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Richard Ellis Talks on

Author: Richard Ellis

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The reason this radio show exists, is to share Richard's talks about a God who is alive. A God who loves you. A God who wants to give you hope and a future. Hear Richard talk. Feel God. And if you'd ever want to find out more about who God is, and how to get to know Him a little better, we'd love to connect with you, at, or call us anytime at 855-6-RICHARD. Of course, Richard and his team would love to stay in contact with you on all the social media platforms. Just search for "Talk With Richard" so we can keep the conversation going!
2351 Episodes
Were You There?

Were You There?


People will often believe history books without any problem but be very doubtful towards the truth of the Bible. At some point we have to put our faith in the truth of Scripture, believing that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. When He was crucified on the cross, our sin was nailed there with Him and we can choose to walk forward in new life, cutting ourselves free from the slavery of sin. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Just Like Your Father

Just Like Your Father


The Bible teaches us that when we become believers, it’s not about acting like Jesus but rather having Jesus live inside of us. We can allow Him to work in our lives so that someday we can be perfect just as our Heavenly Father is perfect. In order to imitate God like Scripture teaches, we need to know Him by having an intimate relationship with Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Me And My Old Man

Me And My Old Man


The lasting affect that our earthly fathers can have on us plays in big role in how we relate to God as our Heavenly Father, as well as how we are able to leave the past behind and walk new. When we are born again, God doesn’t just make us an improved version of our old self but instead makes us brand new. We must learn to leave our old man behind and put on our new self as our identity in Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth


The story of Ruth in the Bible shows a great example of what it means to trust God and obey. Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi and obedience to what she said led Ruth to marry Boaz, and later in their family line was Joseph, the father of Jesus who saved the world. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Speak of the Devil

Speak of the Devil


Since the beginning of creation the devil has been out to steal, kill and destroy humanity. We must always be on the look out for his schemes, deny the natural pulls of the flesh, take up our cross of suffering and follow Jesus. In our obedience to Him we find abundant life and every difficult thing we encounter on the way is all worth it to be with Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Do the Right Thing

Do the Right Thing


History proves over and over that there are consequences for disobedience to God. We must make the decision to do the right thing, and when we fall down to get back up and keep moving. Our choice of obedience will pay off in the end. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Yabba Dabba Do

Yabba Dabba Do


Just like the Flinstones would get in their car and use their man power to make it go anywhere, we are too often living our spiritual lives in our own power. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of us as believers and we must tap into that power, allowing Him to live through us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
God Help Us

God Help Us


When we become Christians, we join a family that together carries out the work of God in the world. We must learn to love believers and nonbelievers alike, and that can only be done with God’s help. Being a part of the Church is not all about what we get out of it but also what we have to offer to it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Owner Occupied

Owner Occupied


God has promised to take care of all our needs, yet we still tend to cling to our possessions, loving them more than Him. When we give our lives to Christ, He owns us and therefore all of our stuff is His stuff. To support this ministry financially, visit:



Trying to hold on as tightly as possible to our lives and our plans is a sure way to lose it all in the end. The only way of winning is to lose ourselves to God, letting go of everything and living in obedience to Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:



The Christian life is like running a race, and we need to run as if we want to win. It takes work, it’s not easy, but God puts people in our lives to help run with us. Let’s let go of the things that are weighing us down and run the race until the end with endurance and determination. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Under the Tree

Under the Tree


At Christmas time we wrap gifts for loved ones and place them under a tree to be opened and received. The Gospel story tells of the greatest gift of salvation, bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus, freely given and received under the tree at the foot of the cross. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Life Socks

Life Socks


There will always come moments in our lives when life socks and knocks us down. The world is watching how we’ll react when that happens so we need to show them how faith in God keeps us standing. Rather than focusing on your circumstances we need to focus on and trust in Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:



Just like in the story of the prodigal son, God is waiting for us to return to Him. He allows the pain in our lives often times to bring us back to Him. When we return, it does not matter how broken we are, He has promised to rebuild and restore us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Save the Planet

Save the Planet


We cannot leave the job of telling others about Christ to preachers. We must take responsibility for the people that God has placed in our lives and tell them about Him. We may be the only person they have to tell them about the free gift of salvation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew


There are times in our lives when God’s grace rains down, but on an every day basis it is His dew that sustains us. His provision for every area of our lives shows us His immeasurable grace, but it’s His gift of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross that is more than enough for what we could ever need. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Adult Content

Adult Content


No matter what our circumstances look like, it is possible to be content because God has provided all that we need. When we focus on God and His Kingdom, our material possessions are merely used for Him and therefore no matter much or how little we have, it does not determine our choice to be content. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Hanging Coffees

Hanging Coffees


God did not hold back His grace for us, knowing that we would squander it and still struggle with sin. He cheerfully gives to us and calls us to be givers in the same way, giving to others as the Spirit leads, openly and cheerfully. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy


When Jesus died He knew that God would raise Him from the dead three days later. Because of His sacrifice, we are given the choice to leave this earth and be raised to life for eternity in Heaven if we give our lives to Him now. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Rock Star

Rock Star


The story of David and Goliath shows us an example of how God is capable to overcome any of our obstacles. Rather than getting worried and anxious about the trials we face, we need to put our trust in Him and believe His Word that says that He is greater than anything that comes against us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Comments (22)

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you!

Jan 12th

Tammberly S Stokes

It will mentally, emotionally physically and financially shred you to pieces... it will break you!! There are so many " VICES " Everyone has at least one!!!! TStokes🦋

Aug 5th

Tammberly S Stokes

I needed that reminder dead end, empty life!! Nothing there!!!! Thank you. Pastor Ellis! 🦋

Aug 5th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you!!!!! 💙🕊️ People, Place, Things... Still, Kill, Destroy....

Feb 10th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you, Pastor Ellis, 💙🕊️ I needed this message❣️🤗

Feb 4th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you🩵🕊

Dec 31st

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you, Paster Ellis🩵🕊

Dec 28th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you💙🕊

Dec 11th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you, Paster Ellis 🕊💙" Reunion "

Dec 7th

Tammberly S Stokes

Love God... Love yourself, your lady, your man, your children, your family 💙🕊 Believe & Have Faith 🕊💙

Dec 1st

Tammberly S Stokes


Nov 25th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you💙🕊

Nov 24th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you, Paster Ellis! For telling, Your own experience ~ store. 💙🕊

Nov 20th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you,Grandma " for showing and talking to All of US "about God & Jesus Our Lord and Saver 💙🕊 WE all...Soo miss you, also the family & friends in Heaven 🕊💙

Nov 12th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you, Bones mom🦋🕊 You talked and showed me a lot about giving and reading the Good book~the Bible 📖❣️🤗 We all miss you bunches ❤️

Nov 12th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you, Grandma"❣️ For showing & telling, all of US about, God & Jesus Christ Our Lord & Savior 💙🕊

Nov 12th

Tammberly S Stokes

Yes"... I believe❣️ I'm humble grateful & very bless💙🕊 Thank you, God & Jesus 💙 Paster Mr Ellis, Paster Stanley 🙏 🤗

Nov 12th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you💙🕊

Nov 9th

Tammberly S Stokes

Thank you!🦋

Nov 4th

Tammberly S Stokes


Oct 31st