Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

<p>Join Reverend Ben Cooper from Elim Swanley on a spiritual journey through life's profound questions, offering wisdom, insight, and a touch of humour in every episode.  "Embarking on a soul-enriching voyage through the Bible's timeless wisdom and the Christian journey, with a diverse array of inspiring guests, Join us as we explore faith, life, and hope.</p>

Are we living in the final days? - Part 2 - (#635 - Elim)

Thank you for joining Mark and Ben as they have a conversation about the grace of God, and look at the signs of the times in which we are live comparing them to the days of Noah, it is by God’s grace and his mercy.Biblical reference - Matthew c24 v37-38Support the Show.


#CST - A declaration of war - Part 2 - (#CST128)

Ben and Simon straight back in in part two of understanding the power of speech in the heavenly realms through the power of prayer speaking the authority of the word of God into every situation taking back the territory that the enemy has stolen.Support the Show.


#CST - A declaration of war - Part 1 - (#CST127)

Ben and Simon get straight in discussing the issues of spiritual warfare and how the power of speech through the word of God is what we require as a believer, to speak and declare war in the heavenly realms are we prepared to jump in the arena?Biblical reference - 1 Thessalonians c5 v6-22Support the Show.


Coffee & Prayer - The Miracle Power of Prayer - (#634 - Elim)

Thank you for joining us for coffee and prayer as we explore through the scriptures the power of the Holy Spirit and the beauty of the world of God, as the Bible says just believe.Support the Show.


By Grace - (#633 - Elim)

The power of God’s grace over our lives, the power of his unconditional love, his glory and that beautiful gift called salvation that has been given by the God of Israel as a gift, so no one can boast because it’s not by works that we get our salvation.Biblical reference - Ephesians c2 v1-10Support the Show.


#CST - Our quitting point is God’s starting point - Part 2 - (#CST126)

Simon and Ben continuing in deep conversation regarding don’t give up, don’t give in, stand firm, hold onto the Scriptures, just believe even when you’re exhausted, run out completely.As the apostle Paul says I pleaded with the Lord three times, take this away from me but God said my grace is sufficient for you, sometimes we want a quick fix for it all to be over but God will walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death and get us to our destination.Support the Show.


#CST - Our quitting point is God’s starting point - Part 1 - (#CST125)

Simon and Ben get straight in to the conversation as we hit rock bottom, as we get weary and tired, exhausted, rundown, fearful, and doubtful suddenly we find God working in us and threw us when we come to the end of self, so when we reach the quitting point and say I’ve had enough we find that that’s God’s starting point.Biblical reference - Galatians c6 v6-10Support the Show.


Coffee & Prayer - Wait Patiently - (#632 - Elim)

As you join us for coffee and prayer Coffee as we come before the the Lord God and Heavenly Father and we simply wait, but waiting can be scary and extremely fearful, when heaven goes quiet and we are struggling to keep praying, the simple answer is keep going.Biblical reference - Palms 40Support the Show.


The battle is not yours - (#631 - Elim)

Trusting God when everything is coming against you can be the hardest thing in the world to do, but seek the Lord, also to understand that the spiritual battles in the heavenly realms belong to God. Help us to keep moving Lord, to come to the point that we worship God as we stand before the enemy, is the most powerful thing that we can do.Biblical reference - 2 Chronicles c20 v15-17Support the Show.


#CST - Maoz Israel Update with Brian - #Maoz25

Great conversation with Reverend Brian Greenaway as we look at so many things that are happening within Israel, deep conversation regarding the war, terrorist, the Rafah crossing, also covering so much more, speaking about the Iranian leader that died in that helicopter crash, covering Gazza and Palestine. Speaking about the Islamic revolution and the impact.Also, the conversation goes to the Israeli people is it safe for them to stay? Over 300,000 acres of land have been destroyed by rocket ...


Are we living in the final days? - (#630 - Elim)

Mark and Ben have an interesting conversation about the last days and everything that is happening within the world as the Bible says and clearly tells us about the last days on earth have we reached a point where the antichrist is rising, as the scripture says as it was in the days of Noah.Biblical reference - Matthew c24 v33-39Support the Show.


Coffee & Prayer - He’s my strength - (#629 - Elim)

Thank you for joining us for coffee and prayer as we explore the book within the old Testament of Psalms, as we connect with people across the world for Online service. God is your strength, God is your shield, God is your guide, and God is your healer.Biblical reference - psalms 18Support the Show.


The trouble in India within the persecuted church - (#628 - Elim)

Powerful conversation with Sandra Robson and Reverend Cooper as they look once again at the persecuted church and discuss the areas of trouble within India, the elections that are taken place the issues and trouble that is arising through India and how difficult it is to be a Christian.Support the Show.


Cry out to God - (#627 - Elim)

Join Reverend Ben Cooper as we explore the challenges of crying out to God and continuing to walk as a Bible believe in believer, wrestling with the thoughts the battles of the mind trying to deal with mental health issues as we walk in the wilderness.The Bible says God is close to the brokenhearted.Biblical reference - psalm 34 v17-20Support the Show.


Talk with Smiler - (#TS3)

Once again, smile chats with “The gypsy rapper Sugar Shane”, diving into the history of his life talking about cultural values and seeing where he is with Jesus Christ.Support the Show.


Talk with Smiler - (#TS2)

Something very different today as we get some cultural understanding from a very traditional travelling man called “Mushi” and also we have “The gypsy rapper Sugar Shane”, interesting conversation something very different but something very relevant to the times in which we are living.Support the Show.


Coffee & Prayer - I Praise You - (#626 - Elim)

The Bible says I will praise him at all times, help me reach that point Lord of complete faith and complete praise in you through the storms, and through the valleys, let’s lift up Christ and exult him.Biblical reference - Palms 34Support the Show.


No Room for Panic - (#625 - Elim)

So simple and so easy according to the scriptures “no need to panic” God has everything wrapped up, but God I still keep panicking, how can we live by Faith 24 hours seven days a week? Sometimes it seems impossible just to have a seed of faith and we seem to panic more times than we do to live in faith. What a journey we go on with Christ bouncing in fear and faith, faith and fear sometimes they seem to roll both together.Biblical reference - Deuteronomy c20 v1-4Support the Show.


Talk with Smiler - (#TS1)

Great conversation today here in the studio with smiler and his guest Mark Cooper, sit back and listen to this journey of the grace of God, the power of redemption - you won’t want to miss this.Full video on the Show.


Persecuted Church - India Elections - (#194 - Elim)

Sandra brings a lot of information regarding the persecuted church within India and the elections that is going on in that nation, also explaining the anti-conversion law and what that means.Support the Show.


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