe Post Resurrection Appearances to ThomasThe end of the Gospel and an additional chapterA lakeside breakfastTeaser on the 153 fish


The Gospel of John 19:31--20:23

The Death and Burial of Jesus, Part 2The Resurrection of Jesus, with Synoptic ParallelsThe Empty Tomb Stories, with Synoptic ParalellsThe Post Resurrection Appearances, with Synoptic Parallels


The Gospel of John 19:16-42

The Crucifixion of Jesus, Part 2, with Synoptic ParallelsThe Death and Burial of Jesus, Part 1, with Synoptic Parallels


The Gospel of John 19:1-25

The Trials of Jesus before Jewish Authoriies and Pilate, Part 2, with Synoptic ParallelsThe Flogging of Jesus, Part 2, with Synoptic ParallelsThe Crucifixion of Jesus, Part 1, with Synoptic Parallels


The Gospel of John 18

The Arrest of JesusTrials of Jesus before Jewish Authorities and Pilate, Part 1


The Gospel of John 17

Jesus' High Priesty Prayer;Eternal Life and now; Philippians 2's Christ HymnQuestions of High Christology and the Trinity


The Gospel of John 16

The Advocate Comes;Nicene Creed: The Procession of the Holy SpiritThe nature of sin


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