Right Ordered Life: Faith, Family and Purpose

<p>Ever wish you could stop doing All. The. Things? You know – the soul-crushing weight of a million tasks needed to keep your job and family going? If you’ve ever thought, “There’s not enough time in the day to get everything done. I keep trying but I end up exhausted and grumpy with the people I love. I feel guilty about self-care, get busy, and don’t do it.” – you’re in the right place. Welcome friend!Stacy Santiago, a Board Certified Coach and Licensed Professional Counselor for over 10 years, is giving you the game plan to stop collapsing on the couch and feeling like a disappointment to yourself and your family. Sharing her personal life and experience coaching hundreds of women, Stacy shows you how to get your time and energy back, show up joyful, be at peace, and live a Right Ordered Life of faith, family, and purpose. This ain’t your momma’s self-help podcast. Honest and to the point, Stacy gives you proven tools to trade your overwhelm and exhaustion for a Right Ordered Life you WANT to wake up to each day. </p>

Tough Decision: Why I’m Pausing the Podcast

Making tough decisions sucks. I don’t think anyone enjoys the process of making tough decisions because it can quickly spiral into over-thinking, procrastinating, and seeking what ends up being unhelpful advice. And the worst part is the fear of making the wrong decision that could negatively impact us, our families, and the people we serve. But we can’t get through life without coming to forks in the road and making choices. In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you my tough de...


How to Heal and Have Hope When Nothing Else Has Worked

Have you ever tried to feel better, to fix the things that are quote “wrong” with you only to find that nothing has truly helped? I get you. That’s why on today’s show, I’m diving deeper into emotional burdens, mistakes we make in dealing with these burdens, and how to finally lift them. I’m telling you the truth that you’re not getting from overly simplistic self-help books, therapists, and Google so you can decide if you want to heal and have hope that you can calm your emotional storms and...


Proof You CAN Transform: How Erin Did a 180 with Family, Career, and Self-Confidence

Have you ever felt stuck with no way forward? You know you’re not happy, things aren’t working, but you don’t know how to change it. One of the best things I can do to help you, my friend, is to give you proof that incredible personal and career change IS possible. Pop in your ear buds and listen in because today my special guest, Erin Gehring, walks you through how she went from people pleasing and not even looking at herself in the mirror anymore to being authentic, not worrying about what ...


How to Stop Thinking "I'll Be Happy When..."

Truth bomb! Your brain is programmed to fool you into thinking that when you get what you want, you’ll be permanently satisfied. If you’re like me, you’re tired of falling into the lie that you’ll be happy when you have or achieve something. On today’s episode, I’m showing you how to crush this lie and arm yourself with the strategy to keep your mind present and satisfied in who you are and what you have right now. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: * Why your brain believes the ...


This 1 Thing Will Give You Peace with Accomplishing LESS

What if one simple thing could help you stop striving to feel like you’re enough? What if you didn’t have to cross all the to-do’s off your list and please other people just so you don’t feel like you’re failing? Listen in because this one small shift that I’m sharing with you today is a game-changer. It will do a 180 on your measure of enough and lighten your burden of achieving to feel worthy. That’s coming up…BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: * The terrible mistake I made whe...


How to Easily Know Your Strengths (without taking tests)

Knowing what you’re good at and how to use your strengths is confusing. Most of the time we ignore our strengths because we don’t know their value or maybe it feels too prideful to focus on them. We need to burst this bubble because not knowing or downplaying your strengths hurts your confidence, fulfillment, your God-given purpose, and even your children. Stay tuned because I’m going to show you why knowing your strengths is super important and three specific activities you can do today that...


Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s Why Overwhelm Is a GOOD Thing.

Feeling overwhelmed is something you either detest or have come to tolerate as your normal daily life. I spent many years shackled to overwhelm like a ball and chain. I wanted to escape it but didn’t know how or why I was stuck chained to it. Now that I’m in a place of peace and right order, overwhelm is like an old scruffy friend that pops up and actually helps me. Sounds weird right?Tune in so you can flip overwhelm upside down and have the power to view it not as the enemy you detest, but ...


Is God your BFF? 5 Characteristics of Friendship with God

Friendship. We know we need it. We are not meant to be alone. But often, we don’t act like God is our best friend. If you don’t feel close to God, maybe it’s not that you don’t want God to be your all in all, but maybe you don’t know how? I know I struggle with the “how” of friendship with God – knowing how to get distractions out of the way, overcome my weaknesses, and how to simply love Him in return for loving me. What does friendship with a mostly silent, invisible God look like anyway? L...


How to Let Go of Control and Fully Trust God with Kaela McKaig

Nope! Over my cold dead body. Have you ever had that kind of resistance to letting go of control? I have. Let’s be honest…when God asks us to give up love, friendship, your home, income – all measures of certainty and comfort – we struggle HARD. Today my guest Kaela McKaig, is here to share her life-changing story of letting go and the key to trusting God to bring you through your trial to the other side. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU'LL LEARN:* 4 Reasons you don't want to...


