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Revenge of the Cis – More Like Radio

Revenge of the Cis – More Like Radio

Author: Revenge of the Cis

Subscribed: 524Played: 151,866


Political Comedy show featuring Royce Lopez and Mersh of More Like Radio
1358 Episodes
Episode 1342: You Fell For It
Episode 1341 White Girl Summer
Episode 1340: Filler Up
Episode 1359: Major Disappointment
Episode 1358: Home Sweet Home
Episode 1357: Trust No Bitch
Episode 1356: The House Always Wins
Episode 1355: The Hero We Need
Episode 1345: Beauty Pageant
1 Episode 1353: Zoom Meeting
Episode 1352: Soft Serve
Episode 1351: Single And Ready To Mingle
Episode 1350: Retard Pill
Episode 1349: Not Sure
Episode 1348: Before And After
Episode 1347: The Great White Dope
Episode 1346: Summer Body
Episode 1345: Downs And Out
Episode 1344: Shower Time
Episode 1343: Headspace
Comments (52)


you guys sound so stupid making fun of him hahaha str8 stupid. misogynistic adjective strongly prejudiced against women. "deeply ingrained misogynistic attitudes"

Sep 22nd

Mike Jones

this is the only podcast i know of that wont download when connected to wifi. 5g works every time.

Mar 13th

Mike Jones

wont download.

Feb 8th

Mike Jones

stops downloading after a quarter if the way done.

Jan 9th

Mike Jones

starts to download but just stops at the quarter mark. same with the next episode

Jan 9th

Andrew 'S Nya

Ye is right, gotta love him.

Dec 2nd
Reply (8)

Mike Jones


Nov 9th

Andrew 'S Nya

My whole family has caught the Coof, worst side effect yet without the jab is fatigue. Guess I should have been vacced so I could get some down time. Stuck remodeling the house since work made me stay home. "You j3w bitch".

Feb 6th

AJ Johnson

please don't have Rob on again...

Jul 18th

Mike Jones

so halfway through this one it jumps to the epbfrom a week ago when they got the 7 day suspension wtf?

Jul 15th

Aaron Hartje

Yeah. I have to tap out. Every time these guys start talking about the Middle East it beccomes very clear neither of them has a f****** clue about the region. They sincerely seem to believe that everything was fine in that area of the world until right about the time they were born.

Mar 5th


please put up nightwave as well

Feb 14th


thanks for putting up daywave too.

Feb 14th

Chanologist !!

Damn what's the intro track it's not on the YouTube description.

Feb 2nd

Aaron Hartje

There are HUGE differences between qanon and the Left for the last 4 years. When asked, the moderate wing of the Democrat party would never distance itself from the ideas of its lunatic fringe. At most, and rarely, it would not quite agree with the methods. By contrast, the Republicans run screaming from the fringe of their party and support it in no way. But more STARK than this contrast is the fact that - unlike what people who live their entire lives in the social media verse and YouTube verse believe - practically no one has ever heard of qanon. In fact, the only times I have ever heard of qanon is YouTube. It is not part of casual conversation. It is not part of the zeitgeist. It is yet another thing unique to dark corners of the internet that people believe is far more significant than is true.

Jan 24th


so yeah, this is why I listen to you guys as a podcast, all those video sharing platforms are slowly going down the toilet, YouTube, d live, trovo and all those sites are eventually just going to wholesale get rid of everybody, soon everybody will just have to go back to just audio the distribution platform for podcasts is too complex for it to ever be censored entirely, you might want to start thinking about buying your own server to distribute your shows as a backup anyways... welcome to 1984 boyz

Jan 16th

Aaron Hartje

The anti-Semitism runs so deep in them that they have clearly been intellectually lazy when it comes to forming their opinions on how the Middle East works. Even after stating that basically these countries will always need a leader to order them around, they then turn around and decry the practice of installing our own leaders to run these countries. I don't blame them, because the leaders we choose end up being more corrupt than they are strongmen. But the belief that they are doing things to us because of things we have done in the past few generations is laughable. These people have been pissed off at everyone else for millennia. They simply use history - which almost none of them have any sense of because most are either illiterate or not allowed to read much more than the Quran - as an excuse for the violence they've wanted to commit anyway.

Dec 5th

Aaron Hartje

while I agree that President Trump likely figured that he would have no problem getting re-elected, the main reason he could not address voter fraud is because, for some reason, it was decided back in the beginning to allow the states to do whatever the hell they wanted as far as running elections. The federal government has almost no control over them. Personally, it seems like there would be legal ground to separate the presidential election from that practice, but I have never heard anyone challenge it.

Dec 5th
Reply (2)


which episode was it where mersh was talking about billy the fridge showing up at onisions house?

Dec 1st

Aaron Hartje

Not for nothing, but I'm not going to give Alex Jones credit for having inside information on a company, telling people that didn't have that information that it was going to go up, then feeling as though he's proven some kind of point.

Nov 25th