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Rewrite Your Story

Author: Amy Clarke

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Rewrite your story is a Podcast created to remove the stigma of trauma & abuse. Sharing our top tips giving you the power to rewrite your story forever.
25 Episodes
Say a big hello to Jenny The Jentle Vegan! Yes, I'm a lover of chicken wings but we can still be friends, don't worry she's gentle I promise. This week Jenny and I go deep into her experience with over 10 years of dieting, you name it she has probably tried it. She ran to diets as it was easy for her to follow the rules, like so many of us Jenny was great at being a good student, she did what she was told and that's that.However, over the years she found that being told what to do by these hu...
This week's episode is something a little out of the ordinary, sharing my experience with plant medicine has been something I wanted to share but just wanted to make sure I was able to provide you with the science behind it rather than me just talking about my experience. so that's why I brought Alysa AKA @yourwellnessbestie on to give you all the details.I know cannabis isn't legal all over the world and I'm definitely not recommending you break the law but all I ask is that you have an open...
I got a bunch of messages from you wonderful humans wanting to know more about masculine and feminine energy and connecting to your body. Given that these energies are still somewhat new to me I knew I had to get a guest on to go deeper with you.I was just having an everyday chat with Danika and then out of nowhere I had this light bulb moment, "she's the one"In this episodenDanika teaches us how to embrace our feminine, she even does a little embodiment/ Breathwork exercise with you!!I am ju...
In this week's episode, we have the pleasure of getting to know Tasha from Grow Happy with yoga where she so beautifully shares her journey of how she struggled with depression, anxiety, binging, and how she found her way back to herself all with the help of yoga. Her journey was by no means easy, she had her challenges but didn't let them stop her from achieving her goal.Not only does Tasha share her story but she also shares the incredible mindset and outlook she has on life that goes along...
This Week's episode is all about boundaries, when it comes to boundaries I thought there was no better guest than Steph. Last week we talked all about how you can turn your shit into Art and about how you NEED to put yourself first in order to thrive. However, to be able to do so you need to be able to set boundaries. Some of you May remember Steph from episode 8 where we talk about all things safety. when it comes to setting boundaries you 100% need to feel safe to do so, for those...
In this week's episode, we talk about all things productive mindset and how to embrace that masculine and feminine energy.Some of you may remember this guest from episode 5 but for those that are new here I am truly excited to share this guest with you, Shauna has not only an incredible story but a mindset that will able her to achieve whatever she puts her mind to. We can all get into unhealthy cycles sometimes we can even tell that we are stuck in a loop but we just don't know how to get ou...
In this week's episode, we talk all things Mindset as we learn about Nikole's Cancer story. I'm aware that the topic of cancer can be difficult for some listeners so I understand if you need to skip this episode however if you feel called to watch/listen I invite you to do so. Nikole's story is one of beauty, humor, pain, resilience and so much more. I can't stress enough that this episode is for EVERYONE, no matter what you have been through in life I guarantee you will take some ...
In this week's episode, I am flying solo!I was coached this past week and thought it would be cool to fill you in on my experience and what came up for me.I have gone through years of therapy but during my session with Bobbi DiClaudio, I had realizations that had never come up for me before. To me Coaching is such a different experience than therapy, it feels like I am in full control and my thoughts seem to come through more.anywho I'll stop rambling, I hope you enjoy the ep...
Catherine didn't fit in, she chose to find where she belonged!! So often in life, we hide our differences so we are accepted easily by others, but by doing so we end up losing ourselves. What if embracing who we are was the societal norm, you aren't dumb because you aren't good at taking tests, your formal education doesn't define your abilities, your age doesn't hold you back from starting something new. If you have the passion, desire, the want to do something then you do it, screw ev...
I planned on posting a different episode this week but with everything that is in the news at the moment, I had to jump in and share my thoughts on it all. Everyone is speaking up about safety specifically around women, this is such an important issue especially in this day in age. However, it's important to not pressure people to speak up if that arent ready, if they don't feel safe to do so. Don't get me wrong I am all for speaking up but we need to be mindful that we don't underm...
In this week's episode, we deep-dive into the Entrepreneur Mindset along with the story behind Zack O'Rourke the Director of "Social Directions Agency". So often we look at entrepreneurs and see their life as something that is sooo unobtainable, these people just seem to be so lucky. little do we know they are just like us and have shit too. the key difference is they don't let the shit hold them back due to their mindset!! I am so excited to share Zack's story with you as he is someone...
This week's episode is brought to you by two women having a really honest conversation, This week's guest comes with no filter she is raw, vulnerable, and just tells her story like it is.I had never heard of the term coercive control until I came across Jade, once she explained it to me so many things just clicked. Giving that this is such a sensitive topic I wanted to remind you that you can find support by clicking HERE.
Please welcome this week's guest Kyle Reain (Pronounced rain)World-Wide Online Female Weight loss Coach -- Specialising in helping anxious females Get life-changing results in weight loss, toning, and body confidence from the comfort and privacy of their own home. In this week's episode, we cover all things self-love and doing what we can to remove the stigma and trauma that can be associated with the Gym and working out. You can also reach out to kyle directly on Instagram click here.
After 2 months away i am BACK!During this episode, we cover where why i vanished and some new exciting things that are to come. I have missed you guys and i am so fricken excited to be back. Thank you for waiting patiently and welcome to all new listeners :)n
During the past few weeks, i have shared my "Trauma story" along with some insights to the tools and mindset shifts that have helped me rewrite my story. However, i haven't spoken about the toughest battle i have had to overcome with regards to my physical health!As October is Dysautonomia awareness month, i thought now would be the best time to share this part of my story. I would like to welcome this week's guest Kora, she is a representative from Dysautonomia International. I can't wait fo...
This week i want to remind you all to slow down!!this is something that I have had to remind myself to do in my own life recently, so as i remind myself to slow down i want to pass this gift onto you too.In this episode, i share the top 3 benefits of slowing down and explain why i have decided to slow down lately. Keep an eye out for this week's assignment as i believe it will be something new for a lot of you.For those who have been asking about other creative aspects in my life, you can fol...
This week's episode might seem a little off-topic to some of you but, as mentioned last week Safety comes first. Over the past few weeks, I have had some things happen in my personal life that i need to share with you. I know the focus of this podcast is very much on our mental health but this week is a reminder to listen to your body and make your physical health a priority. This week i really encourage you to do the homework I have assigned as it could truly save a life. As always if ...
This week i am so excited to talk about Safety with the amazing human that is Steph German. Steph is a life coach currently operating out of Hawaii specializing in helping trauma survivors find freedom and step into their purpose. She's a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and has taken a life path to help others overcome their own struggles with trauma. In between her clients, she's a passionate mother who loves the outdoors getting as much sunshine and activity with her daughter...
This episode, if part 2 of last week where Daniel and I talk about all things PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). In part 2 we talk about how PTSD can be heightened during this time of COVID and we also go deeper into Daniel's story. As mentioned bonus content can be accessed here.
In this episode, we talk about all things PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) with UK based Social Worker Daniel O'rourke. I chose to bring this episode to you in a two-part series as I don't want you to miss any of what Daniel has to say or his story. As mentioned in the episode Daniel has found great strength and healing through music, if you would like to follow his music he can be found here