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Revolution Health Radio

Author: Chris Kresser

Subscribed: 14,703Played: 146,566


Revolution Health Radio debunks mainstream myths on nutrition and health and delivers cutting-edge, yet practical information on how to prevent and reverse disease naturally. This show is brought to you by Chris Kresser, health detective and creator of
246 Episodes
Comments (20)


thanks chris. one of my favourite health podcast eps ive listened to!

Sep 4th

Sarah Smith

Glad you did a podcast on this, like you mentioned, people need a good resource for CBD and how it works in the body. Thanks!

Feb 12th

Stephen Armstrong

I appreciate this response but it was completely unnecessary my opinion. I think it was clear to any objective observers that the tactics being used against you or not intellectual at all and we're simply ringside bully tactics that although most effective in a UFC ring do not hold water in an intellectual conversation. keep on keepin on sir.

Jan 1st
Reply (1)

Bhavna Uttamchandani

being a vegetarian this was truly an eye opener episode. I would truly appreciate if you could create an episode on nutrition for vegetarian (not vegan) people

Nov 16th

Jason Rumbaugh

Good information

Sep 7th


Dang. There was good info, but I couldn’t listen to it all because someone was typing.

Aug 22nd
Reply (1)

Niclas Daniels

15:49 #bdnf production increases using #sauna 21:58 You sweat in almost all types of #saunas. Far infrared wavelengths are low energy wavelengths, >3000 nm. Incandescent near infrared wavelengths, a light therapy sauna, stimulate the light therapy systems in our cells: it's #photobiomodulation or stimulation of #mitochondria. #nearInfraredLight #sauna has lower air temperature and high penetration of the light, up to 9 inches. Far infrared waves are absorbed by water and can't penetrate the body. 40% of sunlight is #nearInfraredLight since the #farInfraredLight is absorbed by water in the atmosphere and the body. We don't have light receptors for #farInfraredLight in our cells. A Finnish sauna is a #farInfraredLight sauna. It's just a heat therapy. Not light therapy. 34:50 #mitochondria, healing using #nearInfraredLight for conditions such as #neuropathy #vasodilation boosed #cellMetabolism 42:15 Use #nearInfraredLight everyday. Max 1h per session, twice a day. It's a form of #hyperthe

May 22nd

Jane Nls

welcome back! I had been wondering if you would ever be back

Mar 7th

Jane Nls

dr. Chris. you haven't have any new ones for a while. all ok?

Jan 17th

Gerry Elwood

fascinating podcast. who knew what happens to a mouse in a beehive!

Jan 14th

Randy Friesen

wow, very eye opening episode!

Dec 12th

james mcminn


Oct 31st

Mixed martial

1 of the best health podcasts! keep it up dr. Chris.

Sep 20th

Sarah Smith

Great podcast, loved it! The points they touch on always make a lot of sense.

Aug 10th

Sarah Smith

Fantastic! I've been looking for a podcast like this. Super informative, unbiased, and comprehensive.

Jul 26th

Rachel Rivera

He mentioned soaking grains, and recommended including an acidic medium such as kefir, lemon water, etc. Does this go for legumes as well?

Apr 21st

Riley Martin

Hyman is a scam, almost everything he says can be refuted. I recommend Zach Bush and Rich Roll, extremely accomplished guys with way more knowledge. Now Unsubscribing from this podcast

Apr 3rd

Philipp Krinner

I think cats do eat some fermented plant foods,as they eat the intestines of their prey,right? but nevertheless thanks for your podcast,it is always a pleasure listening to it.

Oct 25th
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