The Best Kept Secret to Healing: Parts Work

Do you ever feel like there’s a tug of war inside of you – a part of you feels one way, a part of you feels another way and you can’t figure out what to do? Or, do you struggle with extreme bursts of emotion or coping behaviors that you can’t seem to stop? There’s an answer for all this and I’m not just sharing information about it. Today I’m sharing my personal journey with a type of inner healing, a therapeutic modality that is really helping and giving me hope. I want you to have that hope...


Being Happy is Too Hard. Try THIS Instead and See What Happens!

Do you ever feel like you should be happy most of the time? But honestly, you probably don’t feel happy most of the time. There are lots of reasons why, but trying to fix them all feels like a game of whack a mole – happiness-draining problems never stop popping up. So what do we do about this? Join me in this episode to explore a very different perspective to help you let go of frustration so you can feel lighter and encouraged in a fresh way.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: *...


The Fulfillment Blueprint: Find Your Ideal Career or Calling

What if there was a blueprint that revealed your best-fit career? Or a clear roadmap to what you should be doing with your life right now? Oh but there is! For over a decade with hundreds of clients, I’ve been using the most comprehensive fail-safe tool for knowing who you are and what fulfills you.In this episode, I share my personal struggle with finding fulfillment at work – the random decisions, confusion, and mistakes. Maybe you’ve struggled to find purpose or to be happy with your ...


What to Say When Someone Makes You Angry

Do you ever fly off the handle or get firey when someone triggers you? Yep, I’m nodding my head here. Getting angry and responding with yelling, arguing, or passive aggression can bring up feelings of shame, anxiety, guilt, and even embarrassment. So how do you deal with people who set off your angry firework show? Tune in to uncover the root cause, what anger really means, and what to say in difficult situations... BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: ● Examples of my persona...


Can I Be Authentic?

Do you ever feel fake, over rehearsed, or walking on eggshells trying to say the right thing? It’s on my heart to share with you 2 ways I’m choosing to be authentic and how you can be more courageous and comfortable showing up as your true self. Oooh are you ready for that kind of honesty and freedom? Heck yes! Tune in because… BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: ● Why we put “makeup” on our personality and worry about what other people think● What I refuse to do in marketing...


Take Care of Yourself Before You Clean Your House

Do you feel like your house is always a mess? Or maybe you’re constantly striving to get all those tasks done - food prep, laundry, emails - while disheveled drawers and overstuffed closets lurk in the background.Worrying about how your home looks and getting everything done creeps up and pushes away space for something critical…your health and wellbeing. So today I’m taking a stand for you and saying, “Take care of yourself before you clean your home.” Let’s help you go from tired and disapp...


Feel Lonely? How to Feel Wanted and Connected (3 Proven Steps!)

Do you ever say to people, “I feel lonely today. How lonely do you feel?” I’m guessing that’s a big NO. Loneliness is REAL and pervasive but because it’s such a deeply personal, vulnerable experience we don’t speak up about it. We either cover over it with coping mechanisms and distractions to numb out or try different solutions that don’t work.On today’s episode, I walk you through three ways to go from feeling lonely to wanted and connected. It’s a special formula and it’s not what you expe...


What Every Woman Needs to Know about the Power of Her Words

What if you could harness the power of your words to feel good, do more, and be more like Christ? Yeeeessss 😊My friend, you’re in the right place if you want to start using emotional adjectives, self-labels, and empowering statements that lift you up!To learn how, tune into today’s episode where I give you three specific tactics to amp up your power for more joy and energy just from intentionally using a few different words in your daily thoughts and conversations.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTE...


How to Design Your Life AND Follow God’s Will with Kylee Robinson

What’s next for you? What are you intentionally designing your life to be?If you’ve ever struggled to dream and do great things while following God’s will, this episode is for you.On today’s episode, we’re showing you how to break the mold of cultural expectations and waiting in uncertainty so you can hold space to dream, take risks, and figure out what God is asking you to do. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: ● What holds women back from dreaming and the KEY question tha...


3 Things to Say No to and How to Say It

Would having the confidence and skill to say “No” to demands on your time, resources and emotions make your life a lot easier? Yeeeessss 😊When you say “No” to these 3 things, you’ll have MORE mental bandwidth, achieve more goals, and feel so much lighter!Tune in because today’s episode gives you a firm handle on what to say “No” to and HOW to say it. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: ● Why it’s so easy to get sucked into busyness, complexity, and “blockers” ● What you MUST ...


How to Keep Moving Forward When You're Struggling

Have you ever struggled to get back on track after a major loss or disruption in your life? People tell you, “Look at the positive” and “Just keep moving forward” but that’s way easier said than done. On today’s show, I walk you through my client’s struggle to refocus and take care of her family again after what she calls a “bomb that went off and reshuffled everything.” BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: ● Why the reaction to grief and loss is so different for everyon...


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