Ridge Roundtable Podcast

<p>The Ridge Roundtable Podcast is a ministry of Austin Ridge Bible Church. Hosts Joey Ruyter, Jeff Moore, and Lorri Winkcompleck tackle topics from everyday life and talk through how the Bible and our theology inform our understanding of the world around us. Life is full of questions, and we don't shy away from them.<br><br></p><p>Our hope and goal is to invite people to ask hard questions, and to wrestle through them together. We take our faith seriously, but not ourselves. We hope you laugh with us and learn with us, too! At the end of each episode, you will have a better understanding of how to talk about, think about, and live out your faith.<br><br></p><p>Ridge Roundtable Podcast is available wherever you get your podcasts.</p>

120. Introducing the Book of Daniel

We're back with a new series discussing selected passages in the book of Daniel. This week, the team introduces the book of Daniel by talking about its historical timeline, themes of the book, and how the story of Daniel connects to the Bible's greater narrative. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for more updates and equipping resources.


New Name + New Men's Podcast

Before our new fall series launches in a few months, we wanted to update you on a few changes going on around here!We have officially changed our name to the Ridge Roundtable Podcast! You can still find us here and anywhere you listen to podcasts. Also, join us over at our new brother podcast, Ridge Roundtable: Men's Edition! On this show, men share their stories about how God intersected their lives and changed them from the inside out. New episodes will drop weekly this summer, so make sure...


119. Why Are There Mysteries

In this final episode of our "Top 10" series, Joey, Jeff, and Lorri discuss mysteries in the Christian faith. They talk about the tension we feel when trying to understand the unrevealed things, then focus on the biggest mystery in the Bible: the Trinity. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for more updates and equipping resources.


118. If God is in Control, Why Pray with Glenn Gordon

Glenn Gordon, Men's and Care Pastor at our Dripping Springs Campus, joins the show today to talk all about prayer. He and the team discuss the what, the why, and the how of prayer. They also approach some difficult questions like "Can prayer change God's mind?" and "If God is sovereign, why pray at all?". LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for more updates and equip...


117. Am I Still a Believer if I Struggle With Sin

On today's episode, the team discusses the questions that arise when believers can't seem to shake a particular sin struggle or aren't growing as quickly as they would like. They talk about the topics of justification, sanctification, and glorification and what believers can expect to experience as they "work out their salvation" over time. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Insta...


116. Why Do Bad Things Happen with Mark Adams

Mark Adams, Campus Pastor at our Southwest Campus, joins the show today to talk about how a good and sovereign God allows bad things to happen. The team discusses how God uses suffering for his glory and our sanctification. Mark also shares how this topic became tangible to him after his cancer diagnosis several years ago. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for more...


115. Why Did God Allow Adam and Eve to Sin with Jason Ogle

Marriage and Family Pastor, Jason Ogle, joins the show today to talk about why God created people with the ability to sin. The team talks about the different reasons why people ask this question and how God's glory and character come into play even in the midst of evil. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for more updates and equipping resources.


114. How Do We Live Faithfully in 2024 with Gary Runn

Gary Runn, Austin Ridge partner and CEO of Vocare Leadership, joins the show to talk about how to live faithfully as a Christ Follower in 2024. Gary and the team talk about what faithfulness is, how to be a good steward of God's gifts, and what can hinder Christ Followers from living faithfully in today's culture. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:To learn more about Vocare Leadership, click HERE.If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our E...


113. Isn't the Bible Outdated with Tyler Heidelberg

Tyler Heidelberg, The Ridge's College Pastor, joins the show to talk about the Bible's relevance in today's culture. People often reject biblical teachings because they seem antiquated and closed-minded. Tyler and the team discuss how we can know if the Bible is still objectively true, as well as how to walk alongside those who are questioning its value and authority. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow ...


112. Why Do I Need Biblical Community with Matt Thigpen

Young Adults Pastor, Matt Thigpen, joins the team today to discuss why believers need community as they seek to follow Christ. They talk about what biblical community is, why we need it, and what often hinders us from pursuing it. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for more updates and equipping resources.


111. Why Can't My Truth Be My Truth with John Craig

Christian Apologetics teacher, John Craig, joins the show today to discuss a common saying in current culture: "My truth." He and the team talk about what truth is, if the truth can change, and why it matters. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for more updates and equipping resources.


110. What is God's Will and Can I Miss it?

Joey, Jeff, and Lorri have often been asked how to discern God's will for your life and if you can miss it. Today, they take a deep dive into a biblical understanding of God's will: what it is, how to discern it, and how to daily walk in it. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:For more information about our Institute course, Design, Passion & Calling, click HERE.If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Page for m...


109. Intro to Top 10

This spring Joey, Jeff, and Lorri will tackle the questions they get the most when talking to people about the faith. They'll discuss questions like, “Are you a believer if you still struggle with sin?”, “Why is community important in spiritual growth?”, “Why can’t my truth be my truth?” etc. They start this episode by talking about what God is currently teaching them and introduce a few of the "top 10" questions for this season. Tune in each Thursday for new episodes! LINKS IN THIS...


108. I Don't Like Christians

In this series finale episode, the team talks about why people say they dislike Christians. Often these statements come from those outside of the faith or believers who have distanced themselves from the Church. As we consider these groups of people, the team looks to the Scriptures to see where Christians tend to go wrong and how we can better live out Christ's love to those around us. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@aust...


107. I Don't Like Gray Areas

The Bible is very clear on some topics, but how should we make decisions about the issues that aren't so clear? How much importance should we place in these areas, and how do we live in unity with others who choose to make different decisions than we do? On today's show, Joey, Jeff, and Lorri provide a grid to make these judgments with wisdom and understanding toward others. Join us next week for the series finale of "I Don't Like That!"LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or ...


106. I Don't Like Weakness

No one likes feeling weak or having deficiencies. However, throughout Scripture, we clearly see that our weakness is a gateway for God's strength and glory to be shown through us. On today's show, Joey, Jeff, and Lorri discuss how we can change our perspective on weakness so that we can better glorify God in our day-to-day struggles. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge Instagram Pa...


105. I Don't Like People Having Authority

In this episode, the team tackles our dislike and distrust of authority. Depending on your perspective and experiences, authority can be seen as good and healthy, inept, or even abusive. With all of this in mind, the team goes to the Word to see what God has to say about the reason for authority, its function, and how we should interact with the authorities in our own lives. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org....


104. I Don't Like the Concept of Forgiveness

"Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." - Psalm 32:1Today we're talking about forgiveness- something that we desperately need to receive but is often difficult to give to others. Joey, Jeff, and Lorri discuss the example of forgiveness we have in Christ, and how we can train our hesitant hearts to forgive others the way Christ has forgiven us. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge....


103. I Don't Like Jesus + Nothing

Christianity is the only religion that bases salvation not on what we can do, but on what has been done for us. The idea that salvation is simply Jesus plus nothing can be difficult to accept for a variety of reasons. Today, the team talks about why we generally don't like this concept and why it's actually the best news for a lost world in need of God's grace. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQU...


102. I Don't Like the Bible Being Authoritative

Have you ever struggled with the concept that all Scripture should be considered authoritative in the life of the believer? Are there some verses that go against your own ideas and perspective? You're not alone! Today, the team discusses why we consider the Bible to be the authority and why that should give us great comfort as Christ Followers. LINKS IN THIS EPISODE:If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please email us at equip@austinridge.org.Follow our EQUIP Austin Ridge I...


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