Trust in God’s providence does not mean that you always sit back and do nothing and just wait for things to unfold as they will happen.
If you’ve ever felt like a nobody, you’re not alone. The solution isn’t to talk to yourself and convince yourself how special you are.
Does it seem as if the latest crisis in your life always arrives at a bad time? Hear how God uses what looks like bad timing for His glory.
We can all remember scandals in which a high-profile leader suddenly lost popularity and influence. Stories like this remind us that integrity is important.
"Don’t worry." That advice is easy to give and almost impossible to live by . . . unless you know the God who controls everything.
Do you ever feel pressure to conform to the people around you? Do you think there would be more or less pressure if you suddenly became a queen?
Do you ever find yourself asking why? Why am I in this marriage? This job? This church? This community?
If your husband asked you to do something immoral, would you do it? What if he was the king and he was drunk and it could mean your life if you disobeyed?
A young girl lived under an authoritarian regime. She was conscripted into a harem and was pulled into ethnic conflict.
You may have heard of the Kendrick Brothers, filmmakers who brought us the movies War Room and The Forge. Hear from the woman who taught them about prayer.
Moms try to control their kids. And that’s a good thing; it’s a part of training and protecting them. But the truth is that moms can’t control everything.
If a friend lent you a priceless treasure, you would treat it carefully. Our children are treasures on loan from God. Are you taking good care of them.
Does the word peaceful describe you? It can, even though things are hectic all around you. Nancy shares the secret to having peace.
It’s hard to wait. Whining kids need to be reminded to pray before a meal. And frankly, adults need to learn to pray too.
Imagine a friend laughing at you after you tell her about one of your deepest struggles. Nancy tells of a woman from the Old Testament in that position.
Do you ever wonder what God’s plan is? Why do the faithful suffer while the ungodly prosper? Nancy offers some ideas about this difficult situation.
Do you ever look at the blatant sin in our culture and wonder if we live in the worst time ever? Nancy tells about some other sinful moments.
What holds you back from worshiping Jesus with abandon? Bob Bakke challenges you to give your all to the One who deserves the very best.
A lot of us equate “worship” with “singing.” But John tells us about a woman who worshiped Jesus through an extravagant gift valued at a whole year's income.
What does living by faith look like on a typical day? Nancy shows what it means to choose faith over what you see.
Bridget Brandenburg
BEAUTIFULLY, Beautifully done!
Bridget Brandenburg
Thank you😭
Priscilla Wallace
she quoted, from a devotional book she was reading "a soul redeemed demands a life of praise".
Dawn Moyer
Oh my - such a great episode and I’m so excited about this series!! Where can we find a link to the spoken word at the end?
Kim Hart
thank you for encouraging us to keep our eyes on Christ, he is faithful!