They have stolen our identity for centuries and are confederate against us ....they also have the audacity to call anyone who speak against them anti-semitic. Well we will show you who the real Anti Semites are in the earth they are still the Synagogue of Satan.
The Truth has been hidden for quite a while but it was prophesied to come to light and yet the lies continue to attempt to blot out the awakening yet they cannot and will not.
The Recompense of The Most High will be a great and terrible thing for the nations.
The Will Smith Debacle ...The Slap was the strike heard round the world and to be honest what we really need to check into is what were they trying to distract us for or from.
We are the true people of the book and within those people we the Israelites are the true prophets not those of our ilk who languish in Colonialized Christianity. We expose in this episode the leaders of the modern Christian movement from Martin Luther to modern church foolishness it's clear we need to repent and come out of these fake so called houses of faith that are really dens of the devil...this episode is our "Kill Shot"
The chickens are coming home to roost and The Synagogue Of Satan has not much more time to hide.
This awakening will not and can be stopped....don't be caught on the wrong side of this history
It is becoming more and more apparent what the truth is and what has been hidden and if you are found to be on the wrong side of this truth it could have eternal ramifications to your spiritual well being. We implore you who are The True Lost Tribes Of Israel to Awaken and until you do we'll keep broadcasting this Apparent Truth.
Unidentified Flying Objects ....Unidentified to Whom? We Know Who They Are....
Soooo if you want truth you can never get it from Fox News or any main stream News but you can definitely get it from the Watchmen of The Most High and we'll give it to you straight no what truth am I speaking of ? The truth that saves lives in a Plandemic
The Vid had yo head spinning and the Vax has some of you in grave danger and you never saw it coming so called anointed Church of Christianity America. Don't worry though, The Watchmen the true men of The Most High will fill in the blanks just sit back shut your trap and learn.
To know who you are in the book is to know your Obligation to The Most High we'll lay it out for you worry not.
Your Leaders have caused you to err so says Isaiah 9:16 but The Watchmen of Israel the True Prophets have returned and we awakened not because of anything other than the Spirit bearing witness with us. That same spirit is beginning to bear witness all over the earth with Pastors in the pulpit who truly have a heart for The Most High and only those with a true heart for The Most High ...we show you a few of those in this episode both of whom are no longer with us and unfortunately one of whom our brother Reggie White formerly an NFL star and a Pastor has passed on maybe through wicked circumstances but the message lives on and will not be stopped!!!!.
The Confusion in the Christian Church as to what occurred on The Day of Pentecost is apparent and once you watch this episode it will be apparently clear that running from Christianity as fast as your feet can carry you is what you must do....
If you adhere to the mindset of our King then you adhere to the F.A.C.T. that this is not his Kingdom and we are not to acclimate into it so as to also not share in the plagues of Babylon but Christianity which is supposed to be representative of Christ wants to acclimate into everything but we are the Lost Tribes and we must adhere to majorly Thy Kingdom Come!!!!
At this point any individual who denies the truth about the true people of the book is simply in denial yet the evidence in this broadcast is ....Undeniable!!!
Another Startling Episode Of RighteousRadio delves into the real reason behind the Ukraine War... LISTEN INTENTLY!!!!
We continue to delve into Galatians to give our people the true and correct Interpretations and precepts for Galatians.
Can These Dry Bones Live "Nuff Said"
Smoldering Soliloquy of Supreme Truth on this episode of RighteousRadio where the Truth is the sound.!!!